
Future Hope – Top 10 Inspiring Reasons to Believe Your Future Is Bright!

Future Hope – Top 10 Inspiring Reasons to Believe Your Future Is Bright!

A Future Filled with Hope and Success

Hope for the future is available…

but it can sometimes seem hard to come by.

It is often said we have our whole life ahead of us.

Yet, many people go through difficult seasons in life and question what there is to look forward to.

No matter where you are, hope for the future is available for you to grab onto.

10 Inspiring Reasons to Believe Your Future is Bright:

1. Mistakes in Life Do Not Have the Final Say

If you make mistakes, you can start over. Mistakes are a part of the growing process and learning curve of life. As we start putting our mistakes in the past, our future begins to look bright.

2. You are a Work in Progress

God has promised to keep on working in you and with you. Growing and developing takes time and we should expect continued personal growth in our future.

3. Never Too Young or Old

You are never too young or old to fill your days with meaning and purpose. Consider Moses: He was 80 years old when God called him to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt!

4. Every Day is a New Day

Each day is new and fresh. You can make the most of each one. If we’ve fallen short today, we can look forward to a new day tomorrow. Thank God that His grace and mercy is new every day. (Lamentations 3:21-23)

5. You are Never Alone

God said He would never leave you or abandon you. (Hebrews 13:5) People may leave us, but God will not. The future is bright knowing God is in it.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit.” — Romans 15:13

6. God Loves You

God loves you unconditionally! God loves you just the way you are. But like the saying goes, He also loves you too much to leave you the way you are.

7. You Have a Purpose in Life

God created you with a purpose and you can discover it. We have all been given unique gifts and talents that help us fulfill our purpose. Discovering our purpose and living it makes the future bright not only for us, but also those around us.

8. God Shall Supply All Your Needs

God will take care of your needs as you seek and obey His Word. (Philippians 4:19) “The Lord is my portion, says my soul: therefore will I hope in Him.” – Lamentations 3:24

9. Mansions in Heaven

God has created a wondrous place in heaven for His children. We have hope that after our life on earth we graduate to eternal life in heaven. “In My Father’s house are many mansions… I go to prepare a place for you.” – John 14:2

10. Guidance from the Most High God

If we trust, rely on, and acknowledge God, He will direct our life. The God that created the universe is available to help guide our life. “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:6

Hope for the future may have faded for you. You may feel like you are in a prison and have no future. But no matter where you are, God has promised to bless you with a future filled with hope and success, not suffering. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Do yourself a favor: Have hope and believe your future is bright. Let the truth of God’s love set you free. God is a miracle-working God. He does not punish us all our life for our mistakes.  He wants us to look forward and not backward. Put your hope and trust in God and allow Him to be an active part of your life.

May your hope be strong, your future bright, and your life full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Feel free to share your thoughts… and thanks to Billy Alexander for this fun image – you can view more of his creative images here.

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Abundance – Want a Powerful 3 Step Formula that Reveals Secret to Your Abundant Prosperity?

Abundance – Want a Powerful 3 Step Formula that Reveals Secret to Your Abundant Prosperity?

Tap Into Your Built-In Potential to Create Prosperity!

Law of Abundant ProsperityAbundant prosperity is a built in potential God has put inside each one of us.

Just because you are unable to see the potential inside yourself at any given moment does not mean it is not there.

You can’t see your emotions or your thoughts, but they are real, and they do exist.

How do you reveal that built in potential and tap into it?

This powerful formula is simple, but extremely effective, and gets results. It’s been taught and explained in many different ways over the years. Why? In an attempt to get people to live the life they were designed to live. How sad to see people go to the grave never accomplishing that thing they were created to do!

From Potential to Potential Realized


Start where you are and begin using the measure of faith God has given you. Just like there is great built in potential for a future harvest inside the smallest seed, your faith has built in potential to manifest abundance.

A seed won’t produce results if it’s not planted. By faith you must plant the seeds of change you wish to harvest in your life.

How do you do that? You set the law of faith into motion with your confessions. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.  (Proverbs 18:21)

By faith, confess (speak) your desire; your belief. Verbally state out loud to yourself what it is you believe to manifest. Faith speaks what it believes.

Understand that faith works in your heart, not in your head. Use your mind to make a plan and decide what it is you need and desire. Then by faith, speak it to get it planted in your heart where it will go to work.

Hearing yourself speak your desire is not only the secret activator of your faith, but it also increases your faith. As your faith grows, you’ll find yourself thinking and talking more often about that thing you need or desire. This positive cycle helps you become fully persuaded; which leads us to the next step.


Faith is described as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1)

In order to manifest your desire, you must have faith that is fully persuaded. It is important to eliminate doubt, wavering, and wishy-washy thinking. Become fully persuaded and certain of what you believe.

