
Abundance – Want a Powerful 3 Step Formula that Reveals Secret to Your Abundant Prosperity?

Abundance – Want a Powerful 3 Step Formula that Reveals Secret to Your Abundant Prosperity?

Tap Into Your Built-In Potential to Create Prosperity!

Law of Abundant ProsperityAbundant prosperity is a built in potential God has put inside each one of us.

Just because you are unable to see the potential inside yourself at any given moment does not mean it is not there.

You can’t see your emotions or your thoughts, but they are real, and they do exist.

How do you reveal that built in potential and tap into it?

This powerful formula is simple, but extremely effective, and gets results. It’s been taught and explained in many different ways over the years. Why? In an attempt to get people to live the life they were designed to live. How sad to see people go to the grave never accomplishing that thing they were created to do!

From Potential to Potential Realized


Start where you are and begin using the measure of faith God has given you. Just like there is great built in potential for a future harvest inside the smallest seed, your faith has built in potential to manifest abundance.

A seed won’t produce results if it’s not planted. By faith you must plant the seeds of change you wish to harvest in your life.

How do you do that? You set the law of faith into motion with your confessions. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.  (Proverbs 18:21)

By faith, confess (speak) your desire; your belief. Verbally state out loud to yourself what it is you believe to manifest. Faith speaks what it believes.

Understand that faith works in your heart, not in your head. Use your mind to make a plan and decide what it is you need and desire. Then by faith, speak it to get it planted in your heart where it will go to work.

Hearing yourself speak your desire is not only the secret activator of your faith, but it also increases your faith. As your faith grows, you’ll find yourself thinking and talking more often about that thing you need or desire. This positive cycle helps you become fully persuaded; which leads us to the next step.


Faith is described as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1)

In order to manifest your desire, you must have faith that is fully persuaded. It is important to eliminate doubt, wavering, and wishy-washy thinking. Become fully persuaded and certain of what you believe.

Have hope that positive things are coming to pass.

Visualize your desired goal in great detail and keep hopeful and focused on the prize. Have confidence that what you can now only see by faith will manifest in the natural.


It is now time to mix your faith with action. Faith without works is dead. (James 2:20)

The law of faith may be a spiritual law, but it works along with natural laws. If you believe, then you’ll take action; which is required to get results.

The farmer doesn’t plant seed unless he believes it will produce a harvest. After sowing the seed, his work is still not done. It requires more work tending to it. Even after it is fully grown it still requires massive action to reap the harvest.

Also keep in mind; everything produces after its kind and you reap what you sow. Speak only your desired result or solution, not the problem. Keep your thoughts, words, and actions lined up with your desired belief.  If you let fear or unwanted thoughts creep in, then you’ll soon have an unwanted harvest.

Now go use this formula in your life. Exercise your faith and put it to good use. For ultimate results, find out what the Word of God has to say over your situation and speak it. Tap into your potential and reveal abundant prosperity.

May your faith increase and your life be full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Have any of these steps helped you manifest prosperity in your life?

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Abundant Prosperity – If You Want True Riches Hear What God Has to Say About Your Money!

Abundant Prosperity – If You Want True Riches Hear What God Has to Say About Your Money!

Want to Manifest True Riches?

Hear What God Has To Say About Your Money!Abundant prosperity is available in all areas of your life.

It is important that you don’t limit prosperity only to finances.

True riches equals much more than money or things: it also includes spiritual blessings like wisdom and peace.

If you want true riches in your life, you need to listen to what God has to say about the matter.

God has plenty to say about your money. He actually talks more about money in the Bible than even prayer. Yet it is a subject that most believers don’t want to talk about. Or at least they don’t want to hear what the Lord has to say about money.

Let’s look at a couple key areas you should pay attention to.


If you want to know what someone loves, look at what they spend their money on. What you invest your finances on is a reflection of what you love.

“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” 
— Luke 12:34

Where and what you spend your money on does more than reflect the condition of your heart. Your spending also decides the direction that your heart will go. This is good news. You can choose where your heart will go, by choosing what you invest your finances on.

Where do you want your heart to be?

If you want it to be with your spouse, then spend money on your spouse. If you want it to be with your house, vehicles, toys, and possessions, then spend your money on those things. Do you want your heart to be with God? Then tithe and invest your finances in the things of God. Investing in Him brings great returns.


Another key step you must learn is how to be faithful with your finances. If you are not dependable, reliable, generous, and faithful with your finances, God will not commit to you true riches.

“If you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?” 
— Luke 16:11

Money is not really true riches. True riches are revelation, wisdom, favor, and other spiritual blessings of the Lord.

Are you getting this? God is saying if you are a faithful and generous giver, then you open the door for Him to do things in your life that money can’t do.

Unfortunately, Christians often don’t want to be talked to about how they handle their money; instead only about spiritual things. Yet, God is trying to tell you that He’s not going to entrust you with spiritual things if you’re not first faithful when it comes to your finances. They go hand-in-hand and you need to prove you are able to handle the money you now have in order to be entrusted with more and also the true riches of spiritual blessings.

