Law of Prosperity

Attracting Abundance – 4 Keys Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!

Attracting Abundance – 4 Keys Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!

Stop Chasing and Start Attracting Abundance

Keys to the Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!Supernatural prosperity is a treasure to receive.

If you want to be a channel for God’s prosperity,

then stop chasing after it and start attracting it,

by applying God’s “mysterious” laws of multiplication.

How do you attract it?

Through calculated laws of giving.

Certain laws of abundance can be applied to our lives. Stop chasing after the harvest and start attracting it by putting the laws of the harvest into motion through giving.

4 Keys Help Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity:

1. Giving Manifests What You Give

The first key to attracting supernatural prosperity is understanding that you reap what you sow. Like produces like, and you only reap the kind of crop you plant. If you apply this law to your giving, you’ll find that giving produces what you give.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” 

— Galatians 6:7

Plant wheat, and get wheat. Plant love, and reap love. Give time, and reap time. If you give money, you can expect a financial blessing. God says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you…”

2. Reap More Than You Sow

The second law of harvest is that each seed planted, always multiplies itself. One bushel of wheat planted can bring a harvest of 25-40 bushels. Consider what a single seed of corn will produce?

The key here is that seed sown multiplies. Plant one seed and get more back. John 12:24 tells us a planted corn of wheat brings forth much fruit.

When giving to God, you can expect to receive more than the seed gift given.

“Give, and it will be given to you:
good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
and running over will be put into your bosom.”
— Luke 6:38

3. The Measure You Give is the Measure You Manifest

This third law is this: You always reap in proportion to how much you sow. If you sow a few seeds, you can’t expect an abundant harvest. Stinginess may lead to poverty, but generosity leads to prosperity.

“A generous soul is made rich.” 
— Proverbs 11:25

The more you give the more you will receive, and it will be measured back to you in the same measure that you gave. (Luke 6:38b) Give by the cupful, and it will come back to you by the cupful. Give by the truckload, and it will come back to you by the truckload.

4. Remain Faithful Until Harvest Time

There is a season to sow and a season to reap. In the meantime, planted seeds need to be cared for. This law of the harvest says you must remain faithful to the crop in order to receive an abundant harvest.

A farmer doesn’t plant one week and expect a harvest the next. They reap in a different season than they sow. They understand there is seed sowing, then time, then harvest.

Giving is not finished after planting the seeds. The key is to give faithful time and effort to cultivate the field; then when the harvest comes it will be abundant. Seeds tended to and cared for produce abundance.

After giving of time, love, money, etcetera, we must continue to faithfully pray and confess God’s Word until the harvest is manifested.

Keep in mind: Regardless of prior year harvests, what happens in the future depends upon the seeds you sow now – today! Every day you miss sowing is a day you miss harvesting.

Giving to God is the key to opening the treasures of supernatural prosperity. And this will help appropriate God’s richest blessings in every part of your life.

Want to be a channel for God’s prosperity? Then get started today with a determined plan of giving. Remember you need to sow now in order to reap later. Put these four keys of giving to work and open the treasures of the never ending supply of God’s supernatural prosperity.

May your generous, abundant giving make you a channel for God’s supernatural prosperity and fill your life with growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Abundance – Want a Powerful 3 Step Formula that Reveals Secret to Your Abundant Prosperity?

Abundance – Want a Powerful 3 Step Formula that Reveals Secret to Your Abundant Prosperity?

Tap Into Your Built-In Potential to Create Prosperity!

Law of Abundant ProsperityAbundant prosperity is a built in potential God has put inside each one of us.

Just because you are unable to see the potential inside yourself at any given moment does not mean it is not there.

You can’t see your emotions or your thoughts, but they are real, and they do exist.

How do you reveal that built in potential and tap into it?

This powerful formula is simple, but extremely effective, and gets results. It’s been taught and explained in many different ways over the years. Why? In an attempt to get people to live the life they were designed to live. How sad to see people go to the grave never accomplishing that thing they were created to do!

From Potential to Potential Realized


Start where you are and begin using the measure of faith God has given you. Just like there is great built in potential for a future harvest inside the smallest seed, your faith has built in potential to manifest abundance.

A seed won’t produce results if it’s not planted. By faith you must plant the seeds of change you wish to harvest in your life.

How do you do that? You set the law of faith into motion with your confessions. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.  (Proverbs 18:21)

By faith, confess (speak) your desire; your belief. Verbally state out loud to yourself what it is you believe to manifest. Faith speaks what it believes.

Understand that faith works in your heart, not in your head. Use your mind to make a plan and decide what it is you need and desire. Then by faith, speak it to get it planted in your heart where it will go to work.

