
Help Me! How on Earth Do I Know What God’s Purpose and Will is for My Life?

Help Me! How on Earth Do I Know What God’s Purpose and Will is for My Life?

Knowing God’s Will and God’s Purpose for Your Life

Who, at some point, hasn’t asked:

“What is God’s plan and purpose for my life?”

We sooner or later reach a time in life when we find our self questioning why we are here. We come to a point of knowing, deep inside, that there must be something more God would have for us to do with our lives.

Well, how can you know the will of God and what you should do with your life? Good question. And it all starts with the Word of God, since God’s Word is God’s will.

Knowing God’s General Will

The Bible teaches us how to live our lives. It is filled with instructions and directions and it reveals God’s general will for all of us. So, first and foremost, we need to get into God’s Word so that we can know what He wants from us. His Word is very powerful and will guide us.

Here are just a couple examples:

“Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” — Romans 12:1-2

“Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

God’s will for man is not a hidden mystery. Anyone can open the Book and quickly see many things that God wants them to do (and not do). The chief aim and purpose of our lives should be to live according to His revealed will.

Knowing God’s Specific Will

Now you might be asking, “How do I know God’s specific plan for my life?” People often want God to tell them specifically what to do; like where to live, where to work, where to go to school, who to marry, etcetera.

Well, God can show us in many different ways. A loud, audible voice from heaven is not required, but listening to that still, small voice is. God has given us the Holy Spirit for guidance. The Spirit of truth is here to guide us into all truth. (John 16:13)

God can also direct us, through the events happening around us.  And if we are already living daily according to God’s revealed will, decisions will be much clearer and easier to make. There is a peace that comes when we are pleasing God with our lives.

To get answers, we also need to pray and ask for God’s help and direction. When deciding between two options, the one that brings a greater peace is usually God’s will. Emotions sometimes create a false peace, but true peace will remain even after emotions fall.

Keep in mind: God allows us to make choices, but He is ultimately in control. We should trust Him always in faith that He will accomplish His will in our lives.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” — Proverbs 3:5-6

Plus, questions we should be asking are, “Am I doing this for me or for God?  Is this what I want or what God wants?”  The key is to desire to make choices that agree with God’s will. If a decision does not go against the Word of God, then we can follow our heart.

“It was the Lord who put it into my mind… I could feel His hand upon me… There is no question the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit because He comforted me with rays of marvelous illumination from the Holy Scriptures… No one should fear to undertake any task in the name of our Savior if it is just and if the intention is purely for His holy service.” 
— Christopher Columbus (from his diary, in reference to his discovery of ‘the New World’)

Created with a Purpose

God does have great plans for your life! You were created by God, in His image, for a purpose. (Jeremiah 29:11) We have all been given unique gifts and talents. And just like our physical body is made up of many different parts, all unique, and all important to having a fully functioning body; so it is with the body of Christ.

Your gifts and talents have been given to you so you can be a blessing to the kingdom of God and make a positive contribution in life. So step out and act on the revealed knowledge you have already been given and use the talents you already have.

Then trust God to reveal more to you after you are faithful first in the little. Be confident that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion. (Philippians 1:6) God’s purpose for all is that He is glorified and the gospel and kingdom of God be advanced.

In Conclusion: The wise king Solomon tells us the conclusion of the whole matter and duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandments. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) He also encourages us to enjoy life and be happy with our work. Keep the Word of God your foundation and watch His great plan revealed before your very eyes. God is for you and He will help you.

May you seek first the kingdom of God and live a life full of growing prosperity!

God bless you,

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Self-Esteem – 7 Ways to Live With Bold Confidence

Self-Esteem – 7 Ways to Live With Bold Confidence

Transform Yourself Into a Shining Success!

Healthy self-esteem and bold confidence,

when put to work in your life…

have transforming power to make you a shining success.

Have you been living with intimidation, self-doubt, anxiety, fear, and rejection? If so, then you know it is time to change the insecurity into security.

Do yourself a favor and take a little time to focus on some ways you can overcome those negative, unwanted traits you’ve been carrying around for way too long.

