How to Swiftly Overcome Anxiety with 7 Successful Self-Improvement Tips

How to Swiftly Overcome Anxiety with 7 Successful Self-Improvement Tips

Personal Growth: Be the Success You Were Intended to Be!

Self Improvement JoyPersonal growth to overcome anxiety is power to change your life.

A life of panic and anxiety is no way to live.

If the symptoms of this hindering, fear driven behavior have been preventing you from being and doing all that you desire…

…then read on to discover some helpful tips.

It is possible to overcome and be in charge of your life and stop letting fear, anxiety, and stress have control. 

7 Successful Tips to Swiftly Overcome Anxiety:

1.) CALL ON GOD – This tip has been listed first because God should always be first in our lives. The moment something else takes first place, is the moment we allow disorder to spread in our lives. Pray and call on God daily!

God says He will never leave you, so you can boldly say,

“The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do.” (Hebrews 13:6)

2.) GUARD YOUR MIND & HEART – What you allow into your mind long enough is eventually going to get into your heart and show up in your life. Watch closely what you put in your mind and make sure it is positive.

Are you watching and listening to news, music, and movies with crude, fear driven, disturbing, negative, and stressful messages? Then you are allowing this garbage into your mind. Would you allow a garbage truck to unload in your house?

“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” 
— Proverbs 4:23

3.) DAILY MEDITATION & AFFIRMATIONS – This follows the second tip. After putting a stop to negative intake, that encourages fear and anxiety, we now need to replace it with positive, confidence building thoughts, images, and words.

No one can preach to you like you can preach to you. Renew your mind daily. Take time to daily meditate and affirm positive confidence building statements that will build yourself up.

Start with positive affirmations such as the following: 

  • I am Bold, Courageous, Confident, and Powerful.
  • I am Proud of Myself for the Positive Changes I am Making Daily.
  • God has Given Me a Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind.

4.) HEALTHY LIFESTYLE – A healthy lifestyle is critical to our total well being. We are spirit, mind, and body. It is impossible to let one area of our being go downhill and not have it affect us.

A healthy, balanced diet that reduces sugar, alcohol, and caffeine will reduce stress and anxiety levels. An exercise routine, even one of simply taking regular walks, will quickly help lift your spirits.

5.) BE AWARE OF YOUR INNER DIALOGUE – What type of conversation is going on in your head? Do you speak to yourself with kindness, respect, and love; like you would with someone you care about?

Stop rehearsing your past failures, shortcomings, and mistakes over and over. Let them go and acknowledge that you have the ability to change your present and future. Make a list of your positive qualities and abilities. Then remind yourself of them. Speak to yourself as if you were your own best friend. 

6.) TACKLE FEAR HEAD ON – We’ve all experienced the fear and panic that can overtake us with no notice. Fear is a thief and it steals our destinies and prevents our progress. It causes those who should be bold and aggressive to shrink back and be timid.

Don’t let fear control you. Face it head on and begin taking baby steps by doing things afraid. Move forward and do what you need to do even in the midst of fear. Each time you do, you crush the fearful, anxious spirit and build up the confident spirit within you.

7.) KNOWLEDGE IS POWER – Get informed and find out what you can about the symptoms and causes of panic and anxiety. Many people struggle with anxiety and many have overcome. You are not alone in your struggle and taking a step to inform yourself is a big step to victory.

Getting informed helps equip you with the power to overