
Abundant Living – Top 10 Reasons Why a Partnership with God is Critical!

Abundant Living – Top 10 Reasons Why a Partnership with God is Critical!

Partner with God and Discover How to Manifest the Abundant Life

Partnership with God in Abundant LoveAbundant living is possible. Is your life currently a far cry from abundance? Are you experiencing unemployment, job loss, debt, sickness, anxiety, marriage troubles, depression, and similar hardships, and ready to through in the towel?

Hear this: Do NOT quit!

Regardless of your situation, there is One who has the ability to move you from the painful pit of poverty and despair to the highest mountain top of prosperous living.

Living a full prosperous life in spirit, mind, and body requires partnership with God, the creator and source of all.  Life takes on a whole new meaning and a higher power when we live in constant realization of our at-one-ment with our Creator, our partnership with the loving, good God. 

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Partnership with God is Critical for Living the Abundant Life:

1) STRENGTH – The nearer you are to God the greater your strength. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31)

2) POWER to CREATE and INVENT – A closer relationship and consciousness with God, provides more power to create and invent because you draw upon the limitless resources of an unlimited God.  His power works through us to glorify His name. (Romans 9:17)

3) WISDOM – Your partnership, with the God of infinite wisdom, allows you to tap into His wisdom. He says if we lack wisdom to ask and He will give it to us generously. (James 1:5)

4) HOPE – Realization of your divine partnership with God will enlarge your life and multiply your effectiveness with hope in Him. It will take away feelings of hopelessness, uncertainty and inability to overcome the storms of life.  God’s plans are to give us hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

5) NO FEAR – When you take God into full, complete partnership, you will not fear. Your life’s ventures cannot end in disappointment. With God we are led into abundant pastures, beside still waters, and He says we will fear no evil. (Psalm 23)

6) MIRACLES – As God’s partner, He is able to perform miracles through us. Every great artist, writer, inventor, or healer that has done a miraculous thing, is conscious of the greater divine source of God working through them.  God can make your tongue as the pen of a skilled writer. (Psalm 45:1)

7) SUCCESS & HAPPINESS – To have real success requires taking God into partnership and lining up your purpose and ambitions with His will. When your career and life does not run counter to God’s plan, but is in tune and contributes and benefits society, your cooperation will bring true happiness and success. In Him we live and move and have our being.  (Acts 17:28)

8 ) HONESTY – Taking God into partnership means that you must not only be honest, but that you must be robustly honest. You cannot lie, cheat, steal, or take advantage of anyone. It is impossible for God to lie. (Hebrews 6:18)

9) LOVE – Partnership with God requires walking in love and loving Him. God is a god of love and what is life without love? God tells us to do all things in love and that love never fails. We are told that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. (Romans 8:28) 

10) PEACE – When you take God into partnership, and you are conscious of doing His work, you have a life of peace and security. With God’s great light in your life you can feel safe and reassured that you will not lose your way.  We are told the Lord will bless his people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)

I could go on and on. The fact is, with God as your partner you will have a new zest in life to attain the higher things that are worthwhile and of eternal value. Working in harmony with God allows you to inherit the best from the King of kings and enjoy a prosperous and abundant life.

May your partnership with God increase your growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing,

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Are You Tuned Into the Prosperity Channel?

Are You Tuned Into the Prosperity Channel?

How to Enjoy a Prosperous Life by Tuning Into the Right Channel!

Prosperity requires being tuned into the right thought channel. What we choose to tune into, watch, listen, and absorb, is what we can expect to see in our lives.

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

If you want to find out what the weather forecast is, you tune into the weather channel. You don’t watch the cartoon channel expecting to get the weather forecast.

Okay, so let me ask you, why do you tune into the poverty channel on a daily basis expecting prosperity? Watching the poverty channel is only going to bring you more poverty. 

Don’t you think today is a good day to quit flipping channels and make a choice to only watch the prosperity channel in your mind and heart? We know that we are what we think in our heart (Prov. 23:7). So tune your thoughts and heart into what you want to become and manifest.

To get results you must only allow your heart and mind to play success movies. Your thoughts should continually be replaying the movie of your desired life. Take the time daily to watch it in high definition with full clarity and surround sound effects. Put yourself fully in that movie until it begins to feel real.

A Sneak Preview of Your Life Ahead

The God Channel is the Success ChannelThe prosperity and abundance conscious movie must be created to order as desired. This specifically created movie that you consistently play in your mind will soon become your reality. If you don’t purpose to tune into a channel of success, then you’ll be stuck watching the default poverty channel. And poverty is attracted to the one whose mind is focused on it, just as wealth, abundance, and success is attracted to the one whose mind has deliberately prepared to attract it, by tuning into the correct channel.

Your subconscious mind works continuously while you are awake and asleep. It works on attracting the movies you’ve been watching and the channels you’ve tuned into. If you don’t want to keep manifesting a life from some bad re-runs, then TURN the CHANNEL!

