
Prosperous Thoughts – 7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance!

Prosperous Thoughts – 7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance!

Change Defeating Thoughts to Prosperous Thoughts

Prosperous Thoughts to Help Manifest Abundance!Prosperous thoughts help

manifest prosperous living.

No doubt: successful individuals do not

reach their goals by filling their minds with

thoughts of failure and defeat.

Overcoming the challenges and obstacles,

on the road to abundance, requires a determination to succeed and a positive mindset.

“We demagnetize ourselves by wrong thinking and lack of faith…We see only the obstacles in our path, and forget that man, working with God, is greater than any obstacle that can oppose itself to his will.”
— Orison Swett Marden

7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance:

1. Question Self-Limitations

Question why you limit yourself from reaching your potential. Are you simply afraid of what others will think if you don’t succeed at your first attempt? Do not put a limit on your potential and abilities. If you continually say “I can’t” then you won’t even try. Instead ask “How can I?”

2. Question Limitations From Others

Why accept the limitations others put on you? People enjoy telling us what we can and cannot do. Don’t fall into the trap of filling your mind with other people’s limitations.

3. Monitor Everyday Thoughts

Turn on the mental radar, because even the most well intentioned person will find negative, defeating thoughts try to sneak in under the radar. To often we begin to affirm those negative thoughts without even realizing it.

4. Reprogram Negative Attacks

A passionate dream that you desire to accomplish is hard to keep to yourself. It is normal to want to share your ambition with others, but also way too common to have others ridicule you about it. Learn to quickly reprogram the negative attacks and laugh it off when others laugh at you!

5. Visualize Your Abundance

Keep a visual image constantly in your mind of the goals you desire to manifest. Place pictures and notes up around your living and workspace that positively affirm a mental image of your desired goals.

6. Renew Your Mind Daily

Renew your thought life daily like a mental bath. Keep your thoughts positive, clean, and empowering. The most empowering way to renew your mind is with the Word of God and filling it with who He says you are and what you can do.

7. Turn Thought Habits Into Action Habits

Continue to be mindful of your thought life until positive, productive, prosperous thoughts are a habit. Once they become habit, you’ll find that positive, productive, prosperous actions follow. As these actions become a habit, you’ll automatically move toward a prosperous life.

Final thoughts: Regardless of all the negative thoughts currently filling your mind, it is possible to change those thoughts to the better and become prosperous. Begin today to start making some positive changes to your thinking and soon positive changes will manifest in your behavior and your life!

May your mind be filled with prosperous thoughts and your life be filled with growing prosperity!

Be Blessed to be a Blessing!



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Growing Prosperity: 5 Things You Need to Abundantly Receive the Abundance of God!

Growing Prosperity: 5 Things You Need to Abundantly Receive the Abundance of God!

Is Your Measure of Prosperity Limited by Your Ability to Receive?

Abundantly Receive the Abundance of GodGrowing prosperity is limited

by many human factors,

including our ability to receive.

If we were to enjoy the abundance of God

according to His willingness and ability to give,

there would be no poverty among us; for surely there is no lack in God!

The Giver and The Receiver

If you were given the choice to prosper according to your ability to ask and receive, or according to God’s willingness to give, what would you choose?

Who would even hesitate to choose the generous giving of God? We cannot even want a blessing that God has made available as eagerly as He wants to give it to us!

Our asking is limited by human factors. And our boldest request is sure to be small compared to God’s unlimited willingness to give and His boundless ability to perform what He wills.

“Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” 
— Ephesians 3:20

God is infinite, but it is not enough that we acknowledge the infinite abundance of God. We must also believe that He is infinitely generous to give and bless us out of His abundance.

So let me ask you: Why are Christians so poverty stricken? Their God is the Most High God, possessor of heaven and earth, and rich beyond the powers of man to comprehend. Well of course, the problem is not with God the giver. The problem is on our receiving end, so let’s take a look at that.

5 Things You Need to Abundantly Receive the Abundance of God:


Only a little faith is required to believe that God is infinitely abundant. However, to believe that God is a generous giver as well as the possessor of infinite abundance requires an advanced faith.

We need to be convinced that God is generous, goodhearted, kind and ready to pour out His blessings upon us. To gain a personal revelation of this and increase our faith, meditating on the Word and immersing ourselves in the Scriptures is a must. This will help validate our expectations.

