
Attracting Abundance – 4 Keys Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!

Attracting Abundance – 4 Keys Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!

Stop Chasing and Start Attracting Abundance

Keys to the Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!Supernatural prosperity is a treasure to receive.

If you want to be a channel for God’s prosperity,

then stop chasing after it and start attracting it,

by applying God’s “mysterious” laws of multiplication.

How do you attract it?

Through calculated laws of giving.

Certain laws of abundance can be applied to our lives. Stop chasing after the harvest and start attracting it by putting the laws of the harvest into motion through giving.

4 Keys Help Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity:

1. Giving Manifests What You Give

The first key to attracting supernatural prosperity is understanding that you reap what you sow. Like produces like, and you only reap the kind of crop you plant. If you apply this law to your giving, you’ll find that giving produces what you give.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” 

— Galatians 6:7

Plant wheat, and get wheat. Plant love, and reap love. Give time, and reap time. If you give money, you can expect a financial blessing. God says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you…”

2. Reap More Than You Sow

The second law of harvest is that each seed planted, always multiplies itself. One bushel of wheat planted can bring a harvest of 25-40 bushels. Consider what a single seed of corn will produce?

The key here is that seed sown multiplies. Plant one seed and get more back. John 12:24 tells us a planted corn of wheat brings forth much fruit.

When giving to God, you can expect to receive more than the seed gift given.

“Give, and it will be given to you:
good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
and running over will be put into your bosom.”
— Luke 6:38

3. The Measure You Give is the Measure You Manifest

This third law is this: You always reap in proportion to how much you sow. If you sow a few seeds, you can’t expect an abundant harvest. Stinginess may lead to poverty, but generosity leads to prosperity.

“A generous soul is made rich.” 
— Proverbs 11:25

The more you give the more you will receive, and it will be measured back to you in the same measure that you gave. (Luke 6:38b) Give by the cupful, and it will come back to you by the cupful. Give by the truckload, and it will come back to you by the truckload.

4. Remain Faithful Until Harvest Time

There is a season to sow and a season to reap. In the meantime, planted seeds need to be cared for. This law of the harvest says you must remain faithful to the crop in order to receive an abundant harvest.

A farmer doesn’t plant one week and expect a harvest the next. They reap in a different season than they sow. They understand there is seed sowing, then time, then harvest.

Giving is not finished after planting the seeds. The key is to give faithful time and effort to cultivate the field; then when the harvest comes it will be abundant. Seeds tended to and cared for produce abundance.

After giving of time, love, money, etcetera, we must continue to faithfully pray and confess God’s Word until the harvest is manifested.

Keep in mind: Regardless of prior year harvests, what happens in the future depends upon the seeds you sow now – today! Every day you miss sowing is a day you miss harvesting.

Giving to God is the key to opening the treasures of supernatural prosperity. And this will help appropriate God’s richest blessings in every part of your life.

Want to be a channel for God’s prosperity? Then get started today with a determined plan of giving. Remember you need to sow now in order to reap later. Put these four keys of giving to work and open the treasures of the never ending supply of God’s supernatural prosperity.

May your generous, abundant giving make you a channel for God’s supernatural prosperity and fill your life with growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Biblical Prosperity – An Abundance of Spiritual Blessings!

Biblical Prosperity – An Abundance of Spiritual Blessings!

Have You Claimed Your Rich Inheritance?

Biblical Prosperity Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places in ChristBiblical Prosperity is an important topic for Christians.

God desires to do good things for His children and produce good fruit in their lives.

His blessings on our lives bring glory and honor to Him.

So let’s take a look at what the Bible says about prosperity.

What is Biblical Prosperity and why is the abundant life based on spiritual prosperity?

Biblical Prosperity – Blessed with Spiritual Blessings

God has left all His children a great inheritance and we can see this by reading His will. And what God has provided, He did abundantly. There is no need for His children to divide up a little, because there is more than enough to go around.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” 
— Ephesians 1:3

See what I mean? It says ‘ALL’ spiritual blessings in heavenly places. I don’t know about you, but ‘all the spiritual blessings in heavenly places’ sounds like abundance to me!

And notice these blessings have already been provided and this is prosperity that we can walk in NOW, not later. We can tap into this spiritual prosperity by asking God to give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation into His will.

