abundant thinking

Abundant Attitude – Think Like a Prosperous Winner and Stop Whining!

Abundant Attitude – Think Like a Prosperous Winner and Stop Whining!

Think Abundance – Attract Abundance

Abundant Attitude and Prosperous ThoughtsAbundance is all around us in many ways.

The abundance of God is a never ending supply and flow.

In order to see and tap into this supply requires

an abundant attitude.

God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all

that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. (Ephesians 3:20)

A Prosperous Winner or a Poor Whiner?

There is so much whining and complaining going on these days. I’m sure today alone you’ve heard someone complain about school, family, friends, work, the boss, lack of money, traffic, waiting in line, and more.

What happened to a little gratitude and appreciation? Where is the thankfulness for all the abundant blessing in our lives?

For those whining about their boss and job, there are many who would be more than thankful to have a job with even the worst boss. For all those complainers, there are many people in worse situations that would gladly trade places with them.

Choose not to worry, whine, and complain about life’s challenging circumstances. They only thing whining will accomplish is to attract more of the negative things you are whining about.

Put on an Abundant Attitude and Think Prosperous

The Word of God has the power to cause us to prosper, but we have to put it to work in our lives by meditating on it, speaking it, and doing it.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 
— Proverbs 23:7

Keep your life in perspective and have an abundant attitude by giving God thanks for all that is going well and all you are blessed with. Think and focus on the positive and attract a greater flow of the abundance of God in your life.

When God’s Word and His principles are first place in our lives, our attitudes and thoughts will begin to line up with His, and we’ll act accordingly.

“Then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” 
— Joshua 1:8

Speak and confess success and the abundance of God flowing in your life. The power of His Word at work in our hearts will cause us to have thankful, grateful hearts; able to see the blessings all around us.

Is the abundance of God flowing in your life? God has created a system that will produce abundance in our lives. Blessings will come to those who operate in it; even when others experience lack. Choose to think prosperous and put on an abundant attitude!

May you have an abundant attitude and a life flowing with growing prosperity!

Be Blessed to Be a Blessing –


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Growing Prosperity: Renewed Thinking to Live in the Abundant Provision of God!

Growing Prosperity: Renewed Thinking to Live in the Abundant Provision of God!

Manifest Growing Prosperity with Growing Faith

Growing Prosperity comes with a growing faith.

Are you, like many believers, overwhelmed with living by faith?

Does it seem too hard to live in the lifestyle God has laid out?

Really it is a whole lot easier to do what God says, because then we don’t have to figure it all out our self. We don’t have to worry and stress. There is peace in taking it one day at a time.

God has already made available a great abundant provision for us. Manifesting growing prosperity in our lives simply requires living by faith and obeying God’s steps to receive. And this requires getting control of our thought life right from the start.

Renewed Thinking

The New Year is always a great time to get a fresh perspective and start anew. But we don’t have to wait until the first of every year. Today is always a great day to renew our thinking.

God never intended living by faith and acting on His Word to overwhelm us. We need to refuse to think God’s ways are too hard.

When we have a positive outlook it is much easier for God to help us out – because He doesn’t have to fight our mind so much! And, we are able to adjust to life changes a lot easier.

We need to be of the mindset that:

  • It is easy to live debt-free.
  • It is easy to live healed.
  • It is easy to walk in love.

We need to get into the Word and let it stir our faith and let the Word start renewing our mind in the areas we struggle with – so that we not only see it is possible, but inevitable. God’s Word will work!

Abundant Provision of God

I’m sure that just like me, what you want is to live in the abundant provision God has made available to us.

Living in the abundance of God requires action on our part. However, before we can act and be successful, we have to be thinking right. Right thinking allows us to act on the Word and receive what God has for us sooner.

It is not that hard to believe God!

Spend time with God and let Him refresh you. Let God be God of every area of your lifespiritually, physically, and financially. Then He can bless you in all those areas.

Biblical prayer and meditation example on the abundance of God:

“I pray that you may know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory throughout all ages. Amen.”
— Ephesians 2:19-21

Bottom line is that every day is an opportunity to renew our minds with God’s Word, act on it, and grow closer to Him. Are you ready for renewed thinking to live in the abundant provision of God?

May right thinking allow you to act on God’s Word and experience a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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How to Attract Prosperity and Abundance with 3 Key Steps!

How to Attract Prosperity and Abundance with 3 Key Steps!

Unlock the Door to Unlimited Abundant Supply

Keys to AbundanceAttract prosperity and abundance in your life starting today.

There is no need to have poverty stricken thinking while there is unlimited abundance available to everyone.

The supply is there and already flowing right past your door…

…it rests with you to make the connection that will draw it to you.

Start making the connection today with these three key steps:


God is the source of all supply. We need the power of God to gain wealth and prosper. Without Him the results we get on our own will be limited and half the time they will result in a mess.

We are told when the Lord makes a person rich He adds no sorrow to it. If we acknowledge God in our lives and seek Him, then He will direct our paths.

“Those that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.” — Psalm 34:10


The law of abundance and prosperity is as definite as the law of gravity. If you are not attracting the abundance you desire, you are most likely still under the mental bondage of limited poverty thinking. However, remember, there is no limitation in Him in whom all fullness lies.

“As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” — Proverbs 23:7

Think prosperous and allow yourself to believe and have confidence in God. You can flood your life with all good things when you have magnetizing faith to tap into the abundance flowing by you.


You must DO everything to the finish and not quit!

