Growing Prosperity

Growing Prosperity: Walk in the Abundance of God and Prosperous Health!

Growing Prosperity: Walk in the Abundance of God and Prosperous Health!

Claim the Divine Healing Power of God in Your Life

Walk in Prosperous HealthProsperous health is a wonderful thing to have.

We all know that when our health is in tip-top condition

we feel like we can conquer the world.

Yet when sickness attacks, it becomes a chore

just to make it through the day.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.”
— 3 John 2

The truth about the abundance of God is that it is full of His grace and mercy. His love goes out to everyone. He provides us with immune systems, doctors, and medicine to help us fight off sickness and disease in the physical realm.

And it gets even better for the children of God. Why? Because sickness and disease are not only fought off by the immune system, which is God’s grace in our body, but it can also be fought off in the spiritual realm! How? With God’s Word!

Prosperous Words for Prosperous Health

Your words are powerful. Speak God’s Word and you won’t go wrong. Don’t simply remind yourself of His Word. Get serious, stir yourself up, and start quoting, praying, and confessing scriptures and tell your body to line up with the Word.

Proverbs 12:18 says that “the tongue of the wise is health.” Why does it say that? Because just a few chapters later it says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” (Proverbs 18:21)

So choose to speak wisely and stop dwelling on the problem.

Speak Prosperous Health

Search the abundance of God for His healing benefits:

  • He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. (Psalm 107:20)
  • Do not forget My teaching, but keep My commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. (Proverbs 3:1-2)
  • I am the Lord that healeth thee. (Exodus 15:26)
  • Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases. (Psalm 103:2-3)

Thank God for His healing benefits and begin to use words like these as your own. And remember divine health comes from spending time with the Healer.

Prosper Physically, Spiritually, and Emotionally

Just because spiritual things are more powerful than physical things doesn’t mean you can ignore the physical body. Trying to separate spirit, soul, and body can’t be done. They all work together to make up you.

You are a spirit, who has a soul, that resides in a God created body. Ignoring one part is disastrous. It is important to strike a balance in your life so that you use what is in you physically, spiritually, and emotionally to live a complete and prosperous life.

Ignoring a part of you creates an unhealthy balance. Eating anything the flesh wants would be neglecting the body. Allowing anything into your thought life and failing to renew your mind with God’s Word would be neglecting the soul, which is the mind, will, and emotions.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Well you can have a testimony of the miraculous healing power of God. His Word covers all sickness and disease and is more credible and powerful than any family medical history.

God is omnipotent and He knows no limitations. Put His Word to work in your life.

Some food for thought: Your body will do what you tell it to do. What you put in your mind, spirit, and body all affects your body. So, if you are searching for divine prosperous health, then you need to get a balance; spirit, soul, and body.

May you walk in prosperous health from the abundance of God and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you always,


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Powerful Leadership – 5 Crucial Skills Required to Become a Great Leader!

Powerful Leadership – 5 Crucial Skills Required to Become a Great Leader!

Great Leaders Commit to Developing Key Skills

Great Leaders Develop Crucial SkillsPowerful leadership requires a commitment

to developing key personal skills and abilities.

Great leaders must have a driving desire

to make things happen.

If you want to be the head and not the tail,

then you must fine tune key leadership skills in order to become effective so that others will want to follow.

Some people are born with natural talents that lend themselves to becoming a great leader. But despite the fact that you might have been born with some of these talents, it still takes continual enthusiasm, drive, and experience for true development as a leader to occur.

5 Crucial Skills Needed to Become a Great Leader

1. Vision

Leaders need to know the vision of their group or organization. They must have a clear sense of purpose. Knowing the organization’s goals and objectives, how the organization works, and being able to communicate the vision to others, helps put everyone on the same page.

Leaders need to help others catch a personal vision of the big picture, so that everyone is moving in the same direction on the road to success.

2. Encouragement

Leadership is not about using harassment or fear as a driving force to get others to take action. Great leaders encourage others to accomplish the goals of the group. Encouragement is contagious and it benefits everyone when it is flowing freely.

3. Trust

Trustworthiness is vital to great leadership. Your followers must have trust and confidence in you. And if they do, they will go to great lengths for you and the group.

Strong relationships, trustworthiness, and high ethics build trust and confidence. Leaders that deal with people in a positive way, lay a foundation of strength for the group. Stronger relationships equal a stronger measure of trust and confidence in the capabilities of the leader.

4. Communication

Communication is crucial skill of a leader. You must be able to clearly communicate the goals and objectives that you are all about to undertake as an organization. A leader’s vision and plan must be clearly communicated to others in order to keep everyone on the same page.

5. Judgment

Great leaders have great judgment. If you want to grow as a leader, you must continue to improve and develop your judgment and decision making skills.

