
Financial Prosperity – Why Not Claim Victory Over Your Finances With a Bold Faith?

Financial Prosperity – Why Not Claim Victory Over Your Finances With a Bold Faith?

Bold Faith For Financial Victory!

Financial Prosperity with a Bold FaithFinancial prosperity is a growing process

that lots of people find hard to master.

However, God has provided many

financial principles that can help anyone

claim victory over economic decline.

Learning to replace fear with bold faith in His principles will lead to victory.

Financial Difficulties Anyone?

If, perhaps you’re going through financial difficulties, like a great many folks these days, do you possess any kind of a plan of action? Or do you merely keep on moaning, as well as stressing about just how hard circumstances are, and how the government is simply not dealing with joblessness, overspending, high taxes, and on and on?

Letting Go of Financial Fear

The sooner we learn to let go of the fear, worry, and stress over the economic circumstances we simply cannot change, the better. You may legitimately have much to complain about. You may see your income declining while you work harder for less money. Or maybe your previous income source is gone and there is genuinely much to fear.

Regardless of the circumstances, keep in mind: Dwelling on the fearfulness of the situation will do no good. If we want to claim victory over our finances we must quickly replace the fear, anger, and worry with faith and hope in God’s financial principles.

We must dwell on the available abundance of God and His Word.

The Blessings of God’s Financial Principles

God’s financial principles work in combination with a bold faith in Him and His Word. If we want to have faith to grow our finances, then we must repeatedly hear God’s words of possibility, blessing, and abundance.

Words of faith are needed to drown out words of fear, doubt and discouragement.

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” 
— Romans 10:17

There has to come a point in time when we take a stand with God and look at what He can do, instead of what our government, and local leaders are doing or not doing. As surprising as it might seem, no individual ought to look to employers, clients or any source of income as their ultimate source of help.

God is our source and that is who we should look to!

Bold Faith for Financial Victory

Ideally the time to look to God is when things are going well. Whenever individuals practice faith and trust in God when everything is good, as soon as circumstances become difficult they are prepared to stand bold in faith, instead of in fear.

On the other hand for individuals who are new to faith, is it too late? Or what if you have never had a financial breakthrough, ever, and you’ve constantly struggled? Can you still claim victory over your finances?

As a believer, you must realize there is a greater One living in you that can overcome all things. The doorway of possibilities with God is wide open and ready for you to enter.

If you determine to see this time period as being an opportunity to become strong and bold in your faith, you certainly will start to see just what God can do! I myself am speaking out of personal experience, not just from practical knowledge.

No doubt: Now is the time to see and discover possibilities rather than misfortune; financial growth rather than financial disaster. This is your time to claim financial victory with God. You can allow your faith in God and His promises to empower you to have financial prosperity.

May you have a bold faith to claim financial victory and a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Self-Esteem – 7 Ways to Live With Bold Confidence

Self-Esteem – 7 Ways to Live With Bold Confidence

Transform Yourself Into a Shining Success!

Healthy self-esteem and bold confidence,

when put to work in your life…

have transforming power to make you a shining success.

Have you been living with intimidation, self-doubt, anxiety, fear, and rejection? If so, then you know it is time to change the insecurity into security.

Do yourself a favor and take a little time to focus on some ways you can overcome those negative, unwanted traits you’ve been carrying around for way too long.

7 Ways to Help You Live With Bold Confidence:


Make a commitment to yourself today, to begin overcoming the weaknesses and inadequacies you’ve been dealing with. Even though it will take hard work and you are bound to mess up along the way, make a conscious decision to keep pressing on and rising above. You are worth it!


Be cautious who you spend time with. Your relationships are a key factor in overcoming a low self-esteem.  Choose to spend time with encouragers. Regardless of your past, you can have healthy relationships.

“He that walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” 
— Proverbs 13:20


There is a great empowerment that comes from shifting your focus off yourself and on to others. It is easy to keep our minds focused on our own problems, fears, and insecurities. But this only intensifies them. Look around at someone struggling and reach out to lend a hand. True peace comes from giving.