Faith needs to be exercised to be effective and help us grow in our ability and capacity to receive abundantly. So believe God for financial abundance, spiritual abundance, and also abundance of love, joy, and peace. Have faith in God to prosper in every area of your life.


A receptive mindset to prosper is needed to receive in a greater capacity. This requires changing our focus from a scarcity mentality, to a more than enough mentality. The world would have us focus on lack, shortages, and loss to destroy our abundant mindset.

But, God is the God of more than enough and we should not put limits on Him. Our focus should be on the abundant promises in His Word.

Whatever you lack, believe God for it and expect to receive. Believe that God will supply all your needs; believe that He meets your needs and provides for those who seek Him.


A serious responsibility goes along with the abundance that is manifested in our lives. Selfish stewardship over the gifts, talents, and blessings we receive can destroy their usefulness and our ability to receive more.

The gifts we have been blessed with are meant to be used to benefit others; not only ourselves. We are blessed to be a blessing.


Generosity opens the door to receiving. Giving and receiving go hand-in-hand. The more we give the more we receive. A generous heart is the heart of God and those with a generous spirit are blessed.

“Give, and it shall be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over… For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” 
— Luke 6:38


It is impossible to be too thankful to God, but it might be good to try. It is God’s will that we give thanks in everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) Those who maintain an attitude of gratitude also keep their ability to receive wide open.

Now what? Are you ready to receive in a measure more in keeping with God’s liberality? If so, then it is time for you to make these five things part of your life and abundantly start receiving the abundance of God.

May your ability to receive continue to increase and move you into an abundant life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Encouragement of Hope! Why All the Sad Faces if this is the Happiest Time of the Year?

Encouragement of Hope! Why All the Sad Faces if this is the Happiest Time of the Year?

Discover Encouragement Affirmations to Live with Hope for Tomorrow!

Holiday Blues Discouragement and DepressionEncouragement to face the light and…

live with hope for tomorrow is –

much needed during the holiday season.

The music, movies, commercials, etc…

all shout that the holidays are the happiest time of the year.

If this is the case, why are there so many sad,

discouraged, and depressed people walking around?

In the USA alone, the suicide rate back in 2007 was stated at Suicidology.org to be 34,598, or about 95 suicides per day. That is about one fatal outcome every 15 minutes. What a terrible tragedy to have so much self-destruction when life is so precious.

The Discouragement Factor

Why do so many people take their own lives? The primary reason is overwhelming discouragement. Discouragement is a destructive force that changes a person’s mindset and outlook to become dark, negative, and hopeless. They lose their courage and find it replaced with fear.

Holiday seasons come with the expectation that happiness is required. However, the fact is, holidays tend to have added stressors on top of the rest of life’s challenges, including financial trouble, illness, loss of loved ones, and more. And unfortunately, many people find themselves discouraged and depressed during this season.

Victims of discouragement can quickly end up with hindered decision making skills and in no condition to do things effectively. Their whole mentality is placed at a disadvantage as their mind becomes depressed. Discouragement darkens the mind and can cause a person to make fatally wrong decisions.

The Encouragement Treatment

Discouragement stems from a feeling of separateness from God and this causes a consciousness of weakness and a feeling of standing alone. Treat this disease by conquering those mental enemies with positive affirmations. Drive out fear, anxiety, worry, and the “blues” by affirming your connection with God.

“We are all ‘under fire’ all our lives, and the real hero is the one who keeps straight on in spite of discouragements and disappointments, never losing one jot of heart or courage, never giving way to despair, trusting always in the Divine Power that will lead him to his goal.” 
— Orison Swett Marden

Begin to eliminate those negative things that stand between you and your Maker and allow free access to the flow of God’s Divine Power by regularly affirming His truths.

Encouragement Affirmations:

Holiday Encouragement Affirmations of HopeSay to yourself:

‘I am a child of the King of kings and there is something inside of me that is bigger than my circumstances. I am a co-heir with Christ and all that He has.’

‘I am strong, courageous, confident, and hopeful for the future. My mind is serene and I sleep peacefully knowing my destiny is in the hands of Him who controls everything and who does all things well.’

‘I declare my power to conquer difficulty and overcome. I trust in God and forge ahead. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. His truth is my shield and protector.’