7 Ways to Help You Live With Bold Confidence:


Make a commitment to yourself today, to begin overcoming the weaknesses and inadequacies you’ve been dealing with. Even though it will take hard work and you are bound to mess up along the way, make a conscious decision to keep pressing on and rising above. You are worth it!


Be cautious who you spend time with. Your relationships are a key factor in overcoming a low self-esteem.  Choose to spend time with encouragers. Regardless of your past, you can have healthy relationships.

“He that walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” 
— Proverbs 13:20


There is a great empowerment that comes from shifting your focus off yourself and on to others. It is easy to keep our minds focused on our own problems, fears, and insecurities. But this only intensifies them. Look around at someone struggling and reach out to lend a hand. True peace comes from giving.


Keep your mind filled with positive, empowering, confidence building, and happy thoughts. Overcoming a negative, and weak self-image is going to require that you eliminate those self-defeating thoughts. Squeeze them out of your mind by replacing them with healthy, confident thoughts.

Remember, God is not the one who gave you a spirit of fear. He gave you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7)


Do not waste any more time replaying painful, embarrassing, or intimidating experiences from your past. This keeps you stuck and prevents you from walking into the future with the bold confidence needed to succeed. You do not have to let others (or past memories) cause you to lack confidence and live with insecurity.

Forgive anyone that has hurt you, and forgive yourself while you are at it. Then put the painful past behind you and face your future with strong confidence.


God has a good plan for our lives. If we spend our lives trusting in ourselves and other people, the result is disappointment after disappointment. We need to put our trust in God and let him guide us. He is the one that will give us the desires of our heart. (Psalm 37:3-6)


Just like it is vital to your self-esteem to get control of your thoughts, the same is true of your words. What are you saying about yourself? Do you make self-defeating confessions such as: ‘I am so ugly,’ ‘I am such a loser,’ ‘I am worthless,’ ‘I am stupid,’ ‘I never do anything right,’ etcetera?

The words we speak have power to affect us for the good or bad. Use this knowledge to empower yourself with confidence building confessions. It does not matter if you or others have spoken negative, curses over your life; you now have the choice to speak positive, encouraging, faith-filled words.

“In all things I am more than a conqueror through Him that loved me.” 
— Romans 8:37

Your next step? Make the decision to begin applying these seven steps to help you conquer low self-esteem, intimidation, fear, and insecurity. Encourage yourself and refuse to give up. God says you are a victor and you really can be all that God has called you to be. You can live with bold confidence and transform yourself into a shining success.

May you live empowered with bold confidence and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

Soar higher in Him –

God bless you,

P.S. Do you have any additions for this list? Feel free to share…

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Growing Prosperity – How Can the Power of Patience Help You Prosper?

Growing Prosperity – How Can the Power of Patience Help You Prosper?

The Power of Patience in an “I Want It Now” World!

Growing prosperity and a look at the power of patience…

for a society that wants to pick-up their prosperity –

like a drive thru meal.

Can anybody argue with the fact that:

we are now living in a microwave culture?

We now have all sorts of things from…

fast food, spray on tans, instant text messaging around the world…

to drive-thru marriage ceremonies.

The “I Want It Now” Prosperity

Most people are in a hurry to receive whatever it is they desire to have, and almost everyone wants it right now!

Unfortunately, the microwave attitude continues to play a part in much more significant issues in our life. We often approach God and ask him to get involved in a situation only because we want to do everything within our ability to get the answer we want, and that we want right now!

We expect to have God answer each of our prayers by the speed of a microwave dinner, otherwise we start taking matters into our own hands.

The thing is, those that have genuine faith will not be hindered by circumstances or even the passing of time. They will be steadfast, immoveable, unshakeable, habitual, and in addition, just won’t give up until they receive the manifestation of their God breathed prayer.

“Wait patiently for the Lord, be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.”
— Psalm 27:14

Patience to Prosper is Not the Norm

Patiently waiting is a principle to live by. Society will attempt to persuade people that to become a mover and a shaker these days they must win at any cost and also neglect others in their effort to be successful. On the contrary God does not intend we do any harm to others on our individual journey down the path towards prosperity.