The Big Picture

We know from the Word of God that our God has a good plan for us. He desires His children to prosper and that when we give, it is given back to us abundantly. So for the ultimate success in life, never turn off the God channel. Always keep God tuned in. 🙂

May you purpose to tune into the right channel in life and experience growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing,

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Self-Esteem – 7 Strategies Boost Your Personal Image with Amazing Results!

Self-Esteem – 7 Strategies Boost Your Personal Image with Amazing Results!

Boost Your Confidence With These Seven Strategies

Self-esteem anConfidenced the image we carry of ourselves is a powerful driving force in our lives. Do you lack self-confidence to accomplish things and move yourself ahead in life? Do you feel timid, fearful, and overwhelmingly anxious way to often?

If any of this rings true, then make a choice to start changing things.

The self-image or concept we have of ourselves and the self-respect we give ourselves should be given great attention and importance.

These seven strategies will help boost your image as you begin to discover the powerful, unlimited opportunities within you:

1) Acknowledge your Creator. Know that you are a child of God. Begin to see yourself and your life the way God sees you. You are a child of God and overcome, because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

2) Meditation and affirmations should be a daily routine. Think and speak what you want. It’s only a matter of time until what you think about and how you see yourself on the inside is what your life will look like on the outside. Example affirmation: God has given me a spirit of power and love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

3) Healthy lifestyle choices provide maximum performance. Having great confidence requires doing the best with the body you’ve been given. Eat right, exercise, monitor what you watch and listen to. Learn to love and laugh often.

4) Acknowledge your strengths & abilities. Take inventory of what you are good at. We’ve all been given special gifts and talents. You’ll be empowered as you find ways to build on your strengths.

5) Celebrate the small victories! Learn to celebrate you and the small victories in life. This helps increase your confidence and encourage you to continue moving onto greater victories.

6) Notice and express the good in others. Acknowledging the positive qualities in others is excellent practice for learning to acknowledge your own positive qualities. And don’t forget, we reap what we sow.  As you are generous in your compliments to others, others will be generous in their compliments to you. A great self-esteem booster!

7) Nip fear in the bud daily. Fear is a great handicap that hinders growth and only allows us to see the negative side of things. Become conscious of fearful thoughts quickly. Memorize some positive affirmations to use as replacements for fearful thoughts that try to attack your mind.

The bottom line is this: Going through life with low self-esteem, feeling like an incapable, unworthy, low-life nobody will simply turn you into that. So let’s agree to put a stop to that today!

One of the greatest things you can do for yourself and others is to uncover the capable, powerful, confident person inside yourself. The real you is just waiting to be discovered. God has a purpose and a plan for your life, made just for you. Live successful and take steps daily to boost your self-esteem.

May you discover your true potential and continue to experience growing prosperity!

Soar higher in Him,

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How Does My Faith Affect My Prosperity? Discover Abundance Tapping Faith

How Does My Faith Affect My Prosperity?

Discover Abundance Tapping Faith

Having little faith equals having little prosperity in your life. It is important that you learn how to take daily steps to increase your faith.

Faith opens the door to unlimited creative power, resources, success and abundance. No one can advance further in life than the level of their faith in God, themselves, and in their missions in life. Faith leads to every great achievement. A lack of faith simply equals a lack of prosperity because it prevents you from reaching your desired outcome.

Our faith is not just empty fantasy, but a positive substance. It is a real creative force. It is a force that produces.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Faith leads to every great achievement. Faith does not think or guess. It knows and sees the way out. The person supported by faith persists and achieves what they go after. It is through faith that the greatest discoveries and inventions are made.

The lack of faith in your life toward God, yourself, or your purpose is a hindering factor in being prosperous and successful. As human beings it seems to be such a difficult task to discover the great possibilities within ourselves and establish the faith needed to inspire and pursue our ambitions.

How do we increase our faith and unlock that enormous power within us?

In Romans 10:17 we are told that faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God. Notice it tells us that faith comes by not just hearing once but hearing over and over. Also take note that it requires hearing the Word of God.  We can have a measure of faith in a lot of areas, but without a growing faith in God’s Word, we limit ourselves.

Faith is emphasized more than almost any other thing throughout the Bible. The miraculous power of faith to achieve and to accomplish is constantly being emphasized. Christ said many times, “According to thy faith be it unto you.” He emphasized the two words ‘faith’ and ‘belief’ more than all others. These seemed to be the magic words that tapped into a tremendous force more powerful than plugging into electricity.

God made you for success, not failure. He wants you to prosper. So encourage yourself daily with positive affirmations and find out what God’s Word has to say about who you are. Increasing your faith daily keeps the doubts away. Use great faith to prosper and be the magnificent success God intended you to be! :0)

May you experience growing prosperity in your life as your faith increases daily!

Be blessed,

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