Pray that God opens the eyes of your heart and His Word comes alive in your life.

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” 
— Ephesians 1:18

As children of God we are made alive together and seated together with Christ in heavenly places. Once we see life from God’s perspective, and realize we are prosperous right now with every spiritual blessing, our life and future outlook becomes changed forever.

Spiritual Prosperity – The Foundation of an Abundant Life

The kingdom of God is a spiritual one and the foundation of our prosperity, as kingdom citizens, starts in heavenly places; an area that we can’t physically see or touch. As children of God we have been given all spiritual blessings in Christ.

Yes, if we want to transform our world and manifest financial prosperity and success we have to observe natural laws. But first we must seek to obey spiritual laws that have power to bring even greater riches in our lives. Then by combining the natural and spiritual laws we can find ourselves with growing prosperity; spirit, soul, and body.

‘The riches of the glory of the inheritance of the saints’ is the great treasure for God’s children. It is the great prosperity –the abundance of God. We are made righteous and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. We have love, joy, peace, hope, and more…

Biblical prosperity starts with spiritual prosperity first. From there God gives each of us the unique abilities to prosper in life in ways that will bring glory to Him.

Live like King Uzziah, who as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper. (2 Chronicles 26:5)

The truth is: Biblical prosperity is the abundant life. We can have all spiritual blessings when we find our place in Christ! Why not choose to live the great adventure, and the great prosperity that is available in Christ? We can have an abundant and prosperous life in Christ as we continue to pursue and chase after Him…

Are you enjoying the riches of the glory of your inheritance? If not, ask God to open the eyes of your heart and reveal how you are blessed right now with every spiritual blessing.

May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened and your life full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Abundant Living – Do You Want Prosperity or the Empowerment to Prosper?

Abundant Living – Do You Want Prosperity or the Empowerment to Prosper?

The Blessing of the Lord it Maketh Rich!

Abundant living is the result of choosing to become empowered to prosper.

Many people are convinced that the prosperity of God translates to money and stuff raining down out of heaven.

However that is not the prosperity of God, but actually prosperity from God.

What’s the difference between prosperity and the empowerment to prosper?

Making the Choice that Results in Abundant Living!

In Proverbs 10:22, it says, “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich.” Notice it does not say the blessings make you rich; it is the blessing of God that is the key here.

What this means is that you want the empowerment to prosper and not just the prosperity itself. You don’t just want the fish; you want to learn how to fish.

When Abraham prospered, it wasn’t because God dropped down a camel or a son out of the sky. No, he was blessed because God empowered him to prosper. For example, he and his wife were given the ability to parent a child at an old age.

And the good news is that God has given you the ability to gain wealth and prosper.

Getting Empowered to Prosper

Power comes when believers put the principles of God’s Word to work in their life. It is your faith that will manifest results. Wisdom is also needed for you to understand and apply the Word of God in order to receive prosperity. Wisdom will help you realize the power available to you through your faith.

In order to experience prosperity, we must apply God’s principles by faith.

God is the one that does the multiplying and gives us the desires and ideas. He is the divine instructor that tells us what to do. And when we over, and over, apply the principles of the Word concerning prosperity, and make them part of our daily life, that’s when we start getting results.

Remember, prosperity doesn’t just drop in our lap. Re-enforcing the Word through daily meditation on prosperity principles should become a lifestyle. If we want to be a prosperous person tomorrow, we have to apply God’s principles of sowing and reaping in the difficult times of lack today.

Start with the faith you now have and then gain knowledge and wisdom concerning what the Word really says about finances. Act on that knowledge and mix your faith with it and you’ll soon start getting desirable results.

Make the following your regular confession:

“Today, I live in the blessing of God and I am empowered to prosper in every way!”

Keep in touch with God so you can be empowered to live an abundant life. Put yourself in position for God to empower you to prosper in everything you set your hands to do.

Then, when the economy takes a downturn or the storms of life blow through, you can say, “So What!” because you’ll know you are empowered to prosper.  You can know God will take care of you, and will honor His Word by prospering the work of your hands.

Believe it or not: God wants you blessed and empowered to prosper. He’s looking for ways to bless you. He wants to help you out in life and give you good success. Go ahead and believe it, because that is a key factor in what it takes to get it.

May you live empowered to prosper and experience an abundant life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you,

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