true riches

Abundant Prosperity – If You Want True Riches Hear What God Has to Say About Your Money!

Abundant Prosperity – If You Want True Riches Hear What God Has to Say About Your Money!

Want to Manifest True Riches?

Hear What God Has To Say About Your Money!Abundant prosperity is available in all areas of your life.

It is important that you don’t limit prosperity only to finances.

True riches equals much more than money or things: it also includes spiritual blessings like wisdom and peace.

If you want true riches in your life, you need to listen to what God has to say about the matter.

God has plenty to say about your money. He actually talks more about money in the Bible than even prayer. Yet it is a subject that most believers don’t want to talk about. Or at least they don’t want to hear what the Lord has to say about money.

Let’s look at a couple key areas you should pay attention to.


If you want to know what someone loves, look at what they spend their money on. What you invest your finances on is a reflection of what you love.

“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” 
— Luke 12:34

Where and what you spend your money on does more than reflect the condition of your heart. Your spending also decides the direction that your heart will go. This is good news. You can choose where your heart will go, by choosing what you invest your finances on.

Where do you want your heart to be?

If you want it to be with your spouse, then spend money on your spouse. If you want it to be with your house, vehicles, toys, and possessions, then spend your money on those things. Do you want your heart to be with God? Then tithe and invest your finances in the things of God. Investing in Him brings great returns.


Another key step you must learn is how to be faithful with your finances. If you are not dependable, reliable, generous, and faithful with your finances, God will not commit to you true riches.

“If you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?” 
— Luke 16:11

Money is not really true riches. True riches are revelation, wisdom, favor, and other spiritual blessings of the Lord.

Are you getting this? God is saying if you are a faithful and generous giver, then you open the door for Him to do things in your life that money can’t do.

Unfortunately, Christians often don’t want to be talked to about how they handle their money; instead only about spiritual things. Yet, God is trying to tell you that He’s not going to entrust you with spiritual things if you’re not first faithful when it comes to your finances. They go hand-in-hand and you need to prove you are able to handle the money you now have in order to be entrusted with more and also the true riches of spiritual blessings.

Do yourself a favor and begin to listen to what God has to say about how you should handle your money. Then trust and follow His directions. Believe He will take care of you financially and know that following His plan will open the door to true riches and abundant prosperity in your life.

May your faithfulness result in spiritual blessings and continued growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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