
Prosperous Thoughts – 7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance!

Prosperous Thoughts – 7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance!

Change Defeating Thoughts to Prosperous Thoughts

Prosperous Thoughts to Help Manifest Abundance!Prosperous thoughts help

manifest prosperous living.

No doubt: successful individuals do not

reach their goals by filling their minds with

thoughts of failure and defeat.

Overcoming the challenges and obstacles,

on the road to abundance, requires a determination to succeed and a positive mindset.

“We demagnetize ourselves by wrong thinking and lack of faith…We see only the obstacles in our path, and forget that man, working with God, is greater than any obstacle that can oppose itself to his will.”
— Orison Swett Marden

7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance:

1. Question Self-Limitations

Question why you limit yourself from reaching your potential. Are you simply afraid of what others will think if you don’t succeed at your first attempt? Do not put a limit on your potential and abilities. If you continually say “I can’t” then you won’t even try. Instead ask “How can I?”

2. Question Limitations From Others

Why accept the limitations others put on you? People enjoy telling us what we can and cannot do. Don’t fall into the trap of filling your mind with other people’s limitations.

3. Monitor Everyday Thoughts

Turn on the mental radar, because even the most well intentioned person will find negative, defeating thoughts try to sneak in under the radar. To often we begin to affirm those negative thoughts without even realizing it.

4. Reprogram Negative Attacks

A passionate dream that you desire to accomplish is hard to keep to yourself. It is normal to want to share your ambition with others, but also way too common to have others ridicule you about it. Learn to quickly reprogram the negative attacks and laugh it off when others laugh at you!

5. Visualize Your Abundance

Keep a visual image constantly in your mind of the goals you desire to manifest. Place pictures and notes up around your living and workspace that positively affirm a mental image of your desired goals.

6. Renew Your Mind Daily

Renew your thought life daily like a mental bath. Keep your thoughts positive, clean, and empowering. The most empowering way to renew your mind is with the Word of God and filling it with who He says you are and what you can do.

7. Turn Thought Habits Into Action Habits

Continue to be mindful of your thought life until positive, productive, prosperous thoughts are a habit. Once they become habit, you’ll find that positive, productive, prosperous actions follow. As these actions become a habit, you’ll automatically move toward a prosperous life.

Final thoughts: Regardless of all the negative thoughts currently filling your mind, it is possible to change those thoughts to the better and become prosperous. Begin today to start making some positive changes to your thinking and soon positive changes will manifest in your behavior and your life!

May your mind be filled with prosperous thoughts and your life be filled with growing prosperity!

Be Blessed to be a Blessing!



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Empowerment – How to Ramp Up Your Confidence and Put an End to Fear and Anxiety!

Empowerment – How to Ramp Up Your Confidence and Put an End to Fear and Anxiety!

Start Tapping Into Your Full Potential

Empower yourself with bold confidence.

Do not let the fear factor paralyze your potential. Fear works to ruin lives. It makes us withdraw and turn away from our dreams. It eats away our confidence and self-esteem. It holds us back from reaching our potential.

Dale Carnegie said, “You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.”

Doing it Afraid

Have you had so much fear and anxiety in your life for so long now, that you can’t see how you can ever be free from it?

Well, you can shake loose the powerful hold it has over you by facing it head on. Each time you boldly confront fear; you squash it smaller and smaller and empower yourself with confidence.

Courage is required to face those things we fear the most. No doubt it is not easy to break the negative stronghold fear sets up in our life. But it can be done by taking steps forward and doing it afraid.

Remember, fear causes us to turn away from our dreams and goals. So each time you courageously take a step forward toward your goals and act even in the midst of fear, you begin to squash your fears and build your confidence.

Empowering Faith

Faith provides the confidence to be a success. Fear, on the other hand, is the source of worry, anxiety, depression, and other tormenting emotions.

What can we do to help prevent fear in the first place? We can look to God and trust in His faithfulness and be confident that He will help us. The person who trusts in God has confidence that God will work all things together for good. (Romans 8:28)

Faith empowers us with confidence and gives us boldness to act in the midst of fear.

“We may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me.” 
— Hebrews 13:6

Faith brings a supernatural peace that allows us to enjoy life with confidence and free from the torment of fear. God says He did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

Put this to the test right away. Call on God to help ramp up your confidence; so you can put an end to fear and anxiety. Hold onto strong faith and begin to replace your fears with confidence and watch what God can do!

May you enjoy a life empowered with faith filled confidence and growing prosperity!

Soar Higher –

God bless you,

P.S. Do you have any fears that God has helped you conquer? If so, feel free to leave a comment and share… we’d love to hear…

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Prosperity Never Comes From Simply Wishing

Prosperity Never Comes From Simply Wishing 

Discover The Next Step to Your Prosperity

“I wish I would, I wish I might, have a million dollars by tonight.” Repeat this saying 1,000 times during the day and you’ll have one million dollars by tonight.

** NOT **  Yet, as crazy as this example sounds, a lot of people are simply repeating wishful affirmations over and over and expecting results!

I’m here today to clear this up and tell you prosperity never comes by merely wishing or longing for it. Just keeping your mind focused on prosperity and thinking about it will never bring it to you. This is only the first step.

Step One:

Of course you have to start with step one.  You must first have an expectant mind and a vision of what you are expecting to prosper in. You need to stand in faith believing for it. You must cling to your prosperity thought and dream with a daily focus.

We are told in Habakkuk 2:2 to listen to what the Lord tells us and then write the vision and make it plain so that we can run with it.

Step Two:

This leads us to the next step in reaching prosperity. You must take action with practical, common-sense methods that all successful people employ in their work. You need to back up your dream and belief with orderly, business like, industrious action. We see in Habakkuk 2:2 it says write the vision so that we can RUN with it. Run requires flinging your energy and your heart into whatever area you believe to prosper in. You must DO everything to the finish.

In Habakkuk 2:4 it tells us that the just shall live by his faith. Faith does not only believe, but it also requires action that backs up what we believe. My favorite definition of faith is believing and obeying the Word of God.

You might wish and dream of abundance and prosperity all your life, but die in the poor house if you don’t back up your wish with action. The law of prosperity is scientific. It will not produce successful results if you don’t obey the law. So create a fully persuaded belief system and practice what you believe and let prosperity begin to flood your life.

May you experience growing prosperity in your life as you take your vision and run with it!

Be blessed to be a blessing,

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