
Growing Prosperity – The Power of Believing and Receiving Manifests Abundance!

Growing Prosperity – The Power of Believing and Receiving Manifests Abundance!

Dare to Believe and Activate Your Faith

The Power of Believing and ReceivingBelieving is receiving and receiving is believing;

this is true to a great degree.


Because we must first believe in something

if we want to receive and manifest

the abundance of it into our lives.

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
— Mark 11:24


When we believe, we accept the truth, existence, reliability, or value of something; we also put our confidence, faith, and trust in that thing.

Receiving is very similar in its definition. When we receive, we grab or take hold of something (physically or mentally); we take it into the mind and accept it as true.

So whether you are believing or receiving, you are taking hold of and accepting something. Believing something in the spiritual realm is receiving it into the heart. If we need a physical manifestation, it will come after we believe.

“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
— Jesus Christ, Mark 9:23

The world tells us to believe it when we see it. However, when we operate by God’s principles, we must learn to believe first, and then we will manifest in the natural what we have already believed and received in our heart.


Faith is a noun; it is the evidence of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) Believe is the verb form of faith, so believing is faith in action. Faith holds a powerful force just waiting to be used.

Believing is the process of receiving and manifesting the reality of our hopes into our lives. Believing also requires actions that reflect what we believe. For Christians, faith in action is believing and obeying the Word of God. Christians are called believers for a reason – they believe.

Faith is God’s reality, and believing is putting action to that reality and tapping into the abundance of God.

If, for example, we have faith in God’s promise to prosper the works of our hands (Deuteronomy 28: 1,8) then we believe that promise is already ours and we act accordingly…

We hold fast the vision of prosperity in our heart and receive it in the natural by acting according to God’s principles of prosperity. We do not go around saying “I’m always broke, I’ll never get ahead so there’s no use trying.” Instead, we get our thoughts, words, and actions in line with God’s, because believing makes the power of God a reality in our lives.

Jesus asks us in John 11:40, “Did I not tell you and promise you that if you would believe and rely on Me, you would see the glory of God?”

If we choose to believe it is possible, God’s glory can be manifested in us and on us. But we must have faith in God. (Mark 11:22)

Why let your faith go to waste? God is searching for those who will believe and receive. Why not start expecting more of His glory in your life? God is waiting to manifest His glory to you and through you. His desire is that you be blessed to be a blessing. And there is no greater abundance to manifest and share than the abundance of God!

May your faith grow strong as you believe and receive an abundant life of growing prosperity!

Be Blessed to Be a Blessing!


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Prosperous Thoughts – 7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance!

Prosperous Thoughts – 7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance!

Change Defeating Thoughts to Prosperous Thoughts

Prosperous Thoughts to Help Manifest Abundance!Prosperous thoughts help

manifest prosperous living.

No doubt: successful individuals do not

reach their goals by filling their minds with

thoughts of failure and defeat.

Overcoming the challenges and obstacles,

on the road to abundance, requires a determination to succeed and a positive mindset.

“We demagnetize ourselves by wrong thinking and lack of faith…We see only the obstacles in our path, and forget that man, working with God, is greater than any obstacle that can oppose itself to his will.”
— Orison Swett Marden

7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance:

1. Question Self-Limitations

Question why you limit yourself from reaching your potential. Are you simply afraid of what others will think if you don’t succeed at your first attempt? Do not put a limit on your potential and abilities. If you continually say “I can’t” then you won’t even try. Instead ask “How can I?”

2. Question Limitations From Others

Why accept the limitations others put on you? People enjoy telling us what we can and cannot do. Don’t fall into the trap of filling your mind with other people’s limitations.

3. Monitor Everyday Thoughts

Turn on the mental radar, because even the most well intentioned person will find negative, defeating thoughts try to sneak in under the radar. To often we begin to affirm those negative thoughts without even realizing it.

4. Reprogram Negative Attacks

A passionate dream that you desire to accomplish is hard to keep to yourself. It is normal to want to share your ambition with others, but also way too common to have others ridicule you about it. Learn to quickly reprogram the negative attacks and laugh it off when others laugh at you!

5. Visualize Your Abundance

Keep a visual image constantly in your mind of the goals you desire to manifest. Place pictures and notes up around your living and workspace that positively affirm a mental image of your desired goals.

6. Renew Your Mind Daily

Renew your thought life daily like a mental bath. Keep your thoughts positive, clean, and empowering. The most empowering way to renew your mind is with the Word of God and filling it with who He says you are and what you can do.

