spiritual salvation

Wisdom Stability of the Lord – Isaiah 33:6 Video

Wisdom Stability of the Lord – Isaiah 33:6

The Stability of Your Times is Found in the Lord!

“And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure.” 
— Isaiah 33:6

This video didn’t turn out like I intended, but the verse is still a good one! 🙂

It is also interesting, because at our mid-week service tonight, my Pastor taught some on how salvation includes not only our eternal spiritual salvation, but also the other benefits of God including spiritual, physical, and materially blessings.

He also pointed out that we need to be knowledgeable about what is available to us so we can claim it. When I look at this verse it relates…

If we want true stability we have to look to God’s Word and get it through the salvation He provided. And further wisdom and knowledge of His Word will help us tap into the great inheritance provided us. A healthy fear of the Lord, that causes us to obey His Word is a treasure greater than we can receive in this lifetime!

God bless you –

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