
Attracting Abundance – 4 Keys Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!

Attracting Abundance – 4 Keys Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!

Stop Chasing and Start Attracting Abundance

Keys to the Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!Supernatural prosperity is a treasure to receive.

If you want to be a channel for God’s prosperity,

then stop chasing after it and start attracting it,

by applying God’s “mysterious” laws of multiplication.

How do you attract it?

Through calculated laws of giving.

Certain laws of abundance can be applied to our lives. Stop chasing after the harvest and start attracting it by putting the laws of the harvest into motion through giving.

4 Keys Help Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity:

1. Giving Manifests What You Give

The first key to attracting supernatural prosperity is understanding that you reap what you sow. Like produces like, and you only reap the kind of crop you plant. If you apply this law to your giving, you’ll find that giving produces what you give.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” 

— Galatians 6:7

Plant wheat, and get wheat. Plant love, and reap love. Give time, and reap time. If you give money, you can expect a financial blessing. God says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you…”

2. Reap More Than You Sow

The second law of harvest is that each seed planted, always multiplies itself. One bushel of wheat planted can bring a harvest of 25-40 bushels. Consider what a single seed of corn will produce?

The key here is that seed sown multiplies. Plant one seed and get more back. John 12:24 tells us a planted corn of wheat brings forth much fruit.

When giving to God, you can expect to receive more than the seed gift given.

“Give, and it will be given to you:
good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
and running over will be put into your bosom.”
— Luke 6:38

3. The Measure You Give is the Measure You Manifest

This third law is this: You always reap in proportion to how much you sow. If you sow a few seeds, you can’t expect an abundant harvest. Stinginess may lead to poverty, but generosity leads to prosperity.

“A generous soul is made rich.” 
— Proverbs 11:25

The more you give the more you will receive, and it will be measured back to you in the same measure that you gave. (Luke 6:38b) Give by the cupful, and it will come back to you by the cupful. Give by the truckload, and it will come back to you by the truckload.

4. Remain Faithful Until Harvest Time

There is a season to sow and a season to reap. In the meantime, planted seeds need to be cared for. This law of the harvest says you must remain faithful to the crop in order to receive an abundant harvest.

A farmer doesn’t plant one week and expect a harvest the next. They reap in a different season than they sow. They understand there is seed sowing, then time, then harvest.

Giving is not finished after planting the seeds. The key is to give faithful time and effort to cultivate the field; then when the harvest comes it will be abundant. Seeds tended to and cared for produce abundance.

After giving of time, love, money, etcetera, we must continue to faithfully pray and confess God’s Word until the harvest is manifested.

Keep in mind: Regardless of prior year harvests, what happens in the future depends upon the seeds you sow now – today! Every day you miss sowing is a day you miss harvesting.

Giving to God is the key to opening the treasures of supernatural prosperity. And this will help appropriate God’s richest blessings in every part of your life.

Want to be a channel for God’s prosperity? Then get started today with a determined plan of giving. Remember you need to sow now in order to reap later. Put these four keys of giving to work and open the treasures of the never ending supply of God’s supernatural prosperity.

May your generous, abundant giving make you a channel for God’s supernatural prosperity and fill your life with growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Abundant Prosperity – If You Want True Riches Hear What God Has to Say About Your Money!

Abundant Prosperity – If You Want True Riches Hear What God Has to Say About Your Money!

Want to Manifest True Riches?

Hear What God Has To Say About Your Money!Abundant prosperity is available in all areas of your life.

It is important that you don’t limit prosperity only to finances.

True riches equals much more than money or things: it also includes spiritual blessings like wisdom and peace.

If you want true riches in your life, you need to listen to what God has to say about the matter.

God has plenty to say about your money. He actually talks more about money in the Bible than even prayer. Yet it is a subject that most believers don’t want to talk about. Or at least they don’t want to hear what the Lord has to say about money.

Let’s look at a couple key areas you should pay attention to.


If you want to know what someone loves, look at what they spend their money on. What you invest your finances on is a reflection of what you love.

“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” 
— Luke 12:34

Where and what you spend your money on does more than reflect the condition of your heart. Your spending also decides the direction that your heart will go. This is good news. You can choose where your heart will go, by choosing what you invest your finances on.

Where do you want your heart to be?

If you want it to be with your spouse, then spend money on your spouse. If you want it to be with your house, vehicles, toys, and possessions, then spend your money on those things. Do you want your heart to be with God? Then tithe and invest your finances in the things of God. Investing in Him brings great returns.