7. Turn Thought Habits Into Action Habits

Continue to be mindful of your thought life until positive, productive, prosperous thoughts are a habit. Once they become habit, you’ll find that positive, productive, prosperous actions follow. As these actions become a habit, you’ll automatically move toward a prosperous life.

Final thoughts: Regardless of all the negative thoughts currently filling your mind, it is possible to change those thoughts to the better and become prosperous. Begin today to start making some positive changes to your thinking and soon positive changes will manifest in your behavior and your life!

May your mind be filled with prosperous thoughts and your life be filled with growing prosperity!

Be Blessed to be a Blessing!



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Manifest a Life of Abundant Prosperity – Are You Ready to Overcome Your Paralyzing Fear?

Manifest a Life of Abundant Prosperity – Are You Ready to Overcome Your Paralyzing Fear?

Why Not Walk in a Spirit of Power and Receive All GOD’s Richest Blessings?

Conquer Paralyzing Fear and Walk in Bold ConfidenceManifesting a life of abundant prosperity

takes faith and courage.

It requires positive action and

much energy and effort.

One of the main factors that prevent people

from reaching their dreams is the ‘fear factor.’

Fear contains a paralyzing power that stops us

in our tracks if we let it.

“If we let it” is the key here. Fear only has power as long as we allow it to.

Why Not Overcome Your Paralyzing Fear and Walk in God’s Richest Blessings?

How many more times are you going to let fear keep you from speaking up, taking action, moving forward, and receiving all the blessings of life that God has waiting for you?

The fact is, we are all human and everyone is inevitably afraid of something.

Fears can develop from almost anything such as; spiders, to going bald, to confronting a person, to speaking in public. Fear creates panic, it torments, and it causes timidity and a shrinking back. Fear is a thief and steals our confidence and dreams.

Know this: Fear does not come from God.

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 
— 2 Timothy 1:7

Fear is a powerful spirit and we too often allow it to control areas of our lives; and it is also something the devil likes to use against us.

Think about it: How many of the troubles in your life are tied to fear? We worry, we let people control us, and we try to control others and circumstances all because of fear. We get in wrong relationships for fear of being alone. We get greedy and stingy for fear of being poor. And the list goes on and on.

The Paralyzing Spirit of Fear Has No Place in the Life of God’s Children

We can begin to conquer fear by confronting it and facing it step-by-step. When we confront fear, we turn the tables and start to master it.

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” 
— Franklin D. Roosevelt

Choose today to stop saying “I’m afraid,” and start saying “I have a spirit of power, and love, and a sound mind.”

Over and over God tells us to “Fear not.” And He wants to be our partner in helping us conquer and overcome paralyzing fear.

God knows we are going to deal with fear regularly. We are going to come face-to-face with it and have feelings of fear. But, it does not have to control us. Each time we confront fear, it becomes smaller and smaller and loses its power.

Confidence to Manifest a Life of Abundant Prosperity

The opposite of fear is faith. Faith, confidence, and courage all go hand-in-hand. Fear drives failure and faith drives confidence.

You can do amazing things with strong faith and bold confidence. Why? Because both of these carry a positive energy and a powerful force that will propel you toward your dreams.

Press on toward your goals and do those things you fear. Do what you need to do, even if you have feelings of fear. You’ll create a bold confidence as you create a successful series of experiences behind you.

The bottom line: Hope for a successful tomorrow is possible as long as rising fears are immediately stomped out and faith is allowed to rule. Replace your fears with bold confidence and faith in God and yourself, and watch the abundance of God manifest in your life.

May you overcome paralyzing fear and manifest a life of abundant growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Attracting Abundance – 4 Keys Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!

Attracting Abundance – 4 Keys Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!

Stop Chasing and Start Attracting Abundance

Keys to the Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity!Supernatural prosperity is a treasure to receive.

If you want to be a channel for God’s prosperity,

then stop chasing after it and start attracting it,

by applying God’s “mysterious” laws of multiplication.

How do you attract it?

Through calculated laws of giving.

Certain laws of abundance can be applied to our lives. Stop chasing after the harvest and start attracting it by putting the laws of the harvest into motion through giving.

4 Keys Help Open Treasures of Supernatural Prosperity:

1. Giving Manifests What You Give

The first key to attracting supernatural prosperity is understanding that you reap what you sow. Like produces like, and you only reap the kind of crop you plant. If you apply this law to your giving, you’ll find that giving produces what you give.

