
Successful Leadership – The Power of Teamwork and 4 Keys to Creating a Winning Team!

Successful Leadership – The Power of Teamwork and 4 Keys to Creating a Winning Team!

Successfully Lead a Winning Team and Together Achieve Incredible Things

Successful Leadership and Winning TeamsSuccessful leaders have discovered

the power of teamwork.

Much can be accomplished when

working together with others.

However, it is not just a numbers game;

the key here is working together.

Getting the job done requires a winning team.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” 
— John C Maxwell

Teams come in all shapes and sizes; from married couples, or small business partnerships, to large organizations of all sorts. A team not only provides companionship but it helps accomplish goals.

Every team requires a leader, and a successful leader knows that there is power in creating a winning team. However, simply having a team of people can be useless.

On the other hand, developing a winning team multiplies a leader’s value and makes them better than they would be on their own. It enables them to do what they do best and tap into the resources that those on the team do best. Then, incredible things happen and everyone on the team wins.

“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow…And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” 
— Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

4 Keys to Creating a Winning Team:

1. Develop a Winning Attitude in Team Members

A winning attitude is a positive attitude and must be prevalent. A winning attitude is developed in team members and they believe in their leader, themselves, their teammates, and the vision to be accomplished. Negative thinking is not allowed to creep in and hinder the task at hand.

2. Teach the Value of Personal Development and Character Building

Each team member as an individual must keep improving. Why? Because the highest reward for their efforts isn’t what they get from it, but the person they become because of it. And without personal growth they become a weak individual and a weak link on the team.

3. Empower Teammates

Winners are encouragers and empower each other to be more and do more. They strive to make their teammates more successful. Empowered teammates maintain a thriving atmosphere with an expectancy to win.

4. Instill the Importance of Playing to Win

A successful team plays to win. They know the difference between playing to win and playing not to lose is often the difference between excellence and average. They don’t play to ‘give it a try’, they play to reach their goal; they play to win.

Bottom line: A successful leader understands the power of teamwork and the importance of creating a winning team. They know that by doing so, incredible things happen and everyone wins as they grow and develop individually and as a team.

May you successfully lead a winning team and together achieve much and experience an abundance of growing prosperity!

Soar higher,

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Procrastinate No More – Why Put Off For Tomorrow What You Can Do Today?

Procrastinate No More – Why Put Off For Tomorrow What You Can Do Today?

Stop Procrastination and Tap Into Your Enormous God Given Potential!

stop procrastinationProcrastination is rarely our friend.

Why do we all have the natural tendency to…

do things tomorrow –

 instead of today?

Have you been putting off…

crucial activities…

and decisions in your life?

The Procrastination Trap

Often times we postpone our work and our choices in order to avoid discomfort. Sometimes we stall because of self-doubt or a sense of inadequacy associated with the task at hand. Other times, we simply lack the needed motivation to get started.

Whatever the reason, procrastination usually has negative consequences and simply creates stress as the projects and decisions begin to pile up…

And then there are spiritual consequences when we procrastinate. Important tasks in our church or volunteer organizations may be left undone and we may become a stumbling block to others. Our spiritual growth may slow to a stop, and worse of all, we may miss out on the blessing of God.

This is why we need to move beyond our fears and personal inadequacies and allow God to work in our lives.  Once we admit our weaknesses to our heavenly Father, He is faithful to help us overcome them.

Put a Stop to Procrastination

If you find that procrastination is negatively affecting your life, then first confess this problem and turn it over to God. Then, try to identify the areas of your life in which you procrastinate. Ask yourself what feelings accompany your lack of motivation in these areas? Are you afraid, angry, bitter, or resentful?

Once we are ready to submit these emotions to God, He is ready to help us remove them from our lives. Then we have to choose to do today what we know to do, instead of making choices on the basis of feelings. The next time you do not ‘feel’ like working, stop and ask God to provide the godly motivation you need.

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.” — Ecclesiastes 9:10

Tomorrow is never guaranteed, and that helps explain the urgency felt in the above verse. Whatever task we may have at hand, we need to respond by doing it now and doing it well. Take whatever God has put in your hand and use it, without delay and without reserve, for the Lord.

God created us all with enormous potential to do great things. But if we want to tap into the potential that is currently beyond where we are now, we have to take action with the gifts and talents and opportunities God puts in front of us.

The clock is ticking. Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Especially do not procrastinate in serving the Lord; ask Him every morning for his help.  Whatever God has put on your heart to do today; do it now with all your might and put a stop to procrastination.

May God give you the motivation to do today, what needs to be done today, so you can tap into your potential and manifest a life of growing prosperity!

Soar higher –

God bless you,

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