Have hope that positive things are coming to pass.

Visualize your desired goal in great detail and keep hopeful and focused on the prize. Have confidence that what you can now only see by faith will manifest in the natural.


It is now time to mix your faith with action. Faith without works is dead. (James 2:20)

The law of faith may be a spiritual law, but it works along with natural laws. If you believe, then you’ll take action; which is required to get results.

The farmer doesn’t plant seed unless he believes it will produce a harvest. After sowing the seed, his work is still not done. It requires more work tending to it. Even after it is fully grown it still requires massive action to reap the harvest.

Also keep in mind; everything produces after its kind and you reap what you sow. Speak only your desired result or solution, not the problem. Keep your thoughts, words, and actions lined up with your desired belief.  If you let fear or unwanted thoughts creep in, then you’ll soon have an unwanted harvest.

Now go use this formula in your life. Exercise your faith and put it to good use. For ultimate results, find out what the Word of God has to say over your situation and speak it. Tap into your potential and reveal abundant prosperity.

May your faith increase and your life be full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Have any of these steps helped you manifest prosperity in your life?

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Powerful Spiritual Meditation – Why Should Christians Meditate?

Powerful Spiritual Meditation – Why Should Christians Meditate?

The Powerful “Lost Art” of Christian Meditation

Powerful Spiritual MeditationChristian meditation is a choice and a positive, life transforming choice at that.

The Bible makes it clear that meditation is for His children.

However, meditation seems to be a “lost art” for most believers these days. 

Yet whether we realize it or not, as Christians today we have a deep spiritual need to meditate.

This is the reason many believers so easily get drawn into evil spiritual activity, which the Bible warns about often.

The list of reasons why Christians should meditate is practically endless. Let’s look at some of the key purposes of biblical meditation.

God Commands Us to Meditate on His Word

How about the fact that the Bible commands us to? God says to meditate on His Word day and night so we will obey it.

“…you shall meditate day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written…” 
— Joshua 1:8

How can we do and obey without first having an understanding of what is required? Meditation on the kingdom of God way of living gives us that knowledge. It also empowers us to act on it.

Meditation Helps Manifest God’s Blessings and Promises in Our Life

Manifestation of the blessings and promises of God are a result of meditating on scripture. As we meditate, our understanding of God and His ways will draw us closer to Him.

Our faith and love will increase along with the desire to please God in a greater way. Meditation, and the gathering of knowledge alone, will not manifest results. Action on this revealed knowledge is required to receive the blessings.

In the same verse quoted earlier we see that it goes on to say that blessing can be expected when we meditate and then act on God’s Word.

“…then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.” 
— Joshua 1:8

Revelation of God’s Laws Benefits Society

God’s word is packed full of eternal mysteries just waiting for the diligent, faithful believer to discover. And just as discoveries in the natural world, benefit society, so do spiritual discoveries reflected in the living Word of God.

Electricity has always been, but think about how the discovery of this law greatly impacted the world. With discovery comes progress. And the discoveries found in God’s laws have the greatest power for transformation.

Case in point: Meditation on the laws of God’s kingdom can take us out of the spiritual Stone Age and into a life where spiritual wonders and miracles await.

Are you ready to make Christian meditation a habit in your life?

God bless you,

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What Is Christian Meditation And Why Is It Vital For You To Know?

What Is Christian Meditation And Why Is It Vital For You To Know?

A Look Into Christian Meditation

Christian Mediation on God's WordChristian meditation is based on God’s Word: The Bible.

There are various techniques, methods, and ways to meditate.

The important thing, as a believer, is to understand what it is and how this powerful practice transforms lives.

The truth is: A key to a successful and prosperous life is discovering what Christian meditation is and making it a daily habit in life.

Christian Meditation Defined

To meditate is to ponder, think deeply, affirm, contemplate, think over, muse, reflect, speculate, memorize, confess, pray, recite, sing, speak, and practice focused study on the Word of God.

The Bible says that those who delight in the law of the Lord, and in His law meditate day and night, they are blessed. (Psalm 1:1-2).

Meditation is sometimes referred to as our spiritual digestive system; which breaks down the Word of God and digests it in our spirit.

“Your words were found, and I did eat them; and your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart: for I am called by your name, O LORD God of hosts.” 
— Jeremiah 15:16

Meditate on the Word of God by taking it in and chewing on it over and over. Consider it part of your daily nutrition, just as you do your regular meals. You might know that a meal is full of vital nutrients. You might be able to see and smell that it is good. However, it is quite obvious that the food will not nourish and benefit your life until you consume it and eat it.

