
Spiritual Warfare Venting and My Experience

A Little Spiritual Warfare Venting and Rambling for today…

What the Enemy Intends for Bad – God Will Work for Good!

First, I want to apologize to you for the website being down for almost three days.

My web host provider had some unexpected issues over the weekend that took my site down and it just went live again mid-day today!  I’m thankful God answered my prayer and the site is back up without errors.

It definitely gave me practice with patience, overcoming frustration, etc.!

Sword of the SpiritIt also had me thinking about spiritual warfare and reflecting back on things in life. You know, I’m finally getting old enough, and wise enough, to realize things aren’t just coincidence. And that the enemy of this world is up to more than we realize

I started thinking about my site going down and how it not only was in the group that went down, but it was the last one to get back up and running. I’ve had many other sites over the years, either personally or that I’ve managed for others. Never have I experienced this type of down time.

Yet none of the other sites were related to spiritual matters and encouraging people to keep God first in life.

As I reflected back, it is clear that the times in my life that I’ve had the most attacks and trials were either times that I clearly chose to walk away from God, and do my own thing, or times when I decided to step out in a significant way for the Lord.

When I chose to do my own thing in the past, and disobey God, it is understandable that I was going to have to face the consequences of those wrong choices.

However, it used to appear like bad timing when trouble would bombard me during the times I was trying to do the right thing.

For instance, when I purposed to start attending church regularly – BAMM – attacks! When I bought a new Bible and study materials to get into the Word – BAMM – attacks! When I got myself and my girls involved in a good church and started volunteering – BAMM – attacks!

Earlier this year, when I decided to finally move forward and put this site up, I was at first constantly amazed at how so many details easily fell into place and worked out. I thank God often for the provision and ability He continues to give me to be able to do this.

Yet there is, once again, clearly this battle going on at the same time…

On one hand, I know God is helping me and guiding me and adjusting me as I go. However, on the other hand, I am again battling attacks. I seem to have gotten a whole whammy of them since I started this site. Physical attacks against my health, mental attacks against my thoughts, and also attacks against my finances and relationships.

They left me doubting if I should be doing this and I did and continue to keep praying for wisdom and guidance. Everything in me keeps saying move forward.

Well anyway – today I started to get mad, thinking about the enemy attacking me (and I also know of a few others personally under attack for stepping out in a significant way to serve God). I feel like battle on!

God is on my side, how can I lose? What the devil intends for bad, my God will work to good!

I serve a really Good God, and a really Big God! And He has helped me overcome the attacks of the enemy. My health and thought life is better … and my relationships are better … and God gave me some ideas and the energy lately to start implementing them that will improve my finances.

Plus on top of it all, with each attack the enemy has thrown at me… I’ve not only come through, but I’ve come through stronger, wiser, and learning how to use the Word of God to lessen the impact of the attacks. I’ve experienced to a greater degree the importance of not living with doubt and fear, but remaining confident and living by faith.

I refuse to let the enemy steal my joy!

My main web site (and others) went down for almost three days – and No – I was not happy about it, but the funny thing is – I didn’t get emotionally upset. I knew that God was going to take care of things and I was able to maintain a peace in the midst of this little storm of life.

I did get mad at the devil though and it has spurred me to write a few articles on spiritual warfare.

Okay – I’m done venting and rambling on… and I’ll end now with this:

“The Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.” 
– Hebrews 4:12

“The Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.”
– 2 Thessalonians 3:3

“Now thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the savor of His knowledge by us in every place.”
– 2 Corinthians 2:14

“May the God of peace make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.”
– Hebrews 13:21

May you walk close to God and your life be filled with growing prosperity!

God bless you & keep you –

P.S. I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments, or suggestions on the subject…

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How to Enjoy Your Prosperous Life – Top 7 No Guilt Tips!

How to Enjoy Your Prosperous Life – Top 7 No Guilt Tips!

Enjoy the Prosperous Life God has Blessed You With!

Enjoy Prosperous Life God Gives You!Enjoy your prosperous life . . .

People may want to curse you and try to guilt trip you with some sort of anti-prosperity message they created . . .

But remember, God has given you the right to enjoy His blessings and have prosperity in your life.

