biblical meditation

Christian Meditation – What if My Meditation Time is Not Getting Results?

Christian Meditation – What if My Meditation Time is Not Getting Results?

Insights and Tips into Christian Meditation that Get Results!

Christian meditation – 

is meant to be a part of

every believer’s life.


So what do we do if we’ve been

meditating on God’s Word,

but our lives still seem to be a big mess?

“Meditate day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written.” 
— Joshua 1:8

The Faithful Get Results

God commands us to meditate. So we need to practice it regardless of whether or not we think it is making a difference.

The truth is: If we work the Word, the Word will work in our life and make a positive difference.

We’ve already spent our lifetime making a mess of things and filling our mind and heart with junk. Even if we are not seeing positive results, we should continue to obey God’s instruction to meditate and eventually positive results will manifest.

Have you ever found it interesting that the Bible is full of “suddenly” verses? Meditating daily on the power filled Word of God, sets us up for a suddenly.

Let me tell you, when the “suddenly” hits and the eyes of your understanding are opened, your life will begin to transform. So even if you feel like your meditation time is not getting results – Do Not Stop!

You may just be on the verge of a “suddenly”.

Keep in mind: Christian meditation is a form of worship and it honors God. Our heart should be set on the giving of our time to the Word of God and our relationship with Him first; not with a focus of “how will this benefit me.”

A Powerful Biblical Meditation Prayer

Here is a really simple way to have the Word of God come alive in your life: Pray Ephesians chapter one every day. Write it out on a note card and keep it with you always. Record yourself reading it and listen to it daily. Make it personal and put your name into it.

This is just a snippet (wait until you read the whole chapter):

“…God I am asking You to give unto me the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You. I’m asking You God, to open the eyes of my understanding, that I may be enlightened, and know the hope of Your calling…”

Do this daily for at least six months. The Word of God will soon become a different book to you. You’ll begin to see things you never did before! At any moment a “suddenly” can happen in your life.

Bottom line: Diligence will eventually be rewarded and obedience does not go unnoticed. Stay a faithful Christian and commit to a life of meditation on God’s Word!

Are you ready to renew your commitment to daily Christian meditation?

God bless you,

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What Are 3 Key Mistakes Christians Make When Meditating God’s Word?

What Are 3 Key Mistakes Christians Make When Meditating God’s Word?

Overcome Obstacles that Try to Keep You From Time in His Divine Presence

Christian meditation is a valuable time that opens up truths and leads us into the great mysteries of God.

As children of God we should have a heart to seek wisdom and understanding of the Lord’s ways.

“My mouth shall speak of wisdom, and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.” — Psalm 49:3

There is great wisdom in the Word of God just waiting to be revealed… but we have to do our part to discover it.

When Christians begin to meditate, they often make these 3 key mistakes:

1. Meditation Becomes a Religious Chore

First off, Christian meditation should not be looked at as a religious chore. We should look at it as an exciting time that keeps us blessed, happy, peaceful, successful, and prosperous even in times of trouble; because we are tapped in the power of God.

Once we make it a chore, our heart is no longer in it and we are no longer open to receiving. This essentially defeats the purpose to begin with.

So always remember what a blessing and privilege it is to spend time alone with the King of kings; God Himself. It is a gift to spend time in the power of His divine presence.

2. Lack of Flexibility When Meditating

The second mistake that many Christians make is jumping into meditation with a strict, fixed schedule. This can be a setup for failure if flexibility is not included in the mix.

We all know life is constantly showing up with the unexpected. And unfortunately, an unexpected interruption in a strict meditation routine will become an easy excuse to stop meditating all together. Allow yourself to be flexible with time and method, especially when getting started.

3. Failing to be Consistent When Meditating

The third mistake is failing to be consistent in the long run. Meditation can be practiced in different forms. So start with one or two ways that feel comfortable for you. Begin with a simple method and schedule that will allow you to be consistent.

The goal is to make meditating God’s Word a habit. That way, the Word of God will be built up in us and help us stand strong when the storms of life blow through. It is not about waiting to meditate as soon as a need arises in our life.

If you are a believer that has not yet made meditation a regular part of your life, well there is no better day than today to get started. If you are already meditating on God’s Word regularly, then keep at it and be consistent. The more time spent in meditation the easier it becomes.

In conclusion: Meditation enables us to purposefully take the time to draw near and make a connection to God. Do not let these common mistakes get in your way. We are well rewarded for the little effort meditating takes!

Are you ready to commit to daily Christian meditation in the empowering, living Word of God?

God bless you,

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What is the Difference Between Christian Meditation and Biblical Affirmations?

What is the Difference Between Christian Meditation and Biblical Affirmations?

Discover How Meditation and Affirmations Compare and Can Transform Your Life!

Christian meditation involves renewing our minds with the Word of God.

Christian meditation and biblical affirmations literally help transform our lives by changing the content of our hearts and minds.

This changes the way we think… Why?

The simple fact of the matter is: The more healthy our beliefs, the quicker we reject unhealthy ones.

How do meditation and affirmations differ? Affirming scripture is considered a form of meditation. Affirmations help take negative thoughts captive by replacing them with God’s Word.

Christian Meditation

There are various methods and ways for Christians to meditate. One might study, consider, confess, memorize or use positive biblical affirmations to name a few. When we meditate, we contemplate and reflect on the things of God with a deep focus. 

Meditation is a way to approach God and gain a greater understanding of Him.

“The meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.” 
— Psalm 49:3

When we meditate we take in the Word of God and gain nourishment and wisdom. The scriptures begin to fit together for us much better and the mysteries of God begin to be revealed.

