Kenneth E Hagin

Growing Prosperity – How Can You Be Prosperity Minded and Live in Increasing Abundance?

Growing Prosperity – How Can You Be Prosperity Minded and Live in Increasing Abundance?

Tapping Into the Wealth and Abundance that Surrounds You!

Growing prosperity is within your reach…

Even if your current circumstances are weighing you down

with financial lack, debt, and no seemingly visible way out;

there is hope.

The truth is, we are surrounded by abundance…

and we can tap into it by becoming prosperity minded.

A Technique to Start Attracting Abundance

One of the reasons that wealthy people have money is that they have learned to be prosperity minded. They have wealth because they feel comfortable about it.

How do you go about developing a prosperous mindset yourself? Here is a simple technique you can begin using right away to start attracting wealth or any other form of abundance you desire.

To develop a prosperous mindset, start seeing yourself in your mind’s eye, already in possession of the abundance you desire. Take time daily to visualize your life as you would have it to be. Close your eyes and envision and feel yourself there.

By gaining a prosperous mindset you’ll soon become much more comfortable with the thought of wealth and abundance in your life. As a result, you will start attracting it to you.

Just a Game, or a Technique for Increasing Abundance?

Does this just sound like a silly game of playing pretend? Let me assure you, getting control of your thought life is one of the wisest things you can do.

“People that think wrong believe wrong, and when they believe wrong, they act wrong.” 
— Kenneth E. Hagin

There is power in moving your visualizations into your subconscious. Why? Because the subconscious does not distinguish between the mere visualization and the actual possession.

What does this mean? Once you succeed in planting abundant thoughts into your subconscious mind, and it feels comfortable to prosper, your subconscious mind will automatically seek ways to make those thoughts and feelings of abundance manifest themselves in a material form.

If becoming prosperity minded seems like a silly ‘head’ game, it’s not. Go ahead and put this technique into action for awhile and it will start to make a lot more sense to you. Once you succeed at becoming comfortable seeing yourself living in increasing abundance, don’t be surprised to see it also start manifesting in your life.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” 
— Romans 12:2

God wants to see His children prosper and He tells us how to do it in His Word. Take time to renew your mind to line up with the Word of God so that your desires and circumstances can also change and line up with His will for your life.

Believe me. Once you put this technique into action and choose to be prosperity minded, you can expect to start seeing a growing transformation in your life. If you are ready to move from lack to overflow, then now is the time to begin to foster a prosperous mindset and tap into the surrounding flow of abundance.

May you be prosperity minded and live in growing prosperity!

God Bless You and Be Blessed to Be a Blessing!


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