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” 

— Galatians 6:7

Plant wheat, and get wheat. Plant love, and reap love. Give time, and reap time. If you give money, you can expect a financial blessing. God says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you…”

2. Reap More Than You Sow

The second law of harvest is that each seed planted, always multiplies itself. One bushel of wheat planted can bring a harvest of 25-40 bushels. Consider what a single seed of corn will produce?

The key here is that seed sown multiplies. Plant one seed and get more back. John 12:24 tells us a planted corn of wheat brings forth much fruit.

When giving to God, you can expect to receive more than the seed gift given.

“Give, and it will be given to you:
good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
and running over will be put into your bosom.”
— Luke 6:38

3. The Measure You Give is the Measure You Manifest

This third law is this: You always reap in proportion to how much you sow. If you sow a few seeds, you can’t expect an abundant harvest. Stinginess may lead to poverty, but generosity leads to prosperity.

“A generous soul is made rich.” 
— Proverbs 11:25

The more you give the more you will receive, and it will be measured back to you in the same measure that you gave. (Luke 6:38b) Give by the cupful, and it will come back to you by the cupful. Give by the truckload, and it will come back to you by the truckload.

4. Remain Faithful Until Harvest Time

There is a season to sow and a season to reap. In the meantime, planted seeds need to be cared for. This law of the harvest says you must remain faithful to the crop in order to receive an abundant harvest.

A farmer doesn’t plant one week and expect a harvest the next. They reap in a different season than they sow. They understand there is seed sowing, then time, then harvest.

Giving is not finished after planting the seeds. The key is to give faithful time and effort to cultivate the field; then when the harvest comes it will be abundant. Seeds tended to and cared for produce abundance.

After giving of time, love, money, etcetera, we must continue to faithfully pray and confess God’s Word until the harvest is manifested.

Keep in mind: Regardless of prior year harvests, what happens in the future depends upon the seeds you sow now – today! Every day you miss sowing is a day you miss harvesting.

Giving to God is the key to opening the treasures of supernatural prosperity. And this will help appropriate God’s richest blessings in every part of your life.

Want to be a channel for God’s prosperity? Then get started today with a determined plan of giving. Remember you need to sow now in order to reap later. Put these four keys of giving to work and open the treasures of the never ending supply of God’s supernatural prosperity.

May your generous, abundant giving make you a channel for God’s supernatural prosperity and fill your life with growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Manifesting Abundance – The Power of Changing Your Thinking to Manifest Money!

Manifesting Abundance – The Power of Changing Your Thinking to Manifest Money!

Your Thoughts and Beliefs Hold Great Power to Manifest Money!

manifest moneyManifesting financial abundance and money…

requires managing your thinking.

Make no mistake about it;

there is great power in thoughts and beliefs.

So what thoughts and beliefs do you currently hold about money?

Common Negative Thoughts About Money

  • It is not good to have a lot of money.
  • Rich people really aren’t happy.
  • Money isn’t everything and I don’t care about money.
  • Money isn’t important.

People who say these things might not care about money, but you can be sure that the landlord does, and the banker, the car dealer, the utility company, etc. A common misconception regarding money relates to its importance. Truth is, who can deny how important money is to any person living in a civilized society and using it as their currency.

Money has a greater influence in our lives than almost any other commodity. It is one of the most talked about subjects in the Bible. Consider how a sudden loss or gain of money affects a person’s attitude to a great extent.

I think you would agree that we all should have a practical understanding of exactly what money is and the laws governing its manifestation. This one individual area of study will not only affect your own life, but the lives of those around you.

Out with the Negative and In with the Positive Money Thoughts

Thinking is the highest function we are capable of. Yet many people fool themselves into believing they are thinking, when often they are just replaying old movies in their mind. It is important to take notice of this and begin choosing your thoughts and developing a prosperity conscious mindset.

Mental awareness of prosperity always precedes manifested wealth. Thoughts will create ideas, which will help you create a plan of action to then go do those things, and put yourself in the position to manifest more money.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” — Romans 12:2

Think of children born into prosperous families; they have been conditioned from birth to be prosperity conscious and think prosperous thoughts. These children only see themselves surrounded by wealth, and they in turn play that out in their adult life with their choices of careers, like minded spouses, and lifestyles. It’s as if they feel it is their birth right and they don’t even entertain thoughts of poverty and lack. Any setbacks are only temporary because they are prosperity conscious.

Unfortunately, the majority of people have not been born into that kind of environment and raised to have a prosperity mindset. The opposite is too often the case and living in a poor environment with poor thinking and poor conversations is the norm.