Leaders need to make wise decisions in a variety of situations. Your followers will come to rely on your judgment. Good, wise decision making is crucial to the success of a leader and the organization.

Keep in mind: In life we all eventually find ourselves in a leadership role, in some shape or form, big or small. And the Lord wants to see His children become strong leaders and He gives them instructions and tells them how they can be.

“And the LORD shall make you the head, and not the tail; and you shall be above only, and you shall not be beneath; if that you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God…to observe and to do them.”
— Deuteronomy 28:13

Conclusion: Leaders lead. Leaders have followers and you’re not much of a leader if no one is following. Being a great leader is about constantly growing, developing, and setting an example, because you are a reflection of what your followers must be. Develop these five crucial skills and demonstrate powerful leadership.

May you develop your skills to grow into a powerful, effective leader and experience much growing prosperity!

Soar higher in Him,

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Tithe Rap Video – A Fun Look at the Important Principle of Tithing!

Tithe Rap Video – A Fun Look at the Important Principle of Tithing!

Tithe Rap Video

Here is a fun video that takes a look at the important principle of tithing.

As Christians we are often way to serious, and we have to remind ourselves to lighten up and have a good laugh once in awhile!

“God loves a cheerful giver.”
— 2 Corinthians 9:7

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse…and prove me now, saith the Lord, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
— Malachi 3:10

Enjoy this video and Have a Blessed Day!


P.S. If you are looking for an excellent resource on tithing, you’ll want to check out “The Path To Wealth.”

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Achievement: Why Live with Regrets When You Can Live to Succeed?

Achievement: Why Live with Regrets When You Can Live to Succeed?

Achieve Success With No Regrets!

Achieve Success With No Regrets!Achievement is connected to our

personal growth and that is a lifelong

learning process of ups and downs.

Do you let setbacks, failed ventures, or

wrong choices weigh you down with regrets?

Refuse to let your life fill up with regrets.

Why? Because living in a state of regret will hinder your personal growth and ability to achieve success.

The Pain Of Regret

Regret is a feeling or sense of sorrow or remorse over a past choice. Regret is like a first cousin to condemnation. They both leave us feeling guilty, defective, and unhappy.

In the short term, this can actually be a positive thing…

  • It is like a wake-up call to show us how our life got off course.
  • It makes us take a look at the choices we have been making in life.
  • It makes us realize we can’t live this life on our own and it is important to cry out to the Lord for help.

“The godly cry out and the Lord hears; He saves them from all their troubles.”
— Psalm 34:17

We can, and should, learn from our mistakes and successes on our journey of life. And no doubt, living with regret and condemnation is a negative, low confidence, unhealthy state to be in. It keeps us stuck and unable to move forward.

“The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in Him.”
— Psalm 34:22

Remember: we have been blessed with the gift of life and a purpose for our time here on this earth. Why live in a way that causes constant regrets, and even worse, regrets we may have once we are in heaven and look back on how we lived our lives?

Success Is Full Of Challenges

The road to success is full of challenges and struggles. Achievement in any degree requires work, and often an outright battle. The storms of life can blow through and make it a fight just to survive at times, let alone stay on track pursuing our goals and desires.

“A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all.”
— Psalm 34:19

If you look back in history, the greatest, most successful individuals had to invest a lot of effort in order to successfully achieve their goals. They had to push through their challenges with much determination. So we shouldn’t be surprised at the labor involved in achieving our goals.

Live With Purpose to Succeed

Live with no regrets by choosing to fight through the battles that come your way. Don’t quit. Run the race to finish – run the race to win.

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…looking unto Jesus.”
— Hebrews 12:1-2

Take a moment to feel the pain of past regrets. No doubt you prefer to avoid those feelings of remorse, caused from not having done something you should have, or for making poor choices.

Today is the day to say no more regrets. Do not be afraid to step out and give the thing you know you should be doing a try. Do everything in your power to achieve it. Don’t give up at the first hurdle in your way. Learn to move beyond your mistakes. We all make them.

And remember always: “There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 1:8)

Purpose to make positive choices in life and avoid future regrets. Leave the past in the past and move forward with no regrets.

Put this to the test right away: Maintain the mindset that you will always do your best to achieve whatever task is at hand. Strive to be the best person you can possibly be. Live life with no regrets – live to succeed.

May you choose to always do your best, live an amazing, successful life with no regrets, full of growing prosperity!

Soar higher in Him –


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Parenting – Is It the Job of a Parent to Teach Their Children the Truth About God?

Parenting – Is It the Job of a Parent to Teach Their Children the Truth About God?

Be a Parent that Brings Blessings for Generations to Come!

Parenting BlessingsParenting children is one of the

greatest responsibilities on earth.

Our children are a precious gift

from God and it is our job as parents

to train them up to live productive,

healthy lives; spiritually, physically, and financially.

