personal growth

Positive Attitude – How Can Positive Thinking Revolutionize Your Life for Success?

Positive Attitude – How Can Positive Thinking Revolutionize Your Life for Success?

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking PowerPositive thinking has been promoted as a must have character trait for years.

Many believe in the power of positive thinking…

and many more think it is just a bunch of nonsense.

The kicker is: They are both right!

Positive thinking is related to your beliefs. So the catch is; if you believe it does not work then it won’t. And if you believe it does work, well, then it will.

However, that being said, the main reason it does not work for non-believers is because of their negative belief; they don’t even give it a try. But anyone can get positive results and will tend to become believers of positive thinking once they put it into action.

Norman Vincent Peale once said:

“If you have zest and enthusiasm you attract zest and enthusiasm. Life does give back in kind.”

Once you start to plant seeds of positive thinking, it begins a chain reaction. It encourages those around you and that in turn encourages you.

It is contagious…

When you choose to think positive, you will eventually speak and act positive.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 
— Proverbs 23:7

If you water and tend to the positive thoughts planted in your mind they begin to grow and take root in your heart.  What’s in your heart is the true reflection of who you are.

Keep in mind: There is no harm in living with a positive outlook. But there is great harm in living with a negative outlook.

Just like a joke or a smile can break the tension in a group of people, your positive thoughts have the power to break the tension and discouragement in your life and move you toward success.

Clear the negative thoughts that may be planted in your mind by daily watering the positive ones. Do this by speaking to yourself daily something similar to the following positive affirmation:

“I was intended to express joy and success. I am victory minded. God created me to win out in life. I was born to live life with peace and hope.”

If any of this rings true: Start planting positive seeds of change and watch as the positive vibes you send out result in your own harvest. The fact that you are reading this is a great indication that the seeds of change are already there. Now go start watering your positive attitude.

May your heart be abundantly positive and your life full of growing prosperity!

God bless you –


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Happiness – How Can Your Passion Jumpstart a Happier You?

Happiness – How Can Your Passion Jumpstart a Happier You?

Give Your Spirit an Extreme Power Boost!

Happiness as a lifestyle is expressing our contentment and satisfaction through cheerful speech, laughter, and other joyful responses.

Yet sometimes the happy times start to fade and our words are no longer so cheerful.

Our face doesn’t look so bright….

And laughter is not even on the scale.

How can you cultivate more of the positive happy emotion in your life?

Get the ball rolling by discovering your passion.

This is a great way to jumpstart a happier you. Passion is a powerful driving force. Being able to actively pursue the things you are passionate about brings great satisfaction and in turn great happiness.

God created you to express joy and success, not gloom and failure. His plan is that you win out in life and not be defeated. You were born for happiness and peace, not misery and perpetual anxiety and discouragement.

Inside of you is a great plan and purpose uniquely created just for you. Tapping into this God given gift is the power to move you to be the successful, happy being your Creator intended.

Discover what you are passionate about and pursue it. Passion gives an extreme power boost to your spirit and emotional well being. If you are unsure of your passion, take some time to reflect on it.

So what are you passionate about?

Simply start asking yourself what you are passionate about. What sort of things do you like to do or wish you could do more of? What have you been putting off for someday? Find a way to make it part of your life now.

Doing what you are passionate about in life brings great happiness to you and others. The painter must paint. The healer must heal. The teacher must teach. The helper must help. The writer must write. I think you get my point. Pursue your passion and watch the happiness naturally manifest in your life.

“Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yes, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”
— Psalm 35:27

Do yourself a favor, and society, and put your unique gifts and talents to work. God never intended His children to be miserable and unhappy. Choose to step into His great plan for your life and discover your passion. Then watch as it unfolds and brings abundant happiness. 🙂

May you live a cheerful, passionate life of growing prosperity!


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Personal Growth – Are You A Uniquely Gifted Specialist Created for Greatness?

Personal Growth – Are You A Uniquely Gifted Specialist Created for Greatness?

Find Out Now if You are a Specialist in the Making!

Unique and Created for GreatnessPersonal growth is a lifelong process…

And we are individual creations…

with our own unique seeds to achieve greatness.

Watering these seeds allows our special talents and gifts to grow…

and develop us into unique specialist.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Do you realize you are a miracle and have been fearfully and wonderfully made? (Psalm 139:14) We are each the only one in all of creation who has our unique set of talents and abilities.

Never see yourself as insignificant. Make the most of yourself and use what talents you possess. Like the saying goes, “Use it or lose it.”

Specialist in the Making

You are special. When we begin to use our God given gifts, we develop into a specialist. Keep in mind: We were not created to be all things to all people.

Do not be one of the masses that bury their talents and gifts. Do not be a copy cat and go down the path of least resistance. Develop your unique gifts to the fullest and do not be surprised when others call you gifted.

God tells us not to conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds to His Word. Then we will be able to test and approve what His perfect and acceptable will is. (Romans 12:2)

Your Life Makes a Difference

Use your life to make a positive difference. God gifted us with unique abilities for a special purpose. No one can do what we ought to be doing and contributing to this world as well as we should. God gives us the ability to do what we have been called to do.

Living a life less than we are capable of will bring unhappiness. We must also remember that we are responsible to God for how we use our gifts in life. So let us use them wisely and achieve greatness.

Are you with me still? Good. Then become a uniquely gifted specialist and put your stamp on this world. Society is counting on you and more importantly God is counting on you. Let your light shine and achieve greatness on your journey of personal growth.

May your life be full of growing achievements and growing prosperity!

God bless you –

Soar higher,

P.S. Image credit goes to: Thad Zajdowicz

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