Anyone can change their way of thinking. It is not always easy, and takes a desire to do so and a lot of effort. But the results from the effort will be well worth it.

Lack and limitation only exists when we give it room in our minds. Opening our minds to prosperity consciousness helps us see money as an obedient servant that we are master over, and that we can tap into unlimited earnings potential.

Remember, that we must have something mentally before we have it physically. So let’s make those private thoughts and conversations in our minds be wealth conscious, and move us to a higher potential.

You can begin to positively affirm:

  • I am prosperous and wealthy.
  • Money is good and I am blessed to be a blessing.

Just think about it. God created this world full of abundance and has given each of us talents and abilities, far surpassing what we use. With God’s help we have what it takes to be a success. With God there is no lack and He gave us the ability to think. So why not start to penetrate the world of wealth today by using the power of thought to manifest money.

May you use the power of thought to create a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you – cheers,

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Christian Meditation – What Areas of My Life Can I Expect to Improve by Meditating?

Christian Meditation – What Areas of My Life Can I Expect to Improve by Meditating?

Meditation Benefits and Affirmations to Get You Started!

Christian meditation should be a foundational practice in every believer’s life. Meditating on God’s Word greatly improves the quality of life in every area.

Anyone can access the benefits of meditation. Whatever your beliefs may be, we all live in the world God created. That being said…

it is through meditation on the living Word of God that ultimately manifests the blessings of God.

Take a look at some ways our lives will improve:

Meditation Brings Mental Stability

The mind has creative power and we are told to prepare our minds. (1 Peter 1:13)

God’s Word causes joy and rejoicing in our heart. It changes the way we see our self, our family, and our future. It helps us start seeing our self and our life the way God does.

Sample biblical affirmations to meditate on for a sound mind:

  • I have been given a spirit of power and love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
  • God is not the author of confusion but of peace. (1 Corinthians 14:33)
  • God keeps me in perfect peace because my mind is stayed on Him. (Isaiah 26:3)

Meditation Blesses us Physically

Meditation is like medicine. It is life to our spirit and flesh. Everything we need is in the word. Once we act on the meditated Word of God, we tap into the abundance of God. Physical and financial provision has already been provided, but it is up to us to act in order to receive.

Sample biblical affirmations to meditate on for physical needs:

  • I prosper and I am in health, just as my soul prospers. (3 John 2)
  • The Lord heals all my diseases and keeps me from destruction. (Psalm 103:3-4)
  • The Lord sent His Word and healed me. (Psalm 107:20)
  • By Jesus stripes I was healed. (1 Peter 2:24)

Meditation Provides Spiritual Growth

Physical and emotional blessings are just the natural created gifts we receive when we meditate and spend time in His presence. Faith, love and spiritual growth in many areas will also soon begin to manifest.

Sample biblical affirmations to meditate on for spiritual growth:

  • Christ dwells in my heart through faith and I am rooted and grounded in love and grow in God’s love, which passes knowledge, and I am filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:17-19)

As we tap into the abundance of God and His never ending supply, we will begin to experience growing prosperity in all areas of our lives. And meditation, which affects us both spiritually and physically, is part of God’s plan.

What is your next step? Take what you have just learned and put it to work in your life. Then watch as the power of Christian meditation transforms your life!

God bless you,

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Growing Prosperity – A Powerful Secret to Manifest an Abundant Harvest!

Growing Prosperity – A Powerful Secret to Manifest an Abundant Harvest!

How to Plant the Seed of Faith and Harvest Abundance

Manifesting an abundant harvest requires planting the seed first.

Who would expect a farmer to reap a harvest without having planted seed months earlier?

As believers operating by faith, we also need to follow this example; naturally and spiritually.

What is the secret to getting this process going?

2 Great Faith Secrets to Planting Seed

Jesus tells us how to plant the seed of faith. He tells us in Luke 17 that if we had faith as a seed, we would speak to the situation or problem area in our life. He gives us two great faith secrets: ONE; that faith works like a seed, and TWO; the way to plant it is to speak it.

“If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” 
— Matthew 17:20

In order to manifest a harvest we have to plant the seed by speaking. Our faith must be mixed with the promised seed of God’s Word. The life is in the seed and the way to plant it is by saying it, speaking it, proclaiming it.

The Law of Seedtime and Harvest

Many people don’t know how they got in the mess they are in. However, most of the time, the problem is their mouth. The mouth can deceive the heart. What we say is what we sow, and too often we are sowing the exact thing we do not want!