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” 
— Proverbs 22:6

Is God faithful and trustworthy? What does that mean to you and your children? As parents we need to know and teach the truth about God to our children; it is our job.

If Not You, Then Who?

Oh, the times, they are busy, chaotic, and confusing! And because of this it is very important to understand that the chances of our children learning the truth about God and about Jesus Christ may not come if we don’t teach them.

We need to make it a priority to be living examples and share the vital truths with our families. There is nothing more important in our lives than salvation for the loved ones we care about and are responsible for. It is dangerous to live with the belief so many have; that they will go to heaven just because they are a good person.

The simple fact is; we are responsible for what our children learn and are taught. Even if they go to school, Sunday school, etcetera, it is our job to make sure they have been taught what they need to know and that they have been taught correctly.

“Do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” 
— Deuteronomy 4:9

The Buck Stops Here

It is very easy in today’s society to “pass the buck.” We just send the kids off here and there and let someone else do all the work. There is nothing wrong with others teaching our children, but it is up to us to determine and choose who and what.

Ultimately, if our child graduates from high school and cannot read, it is our fault as a parent, it is not the fault of the school teachers or school system. If our children only know about Jesus and do not know Him personally, it is not the fault of the Sunday school teacher; it is our fault as parents.

And think about this: Parents who love their children deep enough will be concerned for their children’s welfare and will build a solid spiritual foundation for them during their childhood years. (Psalm 78:4-5)

The Bible is important and declares the truth about God; it is His Word. God our creator wants us to let His Word speak to us and our families. He wants to equip and empower us with knowledge, wisdom, and truth so that we have a firm foundation and will not be deceived.

“That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments.” 
— Psalm 78:7

It gets even better. God has a unique plan for each of us, including our children; a plan to prosper us and give us hope. He left us with instructions for right living so that we can please God and enjoy His promises and blessings in our lives. Parenting can be a difficult job when done right, but a job done right as a parent brings many blessings for generations to come!

May you as a parent, teach your children the truth about God and His Word, so that your family through many generations may enjoy His abundant growing prosperity!

God bless you –


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Abundant Attitude – Think Like a Prosperous Winner and Stop Whining!

Abundant Attitude – Think Like a Prosperous Winner and Stop Whining!

Think Abundance – Attract Abundance

Abundant Attitude and Prosperous ThoughtsAbundance is all around us in many ways.

The abundance of God is a never ending supply and flow.

In order to see and tap into this supply requires

an abundant attitude.

God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all

that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. (Ephesians 3:20)

A Prosperous Winner or a Poor Whiner?

There is so much whining and complaining going on these days. I’m sure today alone you’ve heard someone complain about school, family, friends, work, the boss, lack of money, traffic, waiting in line, and more.

What happened to a little gratitude and appreciation? Where is the thankfulness for all the abundant blessing in our lives?

For those whining about their boss and job, there are many who would be more than thankful to have a job with even the worst boss. For all those complainers, there are many people in worse situations that would gladly trade places with them.

Choose not to worry, whine, and complain about life’s challenging circumstances. They only thing whining will accomplish is to attract more of the negative things you are whining about.

Put on an Abundant Attitude and Think Prosperous

The Word of God has the power to cause us to prosper, but we have to put it to work in our lives by meditating on it, speaking it, and doing it.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 
— Proverbs 23:7

Keep your life in perspective and have an abundant attitude by giving God thanks for all that is going well and all you are blessed with. Think and focus on the positive and attract a greater flow of the abundance of God in your life.

When God’s Word and His principles are first place in our lives, our attitudes and thoughts will begin to line up with His, and we’ll act accordingly.

“Then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” 
— Joshua 1:8

Speak and confess success and the abundance of God flowing in your life. The power of His Word at work in our hearts will cause us to have thankful, grateful hearts; able to see the blessings all around us.

Is the abundance of God flowing in your life? God has created a system that will produce abundance in our lives. Blessings will come to those who operate in it; even when others experience lack. Choose to think prosperous and put on an abundant attitude!

May you have an abundant attitude and a life flowing with growing prosperity!

Be Blessed to Be a Blessing –


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Successful Living – Discover a Crucial Step in Getting from Problem to Solution!

Successful Living – Discover a Crucial Step in Getting from Problem to Solution!

Walk in Obedience and Live Victorious and Successful

Successful and Victorious Living!Successful living requires effort

and there is no getting around that fact.

We have to always be willing to do

our part as problems arise.

God wants us to live victorious and successful

and He has a wonderful answer to any problem

that shows up in our lives.

But let me remind you: We have to do our part to get from our problem to that solution.

The Supernatural Quick Fix

Who doesn’t want an instant, push-button, quick fix these days? As soon as a person has a problem in today’s society, they seem to expect someone else to provide an instant solution.

