
Self-Esteem – 7 Ways to Live With Bold Confidence

Self-Esteem – 7 Ways to Live With Bold Confidence

Transform Yourself Into a Shining Success!

Healthy self-esteem and bold confidence,

when put to work in your life…

have transforming power to make you a shining success.

Have you been living with intimidation, self-doubt, anxiety, fear, and rejection? If so, then you know it is time to change the insecurity into security.

Do yourself a favor and take a little time to focus on some ways you can overcome those negative, unwanted traits you’ve been carrying around for way too long.

7 Ways to Help You Live With Bold Confidence:


Make a commitment to yourself today, to begin overcoming the weaknesses and inadequacies you’ve been dealing with. Even though it will take hard work and you are bound to mess up along the way, make a conscious decision to keep pressing on and rising above. You are worth it!


Be cautious who you spend time with. Your relationships are a key factor in overcoming a low self-esteem.  Choose to spend time with encouragers. Regardless of your past, you can have healthy relationships.

“He that walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” 
— Proverbs 13:20


There is a great empowerment that comes from shifting your focus off yourself and on to others. It is easy to keep our minds focused on our own problems, fears, and insecurities. But this only intensifies them. Look around at someone struggling and reach out to lend a hand. True peace comes from giving.


Keep your mind filled with positive, empowering, confidence building, and happy thoughts. Overcoming a negative, and weak self-image is going to require that you eliminate those self-defeating thoughts. Squeeze them out of your mind by replacing them with healthy, confident thoughts.

Remember, God is not the one who gave you a spirit of fear. He gave you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7)


Do not waste any more time replaying painful, embarrassing, or intimidating experiences from your past. This keeps you stuck and prevents you from walking into the future with the bold confidence needed to succeed. You do not have to let others (or past memories) cause you to lack confidence and live with insecurity.

Forgive anyone that has hurt you, and forgive yourself while you are at it. Then put the painful past behind you and face your future with strong confidence.


God has a good plan for our lives. If we spend our lives trusting in ourselves and other people, the result is disappointment after disappointment. We need to put our trust in God and let him guide us. He is the one that will give us the desires of our heart. (Psalm 37:3-6)


Just like it is vital to your self-esteem to get control of your thoughts, the same is true of your words. What are you saying about yourself? Do you make self-defeating confessions such as: ‘I am so ugly,’ ‘I am such a loser,’ ‘I am worthless,’ ‘I am stupid,’ ‘I never do anything right,’ etcetera?

The words we speak have power to affect us for the good or bad. Use this knowledge to empower yourself with confidence building confessions. It does not matter if you or others have spoken negative, curses over your life; you now have the choice to speak positive, encouraging, faith-filled words.

“In all things I am more than a conqueror through Him that loved me.” 
— Romans 8:37

Your next step? Make the decision to begin applying these seven steps to help you conquer low self-esteem, intimidation, fear, and insecurity. Encourage yourself and refuse to give up. God says you are a victor and you really can be all that God has called you to be. You can live with bold confidence and transform yourself into a shining success.

May you live empowered with bold confidence and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

Soar higher in Him –

God bless you,

P.S. Do you have any additions for this list? Feel free to share…

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Abundant Living – Do You Want Prosperity or the Empowerment to Prosper?

Abundant Living – Do You Want Prosperity or the Empowerment to Prosper?

The Blessing of the Lord it Maketh Rich!

Abundant living is the result of choosing to become empowered to prosper.

Many people are convinced that the prosperity of God translates to money and stuff raining down out of heaven.

However that is not the prosperity of God, but actually prosperity from God.

What’s the difference between prosperity and the empowerment to prosper?

Making the Choice that Results in Abundant Living!

In Proverbs 10:22, it says, “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich.” Notice it does not say the blessings make you rich; it is the blessing of God that is the key here.

What this means is that you want the empowerment to prosper and not just the prosperity itself. You don’t just want the fish; you want to learn how to fish.

When Abraham prospered, it wasn’t because God dropped down a camel or a son out of the sky. No, he was blessed because God empowered him to prosper. For example, he and his wife were given the ability to parent a child at an old age.

And the good news is that God has given you the ability to gain wealth and prosper.

Getting Empowered to Prosper

Power comes when believers put the principles of God’s Word to work in their life. It is your faith that will manifest results. Wisdom is also needed for you to understand and apply the Word of God in order to receive prosperity. Wisdom will help you realize the power available to you through your faith.

In order to experience prosperity, we must apply God’s principles by faith.