The truth is: We can allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by discouragement, OR we can rise above it. Overcome by speaking positive, encouraging, success affirmations. Strengthen your mind by using positive thoughts to drive out negative thoughts.

Choose to encourage yourself and others regularly, so that you keep a heart of courage, thoughts of hope, and trust always in the Divine Power of God in your life.

May you be encouraged, keep your face toward God’s light, and live a life of growing prosperity!

 God bless you always,

P.S. This article is inspired by Marden’s book “How to Get What You Want” and specifically the chapter “Discouragement – How to Cure It”

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Manifesting Abundance – The Power of Changing Your Thinking to Manifest Money!

Manifesting Abundance – The Power of Changing Your Thinking to Manifest Money!

Your Thoughts and Beliefs Hold Great Power to Manifest Money!

manifest moneyManifesting financial abundance and money…

requires managing your thinking.

Make no mistake about it;

there is great power in thoughts and beliefs.

So what thoughts and beliefs do you currently hold about money?

Common Negative Thoughts About Money

  • It is not good to have a lot of money.
  • Rich people really aren’t happy.
  • Money isn’t everything and I don’t care about money.
  • Money isn’t important.

People who say these things might not care about money, but you can be sure that the landlord does, and the banker, the car dealer, the utility company, etc. A common misconception regarding money relates to its importance. Truth is, who can deny how important money is to any person living in a civilized society and using it as their currency.

Money has a greater influence in our lives than almost any other commodity. It is one of the most talked about subjects in the Bible. Consider how a sudden loss or gain of money affects a person’s attitude to a great extent.

I think you would agree that we all should have a practical understanding of exactly what money is and the laws governing its manifestation. This one individual area of study will not only affect your own life, but the lives of those around you.

Out with the Negative and In with the Positive Money Thoughts

Thinking is the highest function we are capable of. Yet many people fool themselves into believing they are thinking, when often they are just replaying old movies in their mind. It is important to take notice of this and begin choosing your thoughts and developing a prosperity conscious mindset.

Mental awareness of prosperity always precedes manifested wealth. Thoughts will create ideas, which will help you create a plan of action to then go do those things, and put yourself in the position to manifest more money.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” — Romans 12:2

Think of children born into prosperous families; they have been conditioned from birth to be prosperity conscious and think prosperous thoughts. These children only see themselves surrounded by wealth, and they in turn play that out in their adult life with their choices of careers, like minded spouses, and lifestyles. It’s as if they feel it is their birth right and they don’t even entertain thoughts of poverty and lack. Any setbacks are only temporary because they are prosperity conscious.

Unfortunately, the majority of people have not been born into that kind of environment and raised to have a prosperity mindset. The opposite is too often the case and living in a poor environment with poor thinking and poor conversations is the norm.

Anyone can change their way of thinking. It is not always easy, and takes a desire to do so and a lot of effort. But the results from the effort will be well worth it.

Lack and limitation only exists when we give it room in our minds. Opening our minds to prosperity consciousness helps us see money as an obedient servant that we are master over, and that we can tap into unlimited earnings potential.

Remember, that we must have something mentally before we have it physically. So let’s make those private thoughts and conversations in our minds be wealth conscious, and move us to a higher potential.

You can begin to positively affirm:

  • I am prosperous and wealthy.
  • Money is good and I am blessed to be a blessing.

Just think about it. God created this world full of abundance and has given each of us talents and abilities, far surpassing what we use. With God’s help we have what it takes to be a success. With God there is no lack and He gave us the ability to think. So why not start to penetrate the world of wealth today by using the power of thought to manifest money.

May you use the power of thought to create a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you – cheers,

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Confess Success – God Declares You Prosperous and Successful! Do You?

Confess Success – God Declares You Prosperous and Successful! Do You?

Why Not Agree with God and Confess His Good Success on Your Life?

Prosperous success requires – 

having a mindset that strives for success.

God wants you to be successful in all that you do.

God declares you prosperous and successful…

so begin to agree with God’s Word.

Be a person of the Word; speak the Word.

Think and Imagine Success

If we want to stay in a place of growing prosperity and constant success we must diligently seek God and His presence at all times. (Ecclesiastes 8:12) The thoughts and images that we allow God’s Word to create inside of us are powerful forces that cause us to succeed in every part of life – spiritually, physically, and financially.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” — Joshua 1:8

Meditating and thinking on God’s positive, life-filled words have the power to change your life.