Christian Meditation in Action

Christian meditation involves the process of actively thinking on scriptures. We give ourselves to the study of the Word by immersing ourselves in it in various ways. It also involves praying over it and asking God to give us understanding by His Spirit; who promised to lead us in all truth.

“The Spirit of truth will guide you in all truth.” 
— John 16:13

Following the discovery and understanding of these truths, we are to put them into action in our lives. A commitment is made to make the things of God our standard for daily living.

Meditate on the Word of God until it becomes more real to you than anything else. Begin to make the power of meditation a daily habit. Then act on the truths revealed by the Holy Spirit. This will cause spiritual growth in your life and bring success.

Real knowledge, revelation, and success in life come from the habit of meditating on God’s Word.

No doubt about it: God places a great emphasis on His Word. Scripture tells us that He sustains everything by His Word. So as Christian believers, we should also place a great emphasis on it and daily meditate on the life transforming power of God’s Word

Are you ready to make Christian meditation a priority in your life?

God bless you,

P.S. Please feel free to share any thoughts, comments, questions, or suggestions you may have…

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Growing Prosperity – Build Your Financial World a Little at a Time and You Will Increase!

Growing Prosperity – Build Your Financial World a Little at a Time and You Will Increase!

Abundant Prosperity a Little at a Time

Build Your Financial World Little by LittleGrowing prosperity is the best way to have financial abundance.

Grow it step-by-step and little-by-little.

Lasting success comes a little at a time.

Have you been found guilty of chasing after some get rich quick schemes that sounded too good to pass by?

Well you are not alone.

People are doing the very same thing daily.

I must confess I have had my own share of chasing down the wrong path and I learned a valuable lesson!

Get Your Riches Quick – Lose Your Riches Quick

Wealth that is gained quickly diminishes and fades away. In most cases, it is the result of being spent foolishly with no long-term benefit. Proverbs has a verse that tries to warn us and help us with this.

“Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathers by labor shall increase.” —  Proverbs 13:11

I’m not shocked that many people waste time looking for ways to get rich quick. But it is unfortunate. And one doesn’t have to look far to find something to chase after. 

Do any of these sound familiar? Find out how to make a seven figure income monthly on autopilot with no work involved. Win a billion dollars in the lottery and be set for life. Or enter the latest sweepstakes to win lots of money.

Abundant Prosperity – A Little at a Time

When we build our financial world a little at a time, it will increase. A dollar may not look significant these days, but it is. Even the small things will begin to add up when they are added to each other.

Right off the bat we must value and manage the little before we can manage a lot. We have to be faithful stewards with the finances we have if we want God to trust us with true riches. (Luke 16:11)

It never fails; when we do honest work for our money, we increase. God says He will increase us when we gather by labor; just like the end of Proverbs 13:11 says in the quote above.

Honest work gets results. Notice also that the two words “honest” and “work” are missing from the get rich quick plans.

Do yourself a favor: Don’t trust in quick riches that are soon gone. Build your financial world a little at a time, and experience the long-term benefits of success and abundant prosperity. Doing things God’s way brings lasting success and financial abundance.

May you build your financial world little-by-little and experience growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Abundance of God! Can You Unlock Prosperity by 3 Tried and True Keys?

Abundance of God! Can You Unlock Prosperity by 3 Tried and True Keys?

Unlock Unlimited Abundance and Growing Prosperity!


Unlock the Abundance of GodThe abundance of God provides material, physical, emotional, and spiritual prosperity.

Tapping into His source is tapping into a never ending flow.

How can ungodly people experience financial success?

This is a commonly asked question. You need to understand that anyone can reach a level of prosperity by simply following natural laws.

However, a supernatural prosperity is available by also following God’s spiritual laws for success.

Start enjoying the good life God has made available for you!

3 Tried and True Keys to Unlock Your Prosperity:


He owns everything. You need to recognize you only manage the things in your possession. All your abilities, talents, and possessions come from God.

Note, the one thing you are allowed to have ownership of, is your will. You can make your own choices and determine how you want to live. When you choose to partner with God and acknowledge Him, you cannot fail!

In Chronicles 26:5 it reminds us that as long as we seek the Lord, He will make us to prosper.


God has set up natural laws for you to live by. These include laws, that when followed, help attract prosperity into your life. Time has proven them to be successful.

The four primary natural laws that determine your measure of abundance are: mind, money, time, and relationships.

First, you must get control of your thought life and manage your mind. Choose to think positive and envision the life you desire. These thoughts will then get planted into your subconscious, which goes to work making them a reality.

Manage the money you have. God says we have to be faithful with the little we have before we can be trusted with more. Learn to budget, tithe, give generously, shop smart, invest wisely, live within your means, etcetera.