Hearing yourself speak your desire is not only the secret activator of your faith, but it also increases your faith. As your faith grows, you’ll find yourself thinking and talking more often about that thing you need or desire. This positive cycle helps you become fully persuaded; which leads us to the next step.


Faith is described as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1)

In order to manifest your desire, you must have faith that is fully persuaded. It is important to eliminate doubt, wavering, and wishy-washy thinking. Become fully persuaded and certain of what you believe.

Have hope that positive things are coming to pass.

Visualize your desired goal in great detail and keep hopeful and focused on the prize. Have confidence that what you can now only see by faith will manifest in the natural.


It is now time to mix your faith with action. Faith without works is dead. (James 2:20)

The law of faith may be a spiritual law, but it works along with natural laws. If you believe, then you’ll take action; which is required to get results.

The farmer doesn’t plant seed unless he believes it will produce a harvest. After sowing the seed, his work is still not done. It requires more work tending to it. Even after it is fully grown it still requires massive action to reap the harvest.

Also keep in mind; everything produces after its kind and you reap what you sow. Speak only your desired result or solution, not the problem. Keep your thoughts, words, and actions lined up with your desired belief.  If you let fear or unwanted thoughts creep in, then you’ll soon have an unwanted harvest.

Now go use this formula in your life. Exercise your faith and put it to good use. For ultimate results, find out what the Word of God has to say over your situation and speak it. Tap into your potential and reveal abundant prosperity.

May your faith increase and your life be full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Have any of these steps helped you manifest prosperity in your life?

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Growing Prosperity or Poverty? Thank Goodness You Can Choose the Abundance of God!

Growing Prosperity or Poverty? Thank Goodness You Can Choose the Abundance of God!

The Path of Growing Prosperity

path_to_growing_prosperityGrowing prosperity and living the abundant life is something most people desire.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Isn’t that why you are reading this right now?

But is it a bad desire?

Consider those who don’t seek a life of growing prosperity and the abundance of God. They often believe the desire to prosper is selfish. And yes, within the ranks of those that seem to be prospering will be a scattering of selfish and greedy people. We do not have to look far in this world to find a selfish person in any arena of life.

But get this: The same group of people that believe it is ungodly to prosper, also seem to think it is a spiritual quality to be poor.

Take note, you cannot be greedy and truly prosper. Part of the spiritual law of prosperity is giving to God and also being a generous giver with others. You simply have to give in order to receive.

Look at this Bible verse:

“There is that scatters, and yet increases; and there is that withholds more than is meet, but it tends to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat and he that waters shall be watered also himself.” 
— Proverbs 11:24-25

What does this say? When you scatter and give, you’ll have increase. When you withhold and keep more for yourself than you should, it leads to poverty. When you are generous and bless others you will prosper.

Why do you want to have more money, a nicer house, closer relationships, more free time, a stronger faith? I think you would agree it is with the thought of others in mind more than yourself. 

Growing prosperity provides the ability to give to others in a greater measure and in a greater quality. This in turn brings great satisfaction in life.

What a great feeling to be able to move your family into a nicer house in a safer neighborhood. There is nothing better in this world than a prosperous marriage. It is a great feeling to upgrade the car and know your family is driving a safe, dependable vehicle. And to have the free time to be spend with your family and serve in your community is so valuable. Having abundance financially to give generously to those in need is and wonderful position to be in.

The abundance of God is more than financial and material. It is God’s desire that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. (3 John 2) Prospering spiritually is the ultimate. There is nothing greater than strong faith and a close walk with God! And the closer you walk in obedience to God, the greater His involvement in your growing prosperity.

Thank goodness you can decide which path you’ll take in life. Even if you are currently in poverty, there is hope and expectations of better things to come. The abundance of God is waiting for you as you begin to honor the Lord and follow His principles and laws of prosperity.

May your life continue to abound with growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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How to Attract Prosperity and Abundance with 3 Key Steps!

How to Attract Prosperity and Abundance with 3 Key Steps!

Unlock the Door to Unlimited Abundant Supply

Keys to AbundanceAttract prosperity and abundance in your life starting today.

There is no need to have poverty stricken thinking while there is unlimited abundance available to everyone.

The supply is there and already flowing right past your door…

…it rests with you to make the connection that will draw it to you.

Start making the connection today with these three key steps:


God is the source of all supply. We need the power of God to gain wealth and prosper. Without Him the results we get on our own will be limited and half the time they will result in a mess.

We are told when the Lord makes a person rich He adds no sorrow to it. If we acknowledge God in our lives and seek Him, then He will direct our paths.