Do yourself a favor and begin to listen to what God has to say about how you should handle your money. Then trust and follow His directions. Believe He will take care of you financially and know that following His plan will open the door to true riches and abundant prosperity in your life.

May your faithfulness result in spiritual blessings and continued growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments with others…

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How to Maximize the Ruling Force that Manifests Prosperity!

How to Maximize the Ruling Force that Manifests Prosperity!

Seize Your Abundant Rich Living Yet?

Power to ManifestAbundant rich living sounds wonderful doesn’t it?

Are you seizing what has been made available to live your dream life?

When we think of a prosperous life, the details are unique for each of us. Yet usually the basics are common across the board.

What comes to your mind when you think of the dream life you desire?

Do you want loving, meaningful relationships? How about happiness, peace, and a slower, stress free pace; to be able to enjoy the everyday life? Does a closer walk with God and strong spiritual growth sound good? What about improved living conditions, a better car, and more money in the bank; the ability to give more to others. And of course we all want to be physically and mentally healthy.

What is the Ruling Force Affecting Your Life?

The spiritual law of confession: Few people realize that the spiritual law of confession rules us. I’m referring to the things we speak, talk about, say, and confess every day.

Regardless of who we are, we’ll never rise above our confessions. And here is where it gets really interesting: We all get to choose the confessions of our mouth. It is our choice.

“You are snared (trapped) with the words of your mouth.” – Proverbs 6:2

How Do You Maximize this Ruling Force and Manifest Prosperity?

Confess what you believe in your heart: The key to maximizing this force is realizing the power is in confessing what we believe in our heart, not our head.

Jesus tells us we can have anything we SAY as long as we believe in our HEART (spirit) and CONFESS it with our mouth. (Mark 11:23)

Having a head full of beliefs and knowledge is like having a bag full of seeds. They both hold a great untapped potential harvest.  However, we will not reap a harvest in life without planting the seeds.

To manifest results, the head knowledge we have must be planted in our heart and applied to our lives.

How do we get the knowledge that is in our heads planted in our hearts?

Again the answer is that we must speak it – confess it.

Speak out loud the thoughts and beliefs you wish to manifest. There is great, often overlooked power, in the spoken word.

Keep in mind: at first we may only be speaking head knowledge. We may only understand or believe something to be true in our mind. But the real power is in confessing what we want so it gets planted in our heart and we in turn believe it in our heart. 

The good news is that when we continue to confess, what we now believe in our heart (spirit), we will begin to see the manifestation of those beliefs in our life.

“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” – Luke 6:45

A word of warning: The spiritual law of confession works for both good and bad. So only confess positive if you want to reap positive results. If you are like me, this can be a challenge at times, but one worth conquering.

There is a reason Jesus put such a great emphasis on the fact that we can have what we say, speak, and confess with our mouth and believe in our heart. The same steps we take to receive eternal salvation in Christ; believe with our heart and confess with our mouth, are the same steps we take to manifest prosperity and abundance in all areas of life.

Hopefully by now you are convinced: There are many benefits to mastering our confessions and tapping into the power of the spoken word. It plays a vital role in every area of our lives. Start today. Choose carefully the words you allow your mouth to speak. Maximize this powerful force that can manifest prosperity and begin to seize the abundant rich life.

May your confessions reflect truth from the Word of God and manifest growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Image credit thanks go to Patrick Hajzler

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Growing Prosperity – Do You Want to Overcome Defeat and Step Into the Abundant Life?

Growing Prosperity – Do You Want to Overcome Defeat and Step Into the Abundant Life?

How to Overcome Defeat and Bring Growing Prosperity Into Your Life!

Step Into Growing ProsperityGrowing prosperity and abundance is what most people want in their lives.

How come then, do the whopping majority of these same people, find themselves just barely scraping by?

If you feel like defeat is at your doorstep; don’t throw in the towel. Often times we simply need to make a few adjustments to overcome defeat and manifest the abundance of God.

Don’t Compare Yourself to the Ungodly

For starters, STOP wasting time comparing yourself to the unjust. STOP questioning why the wicked seem to prosper and you are barely scraping by. 

A thankful heart delivers the goods.  An ungrateful heart is an insult to God.

Even in our worst condition we are blessed beyond measure with the assurance of everlasting life. God forbid we dare complain to Him because someone else has more ‘things’ in their life; as if that is of greater value than our salvation.

Stand Steadfast – Don’t Be Defeated

Listen: The kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:21)

You have more power available to change your circumstance than you realize. Meditate on the Word and tap into your God given empowerment by faith.

Start asking God to open the eyes of your understanding and give you wisdom to see where you need to make adjustments in your life. Believe me the problem is not with God! It is with us.

Humble yourself and ask God to show you what you need to adjust. Be open to hearing what it is. Correction is not always easy. But it is necessary.

Then take action on what you need to change. This is not easy either, but it’s either walk out the truth of God’s Word OR go on speaking and living out the lies of the enemy.

God gives us a choice and puts before us life or death. And then He tells us to choose life.