Speak Success

Having prosperous success means regularly speaking and confessing God’s Word. His word will manifest results, but we have to speak it. We can’t expect a life of growing prosperity while we constantly speak the opposite of God’s Word and confess things such as; ‘Nothing I ever do works out.’

“Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” — Job 22:28

Keep in mind: As you regularly speak God’s words of truth, your negative thoughts of doubt will gradually fade.

Confess and Declare Success

Take time daily to confess and declare over your life the same things that God declares over you. The following is a sample confession to get you started:

‘I declare the good success of God on my life. I confess that I have a spirit of faithfulness, wisdom, diligence and giving. I give bountifully and I reap bountifully. I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. God has given me power to be successful. The light and favor of God are shining on me and I am victory minded in everything I do. I am a winner, an overcomer, and I triumph and live successful to the glory of God. Everything I put my hand to prospers. Success is overtaking me in Jesus’ name.’

Believe me. Once you start to keep God first place in your life, you can expect His blessings. God declares you successful, so begin to agree with the Word of God, observe to do it and make your way prosperous.

May you declare the success of God on your life and live in growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you always –

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Affirmation Power – How to Overcome Fear and Strengthen Your Courage with Affirmations

Affirmation Power – How to Overcome Fear and Strengthen Your Courage with Affirmations

Why Not Put the Power of Affirmations to Work for Your Benefit?

Affirmations are a powerful force in helping direct our lives.

If you are lacking in any quality…

you can strengthen it with regular affirmations.

They will make your brain clearer…

and your thoughts more effective.

“An affirmation is a statement of Truth consciously used so as to become the directing power of Life’s expression.” 
— Orison Swett Marden

Fearful Thoughts Versus Courageous Thinking

Would you like to overcome fear in your life? If you are a coward anywhere in your nature, which most people are, you can put the power of affirmations to work for your benefit.

Strengthen your courage by regularly affirming that you are absolutely fearless, that you are courageous, and that nothing can harm you. Consider that fear is simply the sense of danger. But when you have perfect confidence in the great Creator and His purpose for your life, when you trust in Him completely, there will be no cause for fear.

God has a plan for your life and He says it is not to harm you, but to prosper you and give you a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) Once you convince yourself that there is a good plan for your life, and that the opposing thoughts must be a delusion, you will gradually lose the sense of fear and gain the courage you desire.

“Nerve us with incessant affirmation. Don’t bark against the bad, but chant the beauties of the good.” 
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Affirmations Create Power

Determine today not to harbor anything in your mind which you do not wish to become real in your life. Every time you feel a sense of fear coming over you, replace it by saying something such as the following affirmation:

‘I am absolutely fearless; I am strong and courageous because the Lord is my God and my helper; I am more than a conqueror and always triumph in Christ.’

Do not entertain a weak or fearful thought. Instead replace them with confident, hopeful, optimistic thoughts. If you form the habit of affirming to yourself bold and courageous thoughts, as soon as a sense of fear arises, you will be surprised to see how quickly you can change the whole course of your thoughts. And when this is changed, the feeling will change also.

You will begin to increase your courage and confidence, and this is half the battle. You will soon find that your environment will begin to change. Hope will increase and you will have a healthier outlook on life. Your thoughts, instead of depressing your mind, will be a perpetual encouragement of courage and confidence that drives out fear.

Now what? Discover the wonderful advantage available to you by starting out every morning with the mindset of affirming the confident and courageous person God created you to be. Let affirmations create a powerful force that make it difficult for any discouraging and fearful thoughts to take over. Overcome fear and strengthen your courage with powerful affirmations.

May your mind be filled with courageous, confident affirmations and your life full of growing prosperity!

God bless you –


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Growing Prosperity – How Can You Be Prosperity Minded and Live in Increasing Abundance?

Growing Prosperity – How Can You Be Prosperity Minded and Live in Increasing Abundance?

Tapping Into the Wealth and Abundance that Surrounds You!

Growing prosperity is within your reach…

Even if your current circumstances are weighing you down

with financial lack, debt, and no seemingly visible way out;

there is hope.

The truth is, we are surrounded by abundance…

and we can tap into it by becoming prosperity minded.