God desires our heart to be dedicated to His way, His will, His instruction, His right timing. Many times that may require patiently waiting.

Of course, the things we do when we are patiently waiting are going to make a huge difference. The truth is: a lot of believers regard patiently waiting as wasted time. These people may truly want to see the Lord’s will be accomplished in their life; however they already have been trained to believe that God needs them to physically assist Him out, all of the time.

Patience that Places You in Position to Prosper

Bear in mind, people who wait patiently on the Lord place themselves in position to prosper. Take a look at these verses, and then be aware, the word ‘wait’ means to be available, to be ready, to expect, look, or wait patiently for:

  • “Those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth.” (Psalm 37:9)
  • “Blessed are those who wait for His help.” (Isaiah 30:18)
  • “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him.” (Lamentations 3:25)

You will discover seasons in your life when God desires that you seek His presence and not seek Him just for his provision. In this fast paced world it is easy to get our priorities out of order.

Start patiently waiting on the Lord. Seek Him in prayer. Expect to see His promises fulfilled. Wait patiently for Him to set you up for future blessings. Worship Him. Many Christians will say this is time just wasted sitting around. But no!

Truth is: Patiently waiting on God requires faith, prayer, courage, and bravery. It takes a completely surrendered heart that trusts God, and believes His perfect timing is better than ours and will put us in the position to prosper.

May your patience increase as you wait on the Lord and position yourself for growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Prosperous Living – Shortcut Your Path to Wealth by Acknowledging the True Source of Abundance!

Prosperous Living – Shortcut Your Path to Wealth by Acknowledging the True Source of Abundance!

Who Do You Acknowledge and Trust to Supply Your Needs in Life?

Prosperous living requires taking a drive…

on the path to wealth.

One of the primary shortcuts,

in reaching our destination,

involves acknowledging the true source of abundance.

One Infinite Source

There is only one true source in the universe that holds unlimited supply. God it the true source of all wealth; including financial wealth and spiritual and physical prosperity.

It is important to understand that when we acknowledge God as our source, temporary financial struggles no longer need to dictate our outcome. Why? Because, there are many ways and means that God can use to supply our needs. And His supply never runs dry.

God is the source and everyone else is His instrument.  Many people make the mistake of thinking that their job is the source of their supply. But they need to realize that God is the source, and He simply uses their work as a means to let the funds flow to them.

“My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches.”
— Philippians 4:19

Notice it says ‘My God’, not the company you work for. God is your source.

An Invisible Reservoir of Abundance

Norman Vincent Peale talks about an invisible reservoir of abundance in the universe. This is a great image of the abundance of God.

As we continually acknowledge God as the source of our supply, we’ll find that we are divinely guided on our path to wealth. God is able to make a way when there seems to be no way. Realize it is our choice to recognize God’s power and ownership over everything. And remember we are only stewards of what He supplies us.

Putting our faith and trust in a job, a person, or any other income source, has been proven to be a letdown at one time or another in life.

Prosperity is the result of our choice to accept and trust that God’s ways are higher than ours. When we live by His ways, they will guide us on the path to wealth and allow us to tap into the invisible reservoir of abundance…

We will then be like trees planted by rivers of water and prospering in everything we put our hand to. (Psalm 1:3)

Make no mistake about it: We will never go wrong acknowledging God as the source of our supply. However, be fair warned, if we choose not to, we can expect a lot of detours on our path to wealth.

May your eyes always be fixed on God as your source and may your life be filled with growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Abundance of God! Can You Unlock Prosperity by 3 Tried and True Keys?

Abundance of God! Can You Unlock Prosperity by 3 Tried and True Keys?

Unlock Unlimited Abundance and Growing Prosperity!


Unlock the Abundance of GodThe abundance of God provides material, physical, emotional, and spiritual prosperity.

Tapping into His source is tapping into a never ending flow.

How can ungodly people experience financial success?

This is a commonly asked question. You need to understand that anyone can reach a level of prosperity by simply following natural laws.

However, a supernatural prosperity is available by also following God’s spiritual laws for success.

Start enjoying the good life God has made available for you!