Keep your mind filled with positive, empowering, confidence building, and happy thoughts. Overcoming a negative, and weak self-image is going to require that you eliminate those self-defeating thoughts. Squeeze them out of your mind by replacing them with healthy, confident thoughts.

Remember, God is not the one who gave you a spirit of fear. He gave you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7)


Do not waste any more time replaying painful, embarrassing, or intimidating experiences from your past. This keeps you stuck and prevents you from walking into the future with the bold confidence needed to succeed. You do not have to let others (or past memories) cause you to lack confidence and live with insecurity.

Forgive anyone that has hurt you, and forgive yourself while you are at it. Then put the painful past behind you and face your future with strong confidence.


God has a good plan for our lives. If we spend our lives trusting in ourselves and other people, the result is disappointment after disappointment. We need to put our trust in God and let him guide us. He is the one that will give us the desires of our heart. (Psalm 37:3-6)


Just like it is vital to your self-esteem to get control of your thoughts, the same is true of your words. What are you saying about yourself? Do you make self-defeating confessions such as: ‘I am so ugly,’ ‘I am such a loser,’ ‘I am worthless,’ ‘I am stupid,’ ‘I never do anything right,’ etcetera?

The words we speak have power to affect us for the good or bad. Use this knowledge to empower yourself with confidence building confessions. It does not matter if you or others have spoken negative, curses over your life; you now have the choice to speak positive, encouraging, faith-filled words.

“In all things I am more than a conqueror through Him that loved me.” 
— Romans 8:37

Your next step? Make the decision to begin applying these seven steps to help you conquer low self-esteem, intimidation, fear, and insecurity. Encourage yourself and refuse to give up. God says you are a victor and you really can be all that God has called you to be. You can live with bold confidence and transform yourself into a shining success.

May you live empowered with bold confidence and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

Soar higher in Him –

God bless you,

P.S. Do you have any additions for this list? Feel free to share…

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Empowerment – How to Ramp Up Your Confidence and Put an End to Fear and Anxiety!

Empowerment – How to Ramp Up Your Confidence and Put an End to Fear and Anxiety!

Start Tapping Into Your Full Potential

Empower yourself with bold confidence.

Do not let the fear factor paralyze your potential. Fear works to ruin lives. It makes us withdraw and turn away from our dreams. It eats away our confidence and self-esteem. It holds us back from reaching our potential.

Dale Carnegie said, “You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn’t exist anywhere except in the mind.”

Doing it Afraid

Have you had so much fear and anxiety in your life for so long now, that you can’t see how you can ever be free from it?

Well, you can shake loose the powerful hold it has over you by facing it head on. Each time you boldly confront fear; you squash it smaller and smaller and empower yourself with confidence.

Courage is required to face those things we fear the most. No doubt it is not easy to break the negative stronghold fear sets up in our life. But it can be done by taking steps forward and doing it afraid.

Remember, fear causes us to turn away from our dreams and goals. So each time you courageously take a step forward toward your goals and act even in the midst of fear, you begin to squash your fears and build your confidence.

Empowering Faith

Faith provides the confidence to be a success. Fear, on the other hand, is the source of worry, anxiety, depression, and other tormenting emotions.

What can we do to help prevent fear in the first place? We can look to God and trust in His faithfulness and be confident that He will help us. The person who trusts in God has confidence that God will work all things together for good. (Romans 8:28)

Faith empowers us with confidence and gives us boldness to act in the midst of fear.

“We may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me.” 
— Hebrews 13:6

Faith brings a supernatural peace that allows us to enjoy life with confidence and free from the torment of fear. God says He did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

Put this to the test right away. Call on God to help ramp up your confidence; so you can put an end to fear and anxiety. Hold onto strong faith and begin to replace your fears with confidence and watch what God can do!

May you enjoy a life empowered with faith filled confidence and growing prosperity!

Soar Higher –

God bless you,

P.S. Do you have any fears that God has helped you conquer? If so, feel free to leave a comment and share… we’d love to hear…

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