“Those that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” — Psalm 34:10


The law of abundance and prosperity is as definite as the law of gravity. If you are not attracting the abundance you desire, you are most likely still under the mental bondage of limited poverty thinking. However, remember, there is no limitation in Him in whom all fullness lies.

“As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” — Proverbs 23:7

Think prosperous and allow yourself to believe and have confidence in God. You can flood your life with all good things when you have magnetizing faith to tap into the abundance flowing by you.


You must DO everything to the finish and not quit!

You must believe you will prosper and you must practice what you believe, in order to get results. You must fling your energy into the work needed to reach your goals. Continue to maintain the right mental attitude, with a determination to turn your back on poverty and face toward the abundant life you desire.

You are a child of God, the creator and possessor of all things. His desire is that you prosper. So open your mind to the abundant current of supply He has provided for you.

Believe me: God knows not only what you need in your life, He knows how to help you attract it. Acknowledge Him daily. Let God do His part and you do your part. Then watch as you are blessed to be a blessing to others and attract prosperity and abundance.

May you continue to experience a life of growing prosperity!


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How Can You Attract Prosperity? Just as Easy as ABC!

How Can You Attract Prosperity? Just as Easy as ABC!

Easy as ABC Steps to Prosperity

a_b_c_prosperityAttracting prosperity simply requires implementing God’s spiritual laws of prosperity. They are available for everyone and you have the option to choose poverty and lack, or prosperity and abundance. If poverty and lack has been your choice, take it from me, the abundant life is a much better choice!

Get with the program. It’s just as easy as ABC.


Acknowledge God as the source. He is the one that gives us the power to get wealth. God is the divine source of all creative power. God wants us to prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. If we acknowledge God, He will direct our paths.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7. What you think in your heart should line up with how God sees you.  Decide what you want and keep a clear vision of it focused in your mind.  You attract what you think about so stay focused on the prize. 


Begin taking action. Once you’re clear on what you specifically desire to prosper in, then it’s time to make a plan of action. As you stay focused on the prize, ideas will show up that will help you reach your goal. Take steps of action daily, even if it is only visualizing and confessing your vision.

Be generous, because Proverbs 11:25 tells us a generous giver will prosper.  We reap what we sow, so make sure you’re planting seeds that are going to bring you the harvest desired.  You have to give to receive. God multiplies seed sown.


Continue and don’t quit. Conquer discouragement by confessing and meditating your vision daily. You may feel like your banging your head on the wall at times, but remember some things take time.  Keep speaking only the positive desired result so that it continues to be attracted to you. Don’t let doubts repel it away. Have faith and run to win!

What you choose to attract is up to you. God’s got a good plan for you to prosper. So choose prosperity and be blessed to be a blessing. Live the abundant life you desire and continue growing in prosperity!

God bless you,

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Prosperity Never Comes From Simply Wishing

Prosperity Never Comes From Simply Wishing 

Discover The Next Step to Your Prosperity

“I wish I would, I wish I might, have a million dollars by tonight.” Repeat this saying 1,000 times during the day and you’ll have one million dollars by tonight.

** NOT **  Yet, as crazy as this example sounds, a lot of people are simply repeating wishful affirmations over and over and expecting results!

I’m here today to clear this up and tell you prosperity never comes by merely wishing or longing for it. Just keeping your mind focused on prosperity and thinking about it will never bring it to you. This is only the first step.

Step One:

Of course you have to start with step one.  You must first have an expectant mind and a vision of what you are expecting to prosper in. You need to stand in faith believing for it. You must cling to your prosperity thought and dream with a daily focus.

We are told in Habakkuk 2:2 to listen to what the Lord tells us and then write the vision and make it plain so that we can run with it.

Step Two:

This leads us to the next step in reaching prosperity. You must take action with practical, common-sense methods that all successful people employ in their work. You need to back up your dream and belief with orderly, business like, industrious action. We see in Habakkuk 2:2 it says write the vision so that we can RUN with it. Run requires flinging your energy and your heart into whatever area you believe to prosper in. You must DO everything to the finish.

In Habakkuk 2:4 it tells us that the just shall live by his faith. Faith does not only believe, but it also requires action that backs up what we believe. My favorite definition of faith is believing and obeying the Word of God.

You might wish and dream of abundance and prosperity all your life, but die in the poor house if you don’t back up your wish with action. The law of prosperity is scientific. It will not produce successful results if you don’t obey the law. So create a fully persuaded belief system and practice what you believe and let prosperity begin to flood your life.

May you experience growing prosperity in your life as you take your vision and run with it!

Be blessed to be a blessing,

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