God is the one that does the multiplying and gives us the desires and ideas. He is the divine instructor that tells us what to do. And when we over, and over, apply the principles of the Word concerning prosperity, and make them part of our daily life, that’s when we start getting results.

Remember, prosperity doesn’t just drop in our lap. Re-enforcing the Word through daily meditation on prosperity principles should become a lifestyle. If we want to be a prosperous person tomorrow, we have to apply God’s principles of sowing and reaping in the difficult times of lack today.

Start with the faith you now have and then gain knowledge and wisdom concerning what the Word really says about finances. Act on that knowledge and mix your faith with it and you’ll soon start getting desirable results.

Make the following your regular confession:

“Today, I live in the blessing of God and I am empowered to prosper in every way!”

Keep in touch with God so you can be empowered to live an abundant life. Put yourself in position for God to empower you to prosper in everything you set your hands to do.

Then, when the economy takes a downturn or the storms of life blow through, you can say, “So What!” because you’ll know you are empowered to prosper.  You can know God will take care of you, and will honor His Word by prospering the work of your hands.

Believe it or not: God wants you blessed and empowered to prosper. He’s looking for ways to bless you. He wants to help you out in life and give you good success. Go ahead and believe it, because that is a key factor in what it takes to get it.

May you live empowered to prosper and experience an abundant life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you,

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Empowerment – How to Ramp Up Your Confidence and Put an End to Fear and Anxiety!

Empowerment – How to Ramp Up Your Confidence and Put an End to Fear and Anxiety!

Start Tapping Into Your Full Potential

Empower yourself with bold confidence.

Do not let the fear factor paralyze your potential. Fear works to ruin lives. It makes us withdraw and turn away from our dreams. It eats away our confidence and self-esteem. It holds us back from reaching our potential.

Dale Carnegie said, “You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.”

Doing it Afraid

Have you had so much fear and anxiety in your life for so long now, that you can’t see how you can ever be free from it?

Well, you can shake loose the powerful hold it has over you by facing it head on. Each time you boldly confront fear; you squash it smaller and smaller and empower yourself with confidence.

Courage is required to face those things we fear the most. No doubt it is not easy to break the negative stronghold fear sets up in our life. But it can be done by taking steps forward and doing it afraid.

Remember, fear causes us to turn away from our dreams and goals. So each time you courageously take a step forward toward your goals and act even in the midst of fear, you begin to squash your fears and build your confidence.

Empowering Faith

Faith provides the confidence to be a success. Fear, on the other hand, is the source of worry, anxiety, depression, and other tormenting emotions.

What can we do to help prevent fear in the first place? We can look to God and trust in His faithfulness and be confident that He will help us. The person who trusts in God has confidence that God will work all things together for good. (Romans 8:28)

Faith empowers us with confidence and gives us boldness to act in the midst of fear.

“We may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me.” 
— Hebrews 13:6

Faith brings a supernatural peace that allows us to enjoy life with confidence and free from the torment of fear. God says He did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

Put this to the test right away. Call on God to help ramp up your confidence; so you can put an end to fear and anxiety. Hold onto strong faith and begin to replace your fears with confidence and watch what God can do!

May you enjoy a life empowered with faith filled confidence and growing prosperity!

Soar Higher –

God bless you,

P.S. Do you have any fears that God has helped you conquer? If so, feel free to leave a comment and share… we’d love to hear…

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Empowerment: Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Live Empowered with Self-Confidence!

Empowerment: Top 7 Reasons Why You Should Live Empowered with Self-Confidence

Live Empowered with a Healthy Self-Confidence!

Empowerment with self-confidence plays a vital role in how we live our lives.

The self-confident person has faith in their own abilities and judgment.

And believe me…

Life flows along much easier for those who are empowered with confidence in who they are.

Top 7 Reasons to Live Empowered with Self-Confidence

1. Self-Confidence Explores Life

How can you explore what life has to offer and what you are capable of doing if you lack faith in yourself? Keep in mind the opposite of faith is fear. And fearful people tend to be stuck living as puppets and never able to explore their true potential.

2. Loving Yourself Equals Loving Your Neighbor

How can we love our neighbor as ourselves (Matthew 19:19), if we don’t even like ourselves? Learn to like yourself, so you can eventually love yourself. It is a vital key to living empowered.

Stop telling yourself you are a useless, ugly, good-for-nothing. In order to effectively love your neighbor, you first need to be able to say “I Love Me” too.

3. Confidence is Contagious

How can we encourage others who are struggling in life if we are constantly walking around with a negative, low opinion of ourselves? Confidence is contagious and should be passed around. When we walk in confidence and assurance, it helps lift up and encourage others around us who are weak.