You must believe you will prosper and you must practice what you believe, in order to get results. You must fling your energy into the work needed to reach your goals. Continue to maintain the right mental attitude, with a determination to turn your back on poverty and face toward the abundant life you desire.

You are a child of God, the creator and possessor of all things. His desire is that you prosper. So open your mind to the abundant current of supply He has provided for you.

Believe me: God knows not only what you need in your life, He knows how to help you attract it. Acknowledge Him daily. Let God do His part and you do your part. Then watch as you are blessed to be a blessing to others and attract prosperity and abundance.

May you continue to experience a life of growing prosperity!


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Get Rid of Poverty for Good! What Do You Think?

Get Rid of Poverty for Good! What Do You Think?

Discover How to Clean Up Your Thinking and Attract Your Desired Abundant Life!

Law of Attraction ThinkingAttracting the desired abundant life and eliminating poverty requires getting the right thinking cap put on.

If your thinking is always unclear and fuzzy, don’t expect to receive anything.

You need to do some mental house cleaning if you want to live the good life!

Let’s dive in and get to work cleaning up our thinker.

Get a Clear Mental Picture

Before we can attract what it is we desire, we must first get very clear and specific on what it is we want.

As with anything, we can’t communicate it until we are clear on what we want to communicate. And if we want to get the desired results, we have to be specific.

Simply letting someone know we are hungry won’t result in getting a specific, desired meal on the table.

Keep Your Mind Focused

Once we are clear on the desired result, then we need to meditate on it and bring it to life. Meditate on it by speaking and thinking about it often.

As often as possible we must give attention to what we believe will come to pass and claim it by faith as if it is already here. Back up the desired vision with purpose and create a magnetic power to attract it.

In fact, the greater your desire, the easier it is to overcome mental laziness. An occasional wishing and dreaming is NOT going to produce results.

Think and speak daily, with unshakable faith that you will attain your desired result.

How would you act if your desire was already manifested?

Act and live by faith as if your prosperous life is already here. Enjoy mental ownership, with unwavering faith, until you have actual ownership of it in the natural.

Do You Think You Can?

He can who thinks he can, and he can’t who thinks he can’t.

No one can advance further than his faith in God, himself, and his purpose. Faith puts you in touch with God and with God nothing is impossible.

Even when others cry “Impossible!” you can, by faith, get rid of poverty and attract prosperity.

The bottom line is this: Get your thinking clear, stay focused, and have faith that your desired abundant life is on the way. Get your words lined up with your thoughts and watch as they attract your prosperity.

May you adjust your thinking as needed and experience a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you,

P.S.  I’ve experienced the power of this work in my life and I’ve also seen the results stop when I waver.  How do you keep your thoughts and words lined up on a daily basis on what you believe to manifest?

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Abundant Thinking – Will You Be Wealthy if You Win the Lottery This Week?

Abundant Thinking – Will You Be Wealthy if You Win the Lottery This Week?

Discover the Key to True Wealth!

abundance_of_god_wealthAbundance is something we can all tap into.

The prosperous, wealthy life is about money and finances, but, and make that a big but, it does not start or stop there.

So the question is: If you were to win the lottery today, or come into some great unexpected inheritance, of say five million dollars, would you be wealthy?

It is commonly known that the majority of lottery winners end up right back where they started or sometimes in even worst conditions.

A large sum of money, suddenly deposited into your bank account does not make you wealthy. It only adds some extra zeros to your account balance for a certain amount of time.

Money Is Not All It Takes To Be Wealthy

Are you saying about now “Just show me the money and I’ll be happy.”?

Money is a critical part of wealth and we all need it to live on. I agree. Nobody likes to be broke. However, as important as money is, it is only a part of wealth.

Money is just money.

True prosperity and wealth is the abundance of God. And as His child, God wants you to live in abundance and get out of the “poverty” mentality. God wants you to seek wisdom and be blessed with abundance in all areas of your life; spiritually, physically, and financially.

Deep down I’m sure you know this to be true. Now, unless you change some things in your life, you will stay in a cycle and always ends up right back where you started; before you came into money or any other blessing.

True Wealth Requires Wisdom and the Right Mindset

There are numerous stories of people that have prospered financially and then for one reason or another lost all they had. Yet they also had something else in their lives that allowed them to turn back around and become financially prosperous once again.

What set these successful people apart? They had wisdom and maintained the right mindset.

Wisdom and the right abundant, prosperous, and wealthy mindset allow you to manifest amazing results in your life!

No secret about it: Being wealthy requires filling your mind with the right thoughts. If you find yourself over and over in a position you do not want to be in, then it is about time you have an overhaul on your thought life.

Renew Your Mind

Renewing your mind is a process and requires work.

There are no magic thoughts or words that bring instant wealth. It is a growing process that changes you from the inside out and eventually becomes manifested in your life.

Are you with me still? The sooner you start the sooner you’ll experience the positive changes you desire.

Discover what the truly wealthy think about. Find out what the Word of God has to say about true riches. Then begin to activate your faith in these areas by speaking these things out loud to yourself and over your life. Put the law of attraction into motion.

A sample daily confession:

“Because I diligently seek the wisdom of God, riches and honor are with me, enduring riches and righteousness, my fruit is better than gold, and wisdom causes me to inherit wealth and my bank accounts to be full.”
(Proverbs 8:17-19, 21)

Get started today: Take control of your thought life and elevate your level of success. Be all that God intends you to be and be blessed to be a blessing. Watch your life transform as you seek wisdom and choose to think and speak abundance.

May you seek wisdom and renew your mind daily and continue to experience growing prosperity!

God bless you –


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