They want the pastor or church leaders to personally pray over them and hope for an easy “supernatural quick fix.” They want a person or organization to bail them out of their trouble. They expect God to do a miracle, and do it now!

Of course, turning to your pastor and church leaders for prayer and expecting a miracle from God, in time of need is a good thing.

However, the issue that comes into play with this plan of action, is when there is a refusal to walk in daily, simple obedience to God’s Word, and the guidance He provides us through our pastors and church ministers.

The Crucial Step of Obedience

Life is full of challenges and problems for all of us. Big and small they come and go on a daily basis and the best way to live successful is to live by faith, in obedience to God’s Word.

God has left us a great instruction book, the Bible, to help us live in victory. God expects His children to pray and seek Him and His Word for answers on a daily basis. And we are not to only listen and hear instruction, but we are to also be obedient to take action on what we hear.

Those who hear the Word of God and are obedient to also act on what they’ve heard, are the ones who build a strong, solid foundation and the storms of life do not shake them.

“Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings, and does them…is like a man which built a house, and dug deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.” 
— Luke 6:47-48

Walk in Obedience and Walk in Blessings

Obedience to God’s Word never goes unrewarded. Walk in obedience and you’ll walk in blessings.

God gives us His Word, along with pastors and ministers who act according to His Word. They help instruct us in the Word and teach us how to apply it in our lives. Our part is to be obedient to act on the Word of the Lord by faith, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

“Why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” 
— Luke 6:46

If we take offense at the instructions we don’t want to hear and do, if we walk away from those who try to correct us when we are off course, and if we get angry at God and His ministers, then our lives will continue unproductive and unsuccessful.

Faith in God and His Word is richly rewarded. Acting on the Word of God is a crucial step of obedience in getting from the problem we now face to God’s wonderful solution awaiting us.

Your next step? Purpose to become a person who not only hears the Word of God, but does it as well. Be a doer of the Word and build a strong, unshakeable foundation in your life. Live by faith – victorious and successful!

May you walk in faithful obedience to the Word of the Lord and live a successful life full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Spirituality – Should You Be Doing Some Clean Up In Your Spiritual Life?

Spirituality – Should You Be Doing Some Clean Up In Your Spiritual Life?

The Power of Making Your Spiritual Life Sparkle

Powerful Spiritual LifeSpiritual areas of life are often the

ones that get tended to last.

We get up every morning and look in

the mirror and begin our routine of showering,

brushing, and getting all prettied up.

Our homes, yards, cars, etcetera all get our attention

and cleaned up as needed; but, what about our spiritual home?

Too Busy To Clean?

Life gets busy. That’s no surprise. Soon our housecleaning gets moved to the bottom of the “to do” list until one day we can’t see through the dust on the TV screen. As we look around everything is dull and dirty and no longer beautiful to look at.

Amazingly, after a little time and effort scrubbing, things are sparkling clean and enjoyable once again.

How Did My Spiritual Life Get So Dirty?

Have you noticed how easily the dust and cobwebs seem to have a way of building up without really seeing it happen? Well in fact, our spiritual life gets dirty much the same way.

There are times we commit an obvious sin and it is like falling in a mud puddle; we are clearly dirty and need of some major clean-up. However, the sin in our daily lives is more often like the dust and cobwebs that slowly dirty our spiritual home, almost unnoticed.

In our busy lives we too easily get used to irritable thoughts, selfishness, jealousy, disrespect, lazy attitudes, lack of commitments, and more. Failure to spend daily time in God’s Word and fellowship with Him leads to doing things that displease Him, and at the same time we do not even realize the dirty film they are leaving on us.

Have you gotten too busy with other things in life that you’ve neglected to clean the dust and cobwebs from your spiritual home.

Time to Clean Up The Mess and Make Your Spiritual Life Sparkle!

The solution for the dust, dirt, and grime that comes into our lives, is to clean it up quickly and regularly. The longer we allow it to remain the greater the mess and the more difficult to remove. If neglected too long it results in unsightly stains.

Once the cleaning process has begun, it usually leads to a closer examination, which then tends to require more cleaning. So it is with a close examination of our spiritual life.

The sinful dirt that we have allowed to slowly accumulate in our lives, and have become accustomed to, is not okay with God. He is not accustomed to dirty sinful behaviors. God desires that our lives be pure and clean so that He can see the beautiful reflection of His Son in us.

“Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart…” 
— Psalm 24:3-4

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
— Psalm 51:10

How can I improve my spiritual life? Be willing to ask yourself this question daily as you do a self-examination of your spiritual home. Ask God to help you see areas that need cleaned up. He not only wants to open your eyes, He wants to help you clean in order to see your natural and spiritual life shine and sparkle!

May your spiritual life be clean, pure and overflowing with growing prosperity!

God bless you always,


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