Here are 7 tips to help you enjoy the prosperity you have been blessed to achieve:


The power to get wealth comes from God so that we can do our part to establish His covenant. Continue to remember Him and continue to do your part. When you favor God’s righteous cause, He says He has pleasure in your prosperity. (Psalm 35:27)


Fools get destroyed by prosperity. (Proverbs 1:32) Be wise and manage your abundance following the plan of God.


“The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.” — Proverbs 10:22.

Believe God wants to and can prosper you. He won’t give you poverty if you ask for prosperity. (Matthew 7:9) We are told that every good and perfect gift comes from above.


If the enemy can get you absorbed on your own struggles, then you won’t be in a position to help those in need around you. The enemy comes to steal, but Jesus came that you might have life more abundantly. (John 10:10)


God said His plan is to prosper you and not harm you. (Jeremiah 29:11) The will of God is that all His children have prosperity. God wishes above all things that you prosper. He wants you to prosper spiritually first, but then physically and financially also.


The love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Tim. 6:10) So don’t love it! Your heart is wrong if you lust and greed after riches just to store it up for yourself. Money is only a tool. Choose to use it for good. Be generous. Generous people prosper.


“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” — Matthew 6:21. 

You can keep your heart in the right place by putting your financial prosperity in the right place. God gives you much so you can give away much. (2 Cor. 9:11) You are blessed to be a blessing!


The Lord wants you to experience an abundance of life without sorrow. Where God is, there is no poverty and lack. His plan is for you to prosper, but like every other area, it requires faith for you to receive it. When you receive it from God you will also have peace to enjoy it. So enjoy your prosperous life.

May you continue to experience growing prosperity!

God bless –

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How to Get Happy with 7 Quick and Easy Tips to Brighten Your Spirit!

Happiness – How to Get Happy with 7 Quick and Easy Tips to Brighten Your Spirit!

Discover the Happy Life!

Happy Spirit Lifting Power from God!Happiness is possible for everyone. Yet, like most things in life it does not come automatically. Have you been through some tragic events in life that seem to have robbed your happiness? Even after the experiences are past, your mind can be filled with negative thoughts that leave no room for happiness.

Do you want to be happy? Then I’ll be honest with you, it will require some work on your part. But believe me, you are worth the effort!  

If you want to be happy, you first have to choose to be.

Once you decide to live happy, then start acting like it. Some individuals are naturally more cheerful and just happy-go-lucky all the time.  🙂

On the other side of the spectrum, it can be an almost battle for others to even crack a smile. 🙁

Regardless of where you fall on the happiness scale, these quick and easy tips are sure to brighten your spirit.

How to Get Happy with 7 Quick & Easy Tips:

1.) Be a Thankful Person. Start and end your day giving thanks. Always be mindful of the good in your life and let that fill your thoughts. It is easier to be happy if you are a thankful person.

2.) Monitor Your In Take. What do you watch, read, and listen to? What you take in, is what you are going to put out.

You’ll have to admit it is hard to be happy and upbeat if you are constantly watching the ‘doom and gloom’ on the news. So take in things that are going to lift your spirit. We all know the right song can put a skip in your step.  A funny movie will put a smile on your face.

3.) Live a Healthy Lifestyle. Your physical health plays a key role in your mental health and personal self-image. There is much taught on diet, exercise, nutrition, sleeping habits, etcetera. These things are all vital to how we feel. They must be kept in balance to make it easier to live happy.

4.) Discover Your Passion. So what are you passionate about? Passion gives an extreme power boost to your spirit. Discover what you are passionate about and pursue it.

The painter must paint. The writer must write. Doing what you are passionate about in life brings great happiness (to you and others).

5.) Help Others. Look around you and notice the needs of others. Find ways to help them. Learn to serve. As you look outside of yourself and start helping others, you’ll experience long lasting happiness.

Put some cheerfulness and generosity into someone else’s life. Like they say, ‘what goes around comes around’.

6.) Keep Things in Perspective. If today is not feeling so happy, just remember that this too shall pass. Tomorrow is a new day. We all go through seasons and the storms of life blow through. That is just life. But after the clouds blow past, the sun shines again. So stay determined to keep your happiness.

7.) Tap Into the Source of Happiness. Seek God and His presence daily. He is the abundant source that offers more than happiness, but joy everlasting. When you have a relationship with Him, Jesus says the kingdom of God lives within you. (Luke 17:21)

When we tap into the power He has put within us, our faces should be so lighted up that we give the impression to everybody that we just came into possession of some great, good fortune that made us extremely happy! Like a poor person who struggled all their life that has now become heir of a great fortune.