Control your time and use it wisely. We all have the same amount of hours in a day. Make the right choices to plan and prioritize your day to accomplish more.

Your relationships can make you or break you. You should never underestimate the influence that those around you have. Choose your friends and companions wisely.


Have faith in the promises of God. They are true and like money in the bank. You can depend on God’s Word to come to pass. His Word has the power to bring riches greater than financial into your life.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” – 3 John 2

The measure you sow is the measure you reap, and you will reap what you sow in life.

Seek God’s kingdom first and turn your life over to Him. Psalm 84:11 tells us that He withholds no good thing from them that walk uprightly. Things don’t always manifest overnight, so learn to walk by faith and keep your trust in the living God.

Truth be told: Nothing is impossible when God is on the scene. So seek Him and partner up. Seeking and obeying God’s laws is the key to unlock unlimited prosperity and abundance.

May you tap into God’s unlimited abundance and continue to experience growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. How are these working in your life?

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Positive Attitude – How Can Positive Thinking Revolutionize Your Life for Success?

Positive Attitude – How Can Positive Thinking Revolutionize Your Life for Success?

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking PowerPositive thinking has been promoted as a must have character trait for years.

Many believe in the power of positive thinking…

and many more think it is just a bunch of nonsense.

The kicker is: They are both right!

Positive thinking is related to your beliefs. So the catch is; if you believe it does not work then it won’t. And if you believe it does work, well, then it will.

However, that being said, the main reason it does not work for non-believers is because of their negative belief; they don’t even give it a try. But anyone can get positive results and will tend to become believers of positive thinking once they put it into action.

Norman Vincent Peale once said:

“If you have zest and enthusiasm you attract zest and enthusiasm. Life does give back in kind.”

Once you start to plant seeds of positive thinking, it begins a chain reaction. It encourages those around you and that in turn encourages you.

It is contagious…

When you choose to think positive, you will eventually speak and act positive.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 
— Proverbs 23:7

If you water and tend to the positive thoughts planted in your mind they begin to grow and take root in your heart.  What’s in your heart is the true reflection of who you are.

Keep in mind: There is no harm in living with a positive outlook. But there is great harm in living with a negative outlook.

Just like a joke or a smile can break the tension in a group of people, your positive thoughts have the power to break the tension and discouragement in your life and move you toward success.

Clear the negative thoughts that may be planted in your mind by daily watering the positive ones. Do this by speaking to yourself daily something similar to the following positive affirmation:

“I was intended to express joy and success. I am victory minded. God created me to win out in life. I was born to live life with peace and hope.”

If any of this rings true: Start planting positive seeds of change and watch as the positive vibes you send out result in your own harvest. The fact that you are reading this is a great indication that the seeds of change are already there. Now go start watering your positive attitude.

May your heart be abundantly positive and your life full of growing prosperity!

God bless you –


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Happiness – How Can Your Passion Jumpstart a Happier You?

Happiness – How Can Your Passion Jumpstart a Happier You?

Give Your Spirit an Extreme Power Boost!

Happiness as a lifestyle is expressing our contentment and satisfaction through cheerful speech, laughter, and other joyful responses.

Yet sometimes the happy times start to fade and our words are no longer so cheerful.

Our face doesn’t look so bright….

And laughter is not even on the scale.

How can you cultivate more of the positive happy emotion in your life?

Get the ball rolling by discovering your passion.

This is a great way to jumpstart a happier you. Passion is a powerful driving force. Being able to actively pursue the things you are passionate about brings great satisfaction and in turn great happiness.

God created you to express joy and success, not gloom and failure. His plan is that you win out in life and not be defeated. You were born for happiness and peace, not misery and perpetual anxiety and discouragement.

Inside of you is a great plan and purpose uniquely created just for you. Tapping into this God given gift is the power to move you to be the successful, happy being your Creator intended.

Discover what you are passionate about and pursue it. Passion gives an extreme power boost to your spirit and emotional well being. If you are unsure of your passion, take some time to reflect on it.

So what are you passionate about?

Simply start asking yourself what you are passionate about. What sort of things do you like to do or wish you could do more of? What have you been putting off for someday? Find a way to make it part of your life now.

Doing what you are passionate about in life brings great happiness to you and others. The painter must paint. The healer must heal. The teacher must teach. The helper must help. The writer must write. I think you get my point. Pursue your passion and watch the happiness naturally manifest in your life.

“Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yes, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”
— Psalm 35:27

Do yourself a favor, and society, and put your unique gifts and talents to work. God never intended His children to be miserable and unhappy. Choose to step into His great plan for your life and discover your passion. Then watch as it unfolds and brings abundant happiness. 🙂

May you live a cheerful, passionate life of growing prosperity!


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