Meditating God’s Word is meditating His ways and His will. Gaining a greater revelation of these things helps us to better please God and at the same time learn how to walk in His blessings.

Biblical Affirmations

Biblical affirmations are bible verses stated in a positive, first person, present tense form. The power of affirmation comes with repetition and speaking them out loud. Daily confessing and speaking what the Word of God says about us can truly be life-transforming.

Most often, affirmations will be confessed based on a desired area of life that is in need of help or encouragement. If that area, for example, is healing, then a selection of healing scriptures will be confessed over and over. These might include healing affirmations such as: “By Jesus stripes I am healed” and “My God is the Lord that heals me.”

These affirmations get deposited into our subconscious, and our subconscious takes in everything as if it is real. So what we repeatedly fill our hearts and minds with is what we eventually become.

 “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 
— Proverbs 23:7

The Bible emphasizes in Luke 6:45 that a good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good, for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart. So we need to pay attention to what we are filling up our heart with.

The truth is: What we think about and talk about we manifest in our life, whether good or bad. Christian meditation and biblical affirmations play a vital role in the believer’s life. 

How often are you meditating on God’s Word?

God bless you –


P.S. Do you have a favorite verse that you regularly meditate or confess? Feel free to share… It will encourage others [and I’m always looking for ideas for the podcast, videos, and free downloads :-)]

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Christian Meditation – How To Get Started Meditating God’s Word Simply and Easily?

Christian Meditation – How To Get Started Meditating God’s Word Simply and Easily?

Discover Tips on Where, How, and When to Meditate

Christian meditation is very natural and should be a normal part of every believer’s life. 

Keep in mind, as with anything new…

there can be a time of adjustment getting meditation fit into the normal flow of our daily schedule.

Now, how do we go about meditating?

Where and How Should I Meditate?

Meditation can take place almost anywhere. It is probably best to find a quiet, comfortable place with some privacy. A natural setting is ideal. Really, though, it is possible to meditate where ever you find yourself. In your room, at your desk, walking in the park, driving in your car; all of these are just a few options.

Where we meditate is going to depend on the type of meditation and technique to be used.

For example if we intend to do an intense study on a specific subject, we are going to need a quiet, private place where we can read and take notes. The same might be the case in times of meditative prayer confessing scripture and opening our hearts to hear from the Lord.

However, if we’ll be listening to a recording of biblical verses and affirmations to memorize and confess, we could do this while driving or doing daily chores around the house. If you start doing your meditation in the same place every day, your mind and body will begin to know your intention and it will make the process even easier.

What Should I Meditate?

What should we focus on in Christian meditation? There are almost endless subjects from the Word of God to meditate on. The following verse will help us out and is also a great one to check our self with throughout the day.

“Whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” — Philippians 4:8

We might just open the Bible and reflect on something that jumps out and speaks to our heart, or a certain scripture might come to mind. God might also give us an intense interest in a subject as a cue for meditation.

When Should I Meditate?

Christian meditation can take place just about any time. However, there are two key times we can actively turn our minds over to God’s Word for maximum results.

Upon awakening, filling our minds with God’s Word first thing in the morning is a great way to start the day. Meditating on the Word of God just before falling asleep will replay it over and over in our mind during the night.

Regardless of the where, how, what, and when: Our relationship with God should be a priority. Daily time in God’s Word will allow Him to speak to us throughout the day. The divine light can shine in our life through Christian meditation.

Why not purpose to make it a daily habit and get started meditating today?

God bless you,

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Powerful Spiritual Meditation – Why Should Christians Meditate?

Powerful Spiritual Meditation – Why Should Christians Meditate?

The Powerful “Lost Art” of Christian Meditation

Powerful Spiritual MeditationChristian meditation is a choice and a positive, life transforming choice at that.

The Bible makes it clear that meditation is for His children.

However, meditation seems to be a “lost art” for most believers these days. 

Yet whether we realize it or not, as Christians today we have a deep spiritual need to meditate.

This is the reason many believers so easily get drawn into evil spiritual activity, which the Bible warns about often.

The list of reasons why Christians should meditate is practically endless. Let’s look at some of the key purposes of biblical meditation.

God Commands Us to Meditate on His Word

How about the fact that the Bible commands us to? God says to meditate on His Word day and night so we will obey it.

“…you shall meditate day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written…” 
— Joshua 1:8

How can we do and obey without first having an understanding of what is required? Meditation on the kingdom of God way of living gives us that knowledge. It also empowers us to act on it.

Meditation Helps Manifest God’s Blessings and Promises in Our Life

Manifestation of the blessings and promises of God are a result of meditating on scripture. As we meditate, our understanding of God and His ways will draw us closer to Him.

Our faith and love will increase along with the desire to please God in a greater way. Meditation, and the gathering of knowledge alone, will not manifest results. Action on this revealed knowledge is required to receive the blessings.

In the same verse quoted earlier we see that it goes on to say that blessing can be expected when we meditate and then act on God’s Word.

“…then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.” 
— Joshua 1:8

Revelation of God’s Laws Benefits Society

God’s word is packed full of eternal mysteries just waiting for the diligent, faithful believer to discover. And just as discoveries in the natural world, benefit society, so do spiritual discoveries reflected in the living Word of God.

Electricity has always been, but think about how the discovery of this law greatly impacted the world. With discovery comes progress. And the discoveries found in God’s laws have the greatest power for transformation.

Case in point: Meditation on the laws of God’s kingdom can take us out of the spiritual Stone Age and into a life where spiritual wonders and miracles await.

Are you ready to make Christian meditation a habit in your life?

God bless you,

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