God’s children ought to look happy. 

“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” 
– Philippians 4:4

It’s no secret, happiness is one of the great essentials to living the good life and it is to be realized here and now. Love, laugh, smile, dance, and be glad often. It is possible for everyone to have peace within themselves and enjoy true happiness.

May you continue to experience a life of happiness and growing prosperity!


P.S. Image credit goes to:

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Abundant Living – Top 10 Reasons Why a Partnership with God is Critical!

Abundant Living – Top 10 Reasons Why a Partnership with God is Critical!

Partner with God and Discover How to Manifest the Abundant Life

Partnership with God in Abundant LoveAbundant living is possible. Is your life currently a far cry from abundance? Are you experiencing unemployment, job loss, debt, sickness, anxiety, marriage troubles, depression, and similar hardships, and ready to through in the towel?

Hear this: Do NOT quit!

Regardless of your situation, there is One who has the ability to move you from the painful pit of poverty and despair to the highest mountain top of prosperous living.

Living a full prosperous life in spirit, mind, and body requires partnership with God, the creator and source of all.  Life takes on a whole new meaning and a higher power when we live in constant realization of our at-one-ment with our Creator, our partnership with the loving, good God. 

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Partnership with God is Critical for Living the Abundant Life:

1) STRENGTH – The nearer you are to God the greater your strength. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31)

2) POWER to CREATE and INVENT – A closer relationship and consciousness with God, provides more power to create and invent because you draw upon the limitless resources of an unlimited God.  His power works through us to glorify His name. (Romans 9:17)

3) WISDOM – Your partnership, with the God of infinite wisdom, allows you to tap into His wisdom. He says if we lack wisdom to ask and He will give it to us generously. (James 1:5)

4) HOPE – Realization of your divine partnership with God will enlarge your life and multiply your effectiveness with hope in Him. It will take away feelings of hopelessness, uncertainty and inability to overcome the storms of life.  God’s plans are to give us hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

5) NO FEAR – When you take God into full, complete partnership, you will not fear. Your life’s ventures cannot end in disappointment. With God we are led into abundant pastures, beside still waters, and He says we will fear no evil. (Psalm 23)

6) MIRACLES – As God’s partner, He is able to perform miracles through us. Every great artist, writer, inventor, or healer that has done a miraculous thing, is conscious of the greater divine source of God working through them.  God can make your tongue as the pen of a skilled writer. (Psalm 45:1)

7) SUCCESS & HAPPINESS – To have real success requires taking God into partnership and lining up your purpose and ambitions with His will. When your career and life does not run counter to God’s plan, but is in tune and contributes and benefits society, your cooperation will bring true happiness and success. In Him we live and move and have our being.  (Acts 17:28)

8 ) HONESTY – Taking God into partnership means that you must not only be honest, but that you must be robustly honest. You cannot lie, cheat, steal, or take advantage of anyone. It is impossible for God to lie. (Hebrews 6:18)

9) LOVE – Partnership with God requires walking in love and loving Him. God is a god of love and what is life without love? God tells us to do all things in love and that love never fails. We are told that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. (Romans 8:28) 

10) PEACE – When you take God into partnership, and you are conscious of doing His work, you have a life of peace and security. With God’s great light in your life you can feel safe and reassured that you will not lose your way.  We are told the Lord will bless his people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)

I could go on and on. The fact is, with God as your partner you will have a new zest in life to attain the higher things that are worthwhile and of eternal value. Working in harmony with God allows you to inherit the best from the King of kings and enjoy a prosperous and abundant life.

May your partnership with God increase your growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing,

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God Gives Abundance of Favor, Num. 6:24-26 Video

God Gives Abundance of Favor

“The Lord bless you, and keep you:
The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you:
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26

Take a minute and soak up some favor from God and His Word in this video!

Here’s to your growing prosperity in Him –

Have a blessed day,

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Prayer Requests with Thanksgiving to God, Phil 4

Prayer Requests with Thanksgiving to God

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which passes all understanding,
shall keep you hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:6-7

This video is about 1-1/2 minutes.

A favorite couple of verses that tell us not to be anxious about anything, but let our requests be made known to God with thanksgiving and then the peace of God will keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!

May you be encouraged & enjoy the peace of God!

Be blessed,

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