A Technique to Start Attracting Abundance

One of the reasons that wealthy people have money is that they have learned to be prosperity minded. They have wealth because they feel comfortable about it.

How do you go about developing a prosperous mindset yourself? Here is a simple technique you can begin using right away to start attracting wealth or any other form of abundance you desire.

To develop a prosperous mindset, start seeing yourself in your mind’s eye, already in possession of the abundance you desire. Take time daily to visualize your life as you would have it to be. Close your eyes and envision and feel yourself there.

By gaining a prosperous mindset you’ll soon become much more comfortable with the thought of wealth and abundance in your life. As a result, you will start attracting it to you.

Just a Game, or a Technique for Increasing Abundance?

Does this just sound like a silly game of playing pretend? Let me assure you, getting control of your thought life is one of the wisest things you can do.

“People that think wrong believe wrong, and when they believe wrong, they act wrong.” 
— Kenneth E. Hagin

There is power in moving your visualizations into your subconscious. Why? Because the subconscious does not distinguish between the mere visualization and the actual possession.

What does this mean? Once you succeed in planting abundant thoughts into your subconscious mind, and it feels comfortable to prosper, your subconscious mind will automatically seek ways to make those thoughts and feelings of abundance manifest themselves in a material form.

If becoming prosperity minded seems like a silly ‘head’ game, it’s not. Go ahead and put this technique into action for awhile and it will start to make a lot more sense to you. Once you succeed at becoming comfortable seeing yourself living in increasing abundance, don’t be surprised to see it also start manifesting in your life.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” 
— Romans 12:2

God wants to see His children prosper and He tells us how to do it in His Word. Take time to renew your mind to line up with the Word of God so that your desires and circumstances can also change and line up with His will for your life.

Believe me. Once you put this technique into action and choose to be prosperity minded, you can expect to start seeing a growing transformation in your life. If you are ready to move from lack to overflow, then now is the time to begin to foster a prosperous mindset and tap into the surrounding flow of abundance.

May you be prosperity minded and live in growing prosperity!

God Bless You and Be Blessed to Be a Blessing!


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Growing Prosperity: Renewed Thinking to Live in the Abundant Provision of God!

Growing Prosperity: Renewed Thinking to Live in the Abundant Provision of God!

Manifest Growing Prosperity with Growing Faith

Growing Prosperity comes with a growing faith.

Are you, like many believers, overwhelmed with living by faith?

Does it seem too hard to live in the lifestyle God has laid out?

Really it is a whole lot easier to do what God says, because then we don’t have to figure it all out our self. We don’t have to worry and stress. There is peace in taking it one day at a time.

God has already made available a great abundant provision for us. Manifesting growing prosperity in our lives simply requires living by faith and obeying God’s steps to receive. And this requires getting control of our thought life right from the start.

Renewed Thinking

The New Year is always a great time to get a fresh perspective and start anew. But we don’t have to wait until the first of every year. Today is always a great day to renew our thinking.

God never intended living by faith and acting on His Word to overwhelm us. We need to refuse to think God’s ways are too hard.

When we have a positive outlook it is much easier for God to help us out – because He doesn’t have to fight our mind so much! And, we are able to adjust to life changes a lot easier.

We need to be of the mindset that:

  • It is easy to live debt-free.
  • It is easy to live healed.
  • It is easy to walk in love.

We need to get into the Word and let it stir our faith and let the Word start renewing our mind in the areas we struggle with – so that we not only see it is possible, but inevitable. God’s Word will work!

Abundant Provision of God

I’m sure that just like me, what you want is to live in the abundant provision God has made available to us.

Living in the abundance of God requires action on our part. However, before we can act and be successful, we have to be thinking right. Right thinking allows us to act on the Word and receive what God has for us sooner.

It is not that hard to believe God!

Spend time with God and let Him refresh you. Let God be God of every area of your lifespiritually, physically, and financially. Then He can bless you in all those areas.

Biblical prayer and meditation example on the abundance of God:

“I pray that you may know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory throughout all ages. Amen.”
— Ephesians 2:19-21

Bottom line is that every day is an opportunity to renew our minds with God’s Word, act on it, and grow closer to Him. Are you ready for renewed thinking to live in the abundant provision of God?

May right thinking allow you to act on God’s Word and experience a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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