Don’t Just Try – Do it to a Finish

Speaking of which; without faith it is impossible to please God. It takes faith to tap into the abundance of God. And faith doesn’t just try things out and see what happens.  

Noah didn’t just try to build the ark, then after a few years of hard work give up and say “I tried God’s plan, but it doesn’t work.” He just did it to the finish. And as you’ll recall: it worked out really well for him and his family!

So what now? Are you going to throw in the towel and turn your back on God when times get a little tough? Sure glad Jesus didn’t. When you have faith in God’s Word you take action, obey, and follow through. And you trust God will follow through with His promise. Go now and be blessed to be a blessing and tap into your abundant life.

May you stand steadfast to the finish and continue to experience growing prosperity!

God bless you,

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Prosperous Living – How to Break the Poverty Cycle and Manifest the Abundance of God!

Prosperous Living – How to Break the Poverty Cycle and Manifest the Abundance of God!

How to Use Your Power to Prosper

Prosperous LivingProsperous living does not have to be out of your reach.

If you are on a treadmill of poverty and lack, I have good news for you today. You can get off the road that leads to lack and start heading down the road that leads to prosperity. 

So you’ve been busy, busy, busy – working hard, but getting nowhere. Not very satisfying is it?

God has plans to prosper you and give you a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) He wants you to prosper, and He has empowered you with the ability to do just that.

Doesn’t it make sense to get some positive results out of your efforts?

If you answered yes, then you will be glad to know that you can; starting today.

Manage Your Mind to Prosper

The trick to living life to the fullest is learning to program your mind for success.

When your thoughts line up with plans of success and prosperity long enough, eventually your actions follow suite.

“Tis the mind that makes the body rich.” – Shakespeare


Are You Thinking?

That may seem like a silly question, but unfortunately there appears to be a group of people that go through life and avoid using their minds. Their lives become a routine that requires little conscious effort.

They choose jobs, entertainment, and pastimes that purposely do not challenge their intellect. When they do share thoughts it tends to be about what they saw on TV or gossip about others. The trivia question on the back of the cereal box is a major accomplishment.

What Are You Thinking About?

What you think, you are. (Proverbs 23:7)

God places a great emphasis on renewing our minds daily. What we think about is vitally important to the results we get in life. Like the saying goes; “Garbage in, garbage out.”

We are limited only by the obstacles we create in our minds.

Decide to succeed and set goals to reach your desire. Take some time to work out a plan to reach each goal. Discipline yourself to keep your mind focused on what you want to achieve.

Remember, your mind and heart plans your way, but the Lord directs your steps. (Proverbs 16:9) We need to make sure we acknowledge God every step of the way.

How Are You Thinking?

We have the choice to program our conscious minds with positive, affirmative beliefs. We can think positive and hopeful and chose a victory minded attitude.

Your subconscious mind takes these messages as fact and goes to work making them a reality in your life.

Don’t short-circuit your success with a negative self-inflicted defeated image of yourself. Have the attitude of the Apostle Paul and say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

You can tap into the abundance of God.

I think you get the point. What we think and how we think is shaping our future. Prosperous thinking equals prosperous living. God doesn’t want to see our lives going in circles in the desert when He has a great abundance prepared and waiting for us. Manage your mind to step into prosperous living.

May your mind be renewed daily by the Word of God and result in a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Snap, Crackle, and Prosper – How to Manifest Your Bowl of Abundance!

Snap, Crackle, and Prosper – How to Manifest Your Bowl of Abundance!

Discover Some Tips to Help You Enjoy Your Own Manifested
Bowl of Abundance

Bowl of AbundanceAbundance: Have you decided it is time to make a change and pour yourself a bowl of abundance?

Well, before anything can manifest in your world on the outside –

 before you feel better, look better, or fatten up your bank account

– the image inside you must change.

Why not start today and get busy putting on a new image?


It’s only a matter of time until what you think about and how you see yourself on the inside is what your life will look like on the outside. Begin to see yourself and your life the way God sees you.

Your finances may be a mess, and your health a wreck, but you need to take on God’s image of you. He sees you prospering and in health, even as your soul prospers.


Start speaking the new vision that is on the inside of you.

One of the major keys to confession and faith is that what you hear yourself speak produces faith inside you. The confession of God’s Word is necessary to build faith to prosper in all areas.

The words you speak get into your spirit and then they come back out your mouth. Every time they go through this process, they increase in power and you get stronger and closer to manifesting your desires.

Jesus told us that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth Speaks. And if you believe what you Say, you’ll have it.  (Matt. 12:34, Mark 11:23)


Prepare yourself for abundance. Use your faith on the front end before the need arises. Confess God’s Word concerning prosperity daily and have His system in motion before a major crisis ever comes along.

Mark my words: It takes longer to work these principles if you’re already in the midst of a problem, because you have to combat negative thoughts and feelings. So speak out your confession of faith when you have no sickness or financial lack and you’ll be better prepared for when you do.

Bowl of ProsperityFeast your eyes on a prosperous life and make it a way of life to speak abundance.

May you continue growing in prosperity daily and enjoy your manifested bowl of abundance!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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