3 Tried and True Keys to Unlock Your Prosperity:


He owns everything. You need to recognize you only manage the things in your possession. All your abilities, talents, and possessions come from God.

Note, the one thing you are allowed to have ownership of, is your will. You can make your own choices and determine how you want to live. When you choose to partner with God and acknowledge Him, you cannot fail!

In Chronicles 26:5 it reminds us that as long as we seek the Lord, He will make us to prosper.


God has set up natural laws for you to live by. These include laws, that when followed, help attract prosperity into your life. Time has proven them to be successful.

The four primary natural laws that determine your measure of abundance are: mind, money, time, and relationships.

First, you must get control of your thought life and manage your mind. Choose to think positive and envision the life you desire. These thoughts will then get planted into your subconscious, which goes to work making them a reality.

Manage the money you have. God says we have to be faithful with the little we have before we can be trusted with more. Learn to budget, tithe, give generously, shop smart, invest wisely, live within your means, etcetera.

Control your time and use it wisely. We all have the same amount of hours in a day. Make the right choices to plan and prioritize your day to accomplish more.

Your relationships can make you or break you. You should never underestimate the influence that those around you have. Choose your friends and companions wisely.


Have faith in the promises of God. They are true and like money in the bank. You can depend on God’s Word to come to pass. His Word has the power to bring riches greater than financial into your life.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” – 3 John 2

The measure you sow is the measure you reap, and you will reap what you sow in life.

Seek God’s kingdom first and turn your life over to Him. Psalm 84:11 tells us that He withholds no good thing from them that walk uprightly. Things don’t always manifest overnight, so learn to walk by faith and keep your trust in the living God.

Truth be told: Nothing is impossible when God is on the scene. So seek Him and partner up. Seeking and obeying God’s laws is the key to unlock unlimited prosperity and abundance.

May you tap into God’s unlimited abundance and continue to experience growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. How are these working in your life?

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New Year New Focus – The Crowd or The Cross?

New Year New Focus – The Crowd or The Cross?

Renewed Focus on The CROSS!

(The Crowd or the Cross Video by IgniterMedia)

As the new year is almost here, I encourage you to get a fresh focus on the Cross!

This a great time to remind ourselves of what God has done for us. The vision He gave us – our calling – and our purpose. This is big in God’s eyes and so we need to keep it the focus of our eyes and not get distracted…


The enemy came to confuse and distract. He is doing everything in his power to throw us off course. He wants to get our focus off the Word and off our faith in God. He wants to get our eyes on the crowd and off the cross.

Distractions will try to steal our energy, joy, and faith – DO NOT let them.  

Determine this year there is nothing the enemy can do to throw you off course. Determine to renew your focus on the Cross.  

If you are saying, “but I’m not even sure what my purpose and calling is?”  Then just another reason to get into the Word.

This year should be about about living the life God means for us to live. And we discover that in His Word… and the more often we approach His throne and get in His presence the clearer the specific purpose and vision for our lives becomes.


We need to stay focused on the author and finisher of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2) It is in His Word and His presence that we find strength, blessing, peace, and direction to stay on course. Wisdom, inspiration, and the right answers for every situation come from Him.

Let’s not let the distractions of the crowd become an attraction. People are people. God is God. Eliminate confusion by staying focused on the promises of God.

You know, God is always willing to do His part. It is our faith in Him that allows us to live in His fullness and have abundant prosperous lives. Our part requires focusing on and confessing the Word and realizing the Word works!


Remember, the very same Jesus who God anointed and raised from the dead, lives in every believer. That means we have power! Jesus sacrifice on the cross gives every believer the right to boldy approach the throne of God for help in time of need.

Don’t bend to the pressures of the crowd and the pressures of time. What God said will come to pass – will come to pass. Get to the point of believing the unbelievable and receiving what seems impossible.

What’s stopping you from experiencing God’s goodness this year… and being a light that shines bright and glorifies Him!

May we stay focused on the Cross and have the mind of Christ!

God bless you…

And Have a Safe, Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!


P.S. So what steps are you planning to take to get your focus on this year?