4. Rise to the Top with Confidence

How can living a life with low self-esteem bring out the best you have to offer? Quit saying I can’t do this and I can’t do that, and start confessing that you can be all God created you to be. Confidence is a leadership building quality.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” — Philippians 4:13

5. Confidence Gives a Positive Edge

How can a lack of self-confidence, and a mind that is full of negative thoughts, result in a positive outlook on life?

If you want a positive edge then develop your self-esteem. Confidence can empower your life with positive energy and positive actions. A healthy self-confidence allows you to live from a positive base.

6. Self-Confidence is the Power to Overcome Rejection

How can a person expect to handle the rejections of life without a strong self-confidence? We all have to deal with rejection in life and it usually starts at an early age. Rejection can cause much pain and develop an overwhelming inferiority complex.

It takes the empowerment of self-confidence to deal with the attacks of rejection. Instead of constantly asking “what is wrong with me?” a healthy level of confidence refuses to be intimidated. Self-confidence provides the understanding to know that we do not reject ourselves, simply because someone else does.

7. True Self-Confidence Glorifies God

How can we live a life that glorifies God if we live by fear instead of faith? True self-confidence comes when we are strong and confident in the Lord. Our self-confidence should be grounded by faith in God. Living a victorious life by faith glorifies God.

“Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you that hope in the Lord.” — Psalm 30:24

Now that you’ve read the above seven reasons; doesn’t it make sense to develop your self-confidence?

Do yourself a favor: Live empowered with self-confidence. But, be warned; you are not the center of the universe – God is. However, it is possible to walk boldly and confidently as a child of God, and at the same time maintain a humble heart.

May you live empowered with healthy self-confidence and growing prosperity!

Soar higher in Christ –


P.S. Agree? Disagree? Or have a #8, 9, or 10 to add to the list? Feel free to share..

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Growing Prosperity – Do You Want to Overcome Defeat and Step Into the Abundant Life?

Growing Prosperity – Do You Want to Overcome Defeat and Step Into the Abundant Life?

How to Overcome Defeat and Bring Growing Prosperity Into Your Life!

Step Into Growing ProsperityGrowing prosperity and abundance is what most people want in their lives.

How come then, do the whopping majority of these same people, find themselves just barely scraping by?

If you feel like defeat is at your doorstep; don’t throw in the towel. Often times we simply need to make a few adjustments to overcome defeat and manifest the abundance of God.

Don’t Compare Yourself to the Ungodly

For starters, STOP wasting time comparing yourself to the unjust. STOP questioning why the wicked seem to prosper and you are barely scraping by. 

A thankful heart delivers the goods.  An ungrateful heart is an insult to God.

Even in our worst condition we are blessed beyond measure with the assurance of everlasting life. God forbid we dare complain to Him because someone else has more ‘things’ in their life; as if that is of greater value than our salvation.

Stand Steadfast – Don’t Be Defeated

Listen: The kingdom of God is within you. (Luke 17:21)

You have more power available to change your circumstance than you realize. Meditate on the Word and tap into your God given empowerment by faith.

Start asking God to open the eyes of your understanding and give you wisdom to see where you need to make adjustments in your life. Believe me the problem is not with God! It is with us.

Humble yourself and ask God to show you what you need to adjust. Be open to hearing what it is. Correction is not always easy. But it is necessary.

Then take action on what you need to change. This is not easy either, but it’s either walk out the truth of God’s Word OR go on speaking and living out the lies of the enemy.

God gives us a choice and puts before us life or death. And then He tells us to choose life.

Don’t Just Try – Do it to a Finish

Speaking of which; without faith it is impossible to please God. It takes faith to tap into the abundance of God. And faith doesn’t just try things out and see what happens.  

Noah didn’t just try to build the ark, then after a few years of hard work give up and say “I tried God’s plan, but it doesn’t work.” He just did it to the finish. And as you’ll recall: it worked out really well for him and his family!

So what now? Are you going to throw in the towel and turn your back on God when times get a little tough? Sure glad Jesus didn’t. When you have faith in God’s Word you take action, obey, and follow through. And you trust God will follow through with His promise. Go now and be blessed to be a blessing and tap into your abundant life.

May you stand steadfast to the finish and continue to experience growing prosperity!

God bless you,

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Abundant Life – Are You Meant to Prosper? How to Grab Hold of Your Growing Prosperity!

Abundant Life – Are You Meant to Prosper? How to Grab Hold of Your Growing Prosperity!