Have you ever heard the following?: ‘We’re going broke,’ ‘I never have enough,’ ‘I can never get ahead,’ ‘Nothing ever works out for me,’ ‘I’m afraid I’ll lose my job,’ ‘I always get sick.’

Speaking and praying the things we don’t want only opens the door to fear, and then fear replaces our faith. The things we say are the things we will reap. (Mark 11:23) This really is no great secret.

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” 
— Galatians 6:7

With seedtime and harvest we also need to take into account the time factor. Sowing is a process. Sure, there will be some who are highly developed in their faith and see the manifestation of some things very quickly. But the normal way of faith and confession is to start sowing weeks and months before the time the harvest is needed; just like the farmer who plans and prepares ahead of time. 

Manifesting an Abundant Harvest

The kingdom within you has been sown with the seed of what you have been speaking. And the sowing and reaping process works for you just as it does for the farmer who goes to sleep, and gets up, and the ground brings forth the fruit.

Begin sowing seeds of abundance by speaking something such as:
“My God supplies all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus; I have abundance and prosper; because I have given, it is given unto me good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.”

You say and sow these incorruptible seeds concerning finances, and then while you are sleeping, they go to work to manifest a harvest in your life. One day you will wake up and see the seeds you have planted and watered begin to sprout.

Do yourself a favor: Take the promises of God’s Word and mix your faith with them. Mix your faith with the Word and plant it in your heart by speaking it. The life is in the seed; in the promise of God. So if you plant the promises of God in your heart, you can expect to manifest an abundant harvest.

May you sow the seeds of God’s abundant promises by faith and reap a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Prosperous Living: Discover the Key to God’s Heart and Manifest Supernatural Abundance!

Prosperous Living: Discover the Key to God’s Heart and Manifest Supernatural Abundance!

Manifest Supernatural Abundance with the Key to God’s Heart

Prosperous living is the result of following natural and spiritual laws.

Everyone at some point begins to seek a better, more fulfilling and abundant life.

The desire to move from lack, worry, stress and the struggle of living in ‘not enough’ stirs us up to seek out a better life for ourselves and those around us.

With the search for a prosperous life also comes the realization that we are not able to make it happen on our own. We are simply limited in our human abilities. And because of our limitations we only get limited results.

There is, however, One who has unlimited abilities. Nothing is impossible with God. And when we seek to touch the heart of God, we soon find we also unlock the door to the abundance of God.

The Key to God’s Heart

Once you discover the key to God’s heart, you also discover how to manifest supernatural abundance in your life. Every believer can earn the key to God’s heart through demonstrating obedience to His Word.

“I was born to adore and obey.” — C.S. Lewis

Are you with me still? Just the mention of obedience tends to cause many to turn and settle back into their ‘land of not enough’ rather than make the necessary adjustments for positive change.

Glad to see you are not one of those, since you are still here!

When we have the key to someone’s heart we know how to reach what is inside. Some people think the key to God’s heart is love, faith, or service. But the real key is obedience.

Even Jesus said “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our abode with him.” (John 14:23)

Jesus is speaking of the important principle in our relationship with God: obedience.

The Rewards of Obedience

God’s demand for obedience is based on His commitment to our well-being.

“Blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you shall hearken to the voice of the Lord your God.” — Deuteronomy 28:2

Nothing thrills a parent better than obedience from their children, and the same is especially true with our Father in Heaven. Every believer should make obedience a priority in their life.

The key to God’s heart is simply following His principles. As we submit to the Word of God it brings honor and glory to Him and proves our devotion and love for Him. This also opens the door to unlimited, abundant supply.

Our obedient actions speak louder than words; especially to God. I’m sure you can think of times that you have obeyed and disobeyed. One of the main reasons people choose not to obey is out of fear. Ask God to show you how to follow and obey Him without restraint.

Some Christians have a difficult time with the concept of being rewarded for Christ-like behavior. They either believe rewards only come in eternity or they feel they do not deserve anything. But God promised we will receive rewards in heaven and we can receive them on earth.

Of course, we should not obey solely for reward. Instead, we should please God and obey Him because of who He is as God the Father and Creator of all things.

The fact of the matter is: When we obey God we will prosper and tap into supernatural abundance. Blessings follow obedience. When we obey God, it allows Him the privilege of demonstrating His awesome power in our lives. Our obedience allows God to bless others through us. But that being said, the greatest reward we can attain is His love and favor.

May you live a life of obedience to God and experience abundant growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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