wonderfully made

Personal Growth – Are You A Uniquely Gifted Specialist Created for Greatness?

Personal Growth – Are You A Uniquely Gifted Specialist Created for Greatness?

Find Out Now if You are a Specialist in the Making!

Unique and Created for GreatnessPersonal growth is a lifelong process…

And we are individual creations…

with our own unique seeds to achieve greatness.

Watering these seeds allows our special talents and gifts to grow…

and develop us into unique specialist.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Do you realize you are a miracle and have been fearfully and wonderfully made? (Psalm 139:14) We are each the only one in all of creation who has our unique set of talents and abilities.

Never see yourself as insignificant. Make the most of yourself and use what talents you possess. Like the saying goes, “Use it or lose it.”

Specialist in the Making

You are special. When we begin to use our God given gifts, we develop into a specialist. Keep in mind: We were not created to be all things to all people.

Do not be one of the masses that bury their talents and gifts. Do not be a copy cat and go down the path of least resistance. Develop your unique gifts to the fullest and do not be surprised when others call you gifted.

God tells us not to conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds to His Word. Then we will be able to test and approve what His perfect and acceptable will is. (Romans 12:2)

Your Life Makes a Difference

Use your life to make a positive difference. God gifted us with unique abilities for a special purpose. No one can do what we ought to be doing and contributing to this world as well as we should. God gives us the ability to do what we have been called to do.

Living a life less than we are capable of will bring unhappiness. We must also remember that we are responsible to God for how we use our gifts in life. So let us use them wisely and achieve greatness.

Are you with me still? Good. Then become a uniquely gifted specialist and put your stamp on this world. Society is counting on you and more importantly God is counting on you. Let your light shine and achieve greatness on your journey of personal growth.

May your life be full of growing achievements and growing prosperity!

God bless you –

Soar higher,

P.S. Image credit goes to: Thad Zajdowicz

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