fullness of joy

Abundance of Joy – 7 Things You Must Know to Overcome a Depressive Spirit!

Abundance of Joy – 7 Things You Must Know to Overcome a Depressive Spirit!

How to Keep the Abundant Joy of the Lord Flowing in Your Life

Abundance of JoyAbundance of joy is available for all.

Unfortunately many people struggle

day-to-day with a depressive spirit.

Yes, there are those who naturally find it

easy to go about their days light-hearted and joyful.

However, for most of us, we have to learn through the Word

how to keep the abundant joy of the Lord flowing in our lives.

Living in joy is the only way to live. If you agree, and you’re ready to say good-bye to a depressive spirit, then continue reading to get yourself started today.

7 Things You Must Know to Replace a Depressive Spirit with an Abundance of Joy:

1. In Times of Tribulation, Joy Does Not Have to Leave You

You have a choice to either trust God or worry; choose joy or anxiety. Either way you’ll be confronted with trouble. Jesus said it is possible to be in peace and of good cheer, even in the midst of tribulation, because He has overcome the world.

“In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” 
— John 16:33

Really it’s totally up to you. Just because you have trouble doesn’t mean you have to lose your joy. You can choose to be full of cheer, because you know that Jesus has already overcome.

2. You Can Laugh at Trouble, Rather Than Align Yourself With It

Your reactions to the storms of life are what will determine your success. If you give in to trouble and begin rehearsing the problems, the joy of the Lord in your life will suddenly be replaced with worry and anxiety. To keep your joy, you must major on the promises of God and not the problems of this world.

3. Every Human on Earth is Searching for Joy

Joy is one thing everyone wants out of life. If you choose to live in joy, others will be literally drawn to you. You will become like a magnet for the depressed and brokenhearted who are looking for hope. Joy is contagious.

Living in the joy of the Lord is one of the most effective ways to reach others, share the love of Christ, and be blessed to be a blessing.

4. God Forgives and Wants You to Start Living in Joy Again

God is waiting to forgive those who repent and ask for forgiveness. He wants you to get back up and start living in joy again. It is the devil that condemns and shames you with your past.

Resist thoughts of failure and refill yourself with joy by getting in the Word and dwelling in the secret place of the Most High.

5. Joy Can Keep You Living Well

The healing power of joy works like medicine in your body.

“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” 
— Proverbs 17:22

Your body wasn’t created to live worrying about every little thing. You were created to walk in the joy of the Lord every day of your life. His joy can keep you living well.

6. Joy Gives Strength

Joy is enthusiastic and empowering. The joy of the Lord is your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10) Lose your joy and you’ll lose your strength and enthusiasm.

7. In God’s Presence is Fullness of Joy

The joy of the Lord springs out of a solid relationship with the living God. Much is manifested from a solid enthusiastic relationship with Him. God has blessed us abundantly and we have no place to complain, but only to give thanks.

“You will show me the path of life: in Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” 
— Psalm 16:11

So there you have it: When we begin to release the power of the Word in our life, we begin to overcome a depressive spirit with the abundant joy of the Lord flowing in our lives.

May you live a life flowing with abundant joy and growing prosperity!

God bless you –


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