Another key step you must learn is how to be faithful with your finances. If you are not dependable, reliable, generous, and faithful with your finances, God will not commit to you true riches.

“If you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?” 
— Luke 16:11

Money is not really true riches. True riches are revelation, wisdom, favor, and other spiritual blessings of the Lord.

Are you getting this? God is saying if you are a faithful and generous giver, then you open the door for Him to do things in your life that money can’t do.

Unfortunately, Christians often don’t want to be talked to about how they handle their money; instead only about spiritual things. Yet, God is trying to tell you that He’s not going to entrust you with spiritual things if you’re not first faithful when it comes to your finances. They go hand-in-hand and you need to prove you are able to handle the money you now have in order to be entrusted with more and also the true riches of spiritual blessings.

Do yourself a favor and begin to listen to what God has to say about how you should handle your money. Then trust and follow His directions. Believe He will take care of you financially and know that following His plan will open the door to true riches and abundant prosperity in your life.

May your faithfulness result in spiritual blessings and continued growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments with others…

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Wisdom Stability of the Lord – Isaiah 33:6 Video

Wisdom Stability of the Lord – Isaiah 33:6

The Stability of Your Times is Found in the Lord!

“And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure.” 
— Isaiah 33:6

This video didn’t turn out like I intended, but the verse is still a good one! 🙂

It is also interesting, because at our mid-week service tonight, my Pastor taught some on how salvation includes not only our eternal spiritual salvation, but also the other benefits of God including spiritual, physical, and materially blessings.

He also pointed out that we need to be knowledgeable about what is available to us so we can claim it. When I look at this verse it relates…

If we want true stability we have to look to God’s Word and get it through the salvation He provided. And further wisdom and knowledge of His Word will help us tap into the great inheritance provided us. A healthy fear of the Lord, that causes us to obey His Word is a treasure greater than we can receive in this lifetime!

God bless you –

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The Secret of the LORD – Discover the Key to the Treasures of Life!

The Secret of the LORD – Discover the Key to the Treasures of Life!

Do You Fear the LORD?

Secrets are something we all have and not all secrets are bad. We share our secrets with those who are in close relationship with us and who we can trust. God has some secrets He would like to share with those who are in an intimate relationship with Him.

How do we enter into an intimate relationship with God?

Fear of God is the starting point to having an intimate relationship with Him.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7

Knowledge Is KeyIt seems that many Christians call Jesus their Lord and Savior but they don’t fear Him with a holy fear that acknowledges He is their supreme Lord.

People tend to love a distorted image of Jesus that they create with their own imagination and understanding.

Don’t be fooled, a lack of holy fear separates us from intimacy with God.

How do you obtain this necessary fear of the Lord? (Proverbs 2:1-5)

1) Receive the Word of God.  “My son, if you will receive my words, …”

2) Hide His Commandments in You.  “… And hide my commandments with you; …”

3) Incline Your Ear to Wisdom.  “… So that you incline your ear unto wisdom, …”

4) Apply Your Heart to Understanding.  “… and apply your heart to understanding; …”

5) Cry Out For Knowledge & Discernment.  “… Yes, if you cry after knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding; …”

6) Seek it and Search as You Would for Hidden Treasures.  “… If you seek her as silver, and search for her as hidden treasures; then shall you understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.”

The fear of the LORD is the key to Unlock His Treasures.

Fear of the Lord is the key that unlocks His treasures in our lives.

“And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure.” — Isaiah 33:6

God desires that we draw near to Him, but this is impossible without a holy fear. It is not about being scared of God. The person who fears God has nothing to hide because he knows his life is an open book before God. He puts God’s desires before the desires of himself and others.

How does God know if we fear Him?

We obey Him. Evidence of a holy fear is obedience to God’s commandments.

The Secret of the LORD is with Those Who Fear Him

“The secret of the LORD is with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant.” Psalm 25:14

A holy fear of the Lord produces unconditional obedience in our hearts and lives. The Lord is drawn to those who fear Him and He works in them both to will and to do His good pleasure. Those that fear the Lord enjoy his secret and treasures.

May you draw near to God as He draws near to you and experience a life of growing prosperity!

God bless you,

P.S. Inspiration to write this article came from two highly recommended resources: The Bible and John Bevere’s book Drawing Near, A Life of Intimacy with God

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