P.P. S. Oh, and the music in the video is by the Robbie Seay Band.

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Abound in Hope and Encourage One Another – Romans 15

Abound in Hope and Encourage One Another – Romans 15

The Power of the Holy Spirit to Abound in Hope!

“Praise the Lord and put your trust in Him …
And may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
that you may abound in hope,
through the power of the Holy Spirit.
May you be full of goodness, and filled with all knowledge,
and encourage one another…
By the grace that is given you of God.” — Romans 15:11-15

Through God’s Grace and the Power of the Holy Spirit we can Abound in Hope, Joy, Peace, Goodness, and Knowledge… and then Go Encourage One Another.

~ So Meditate on this daily – Be Encouraged – and Go Encourage Someone Else! ~

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. This video is only a little over a minute long, but hopefully a quick little boost to your day!

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Financial Prosperity – Want 2 Keys to Help You Excel?

Financial Prosperity – Want 2 Keys to Help You Excel?

Get 2 Keys that Equal a BIG Step of Faith to Excel Your Financial Prosperity!

Financial prosperity is available to everyone.

Financial Prosperity God's WayThe source of all financial abundance is God and with Him there are no limits. Trouble is, too many people are slow to learn the principles that will cause them to excel financially.

Are you tired of going in circles where your finances are concerned? In days of economic uncertainty, it is important for everyone to get a working knowledge of truth to prosper.

Sadly enough, too many people believe poverty is the will of God. This kind of thinking will prevent you from prospering. You can prosper by using God’s spiritual principles in your finances.

Get your thinking clear on how to work them and you’ll no longer use words like recession, poverty, and lack.

In order to receive financial abundance from God, we must do our part. If we do our part, He’ll do His part and meet our needs according to His riches in glory.

2 Keys to Excel Your Financial Abundance:

1.) Be a Tither

What is tithing? Tithing is giving the first 10 percent of your income to God’s house. Most people don’t like to hear about tithing and it puts them in fear. But you’ll have no problem tithing if you see God as your source of supply.

The tithe is seed money of wealth and is compared to sowing. The more a person gives, the more that person receives. Financial prosperity is one benefit of tithing. It puts you in partnership with God. We are told to bring the tithes into God’s house and then test Him and see if He does not open the windows of heaven and pour out such a blessing on us that we don’t have room enough to contain it! (Malachi 3:10)

Tithing is a step of trust and obedience that God will take care of your finances. God promises to pour out a blessing to the tither.

I personally started tithing about seven years ago, after being taught on the subject. I’ll admit that I had doubts and started out as “going to give tithing a try”.

I wanted to do the right thing and obey God, but I really couldn’t see how I could tithe if I already wasn’t making all my bills. I think at the time I was making about $8 p/h and raising two kids with no child support or assistance.

All I can say is that this has been one of the most life-changing steps I have taken! No I don’t have millions in the bank (yet 🙂 ) but I have seen the favor of God move in my life like never before. I started getting raises and promotions, supernatural deals and savings when I shop, wisdom in making smart financial decisions, creative ideas started coming to me, and even money in the most unexpected times.

One time things were hitting a bottom and I wondered how I would be able to continue tithing and I then got an unexpected huge child support payment in the mail from some sort of intercept from a settlement.

I really could go on and on with personal examples, and that of my children. I just want to encourage you to study on the subject of tithing and learn what God has to say about it. My personal financial situation has not been too pretty this last year, after stepping into full-time self-employment, but I am still committed to giving to God what belongs to Him. I need His hand on my life now more than ever before!

2.) Give Offerings

What is an offering? An offering is something given above and beyond the tithe. Or what you give after you tithe.

When you give, it will be given back to you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Also note, that whatever measure you give, (small, medium, or large), is the same measure that will be used to give back to you. (Luke 6:38)

No doubt about it; it is impossible to out give God and He is the source of unlimited abundance. God has promised to meet our needs spiritually, physically, and financially. If we do our part in tithes and offerings, God says He will do His part.

May you continue to take steps of obedience to His Word and continue to have growing prosperity in your finances!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Any thoughts on the subject? … feel free to share…

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