Plant Seeds of Empowerment and Get In Position to
Reach the Abundant Life

Grab Your Abundant LifeGrowing prosperity is available for all of us to reach out and grab hold of.

The abundant life is just waiting for you to take part.

I have to warn you though: The ‘grabbing hold of’ is not always an easy task. However, if you are like me, the challenge just makes you say all the louder, “Game on!”

The trick of this game is to get some things settled once and for all up front. A settled determination plants seeds of empowerment in you and will help prevent defeat from hindering your progress.

Set yourself up in a position to reach the abundant life right at the get go!

Yes, You Were Designed to Prosper

Right off the bat, be settled in the fact that it is God’s plan that you prosper. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God has plans to prosper you and give you a hope and future. Be settled in that truth whether you are on the mountain top or in the valley. God said it, so it’s settled, and that’s that.

Just because you are going through a tough time Does NOT mean God changed His mind.

Of course the enemy would sure like you to believe that. If satan can get your eyes off God and turned toward him, he is pleased. And if he can then get you to start running your mouth against God and begin speaking his lies, he’s got you hook, line, and sinker.

What are You Thinking on and Speaking on?

“For as he thinks in his heart so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7

Don’t be fooled: The dominate thoughts of your heart are what you can expect to come to pass in your life. Make sure they are filled with the truth of God’s Word!

Why do you think God puts such a great importance on meditating on His Word?

We are to renew our mind daily for a reason. The Word of God will guide you in all truth and keep you on the right path if you’ll get it planted in your heart and coming out your mouth. Fill yourself up with God’s Word and give the enemy no place.

The key to resist the enemy and attract growing prosperity is to start speaking the truth of God’s Word in your life.

Mark my words: If you’ll get the fact settled that you are meant to prosper, then you’ll stay in the game when the going gets tough. Let go of the ‘try and see’ attitude and live by faith. Tap into your God given empowerment for success and live the abundant life.

May truth be settled within you as you grab hold of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Image credits go to Dani Simmonds. Thanks!

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God Given Empowerment – Use it to Get Your Focus on Once and for All!

God Given Empowerment – Use it to Get Your Focus on Once and for All!

Discover How to Get Your Life’s Vision in Focus with God’s Help

God Empowerment for FocusEmpowerment starts with you,

but comes from God …

What is your level of empowerment?

Is your life’s vision currently in focus?

Or do you run around day to day feeling very busy, …

yet lost and going nowhere?

Get empowered starting today. Wait on the Lord. Then write the vision down and make it plain so that you can run with it. (Habakkuk 2)

Focus on the Vision of Your Desired Life

What are you passionate about? Where do you see yourself in the future? Seek God for guidance on this. We are told to acknowledge Him in all our ways and He will direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:6) God knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper, so call on Him and seek His help.

Make a Plan of Action

If your goals and visions do not clash or go counter to the Word of God, then make a plan. Come up with steps you can take to make your vision a reality and write them down. Read them and speak them aloud daily and begin at least taking baby steps.

Next week is going to come whether you do something different or don’t do something different. Real deep thought, huh?  NOT, but it needs to be said and you need to hear it.

Wake Up – Life is Happening

It is up to you to change your direction. If you want something different, if you have a vision or even a partial vision, take time to zoom in on it and get it in focus.

This is your life and you only have ONE SHOT – don’t waste it!  Do something meaningful with it. If not for you, then for others, but ultimately for God. God did not create you and put you here in this age for nothing. You have a purpose and a part to play just like we all do.

Everyone is valuable and it is vital to society that you function the best you can in your God given abilities. My pastor often references the body of Christ to our human body. It does not matter if you are an ear drum, an eye, a big toe, or a heart. Every part is important and vital to the whole body in its purpose for all things to function at its best.

Life is a Journey and a Growing Process

Don’t be afraid to mess up. Remember all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. (Romans 8:28) Continue to pray and seek God daily for guidance to adjust and direct your steps on the way. Taking baby steps will empower you greatly and soon you’ll be an off and running success.

The simple fact of the matter is this: Tomorrow, next month, and next year is going to come even if you don’t change a thing. But I wonder? What if you purpose to change a few things and get God working with you? What might your next week, next month, or next year look like?

Why not get busy and find out?  What are you still doing here?!  Go now, and start making things happen in life by tapping into your God given empowerment.

May you continue to experience a life of growing prosperity!

God bless you,

P.S. Graphic featured is by artist Billy Alexander. Checkout his gallery which includes unique Christian graphics: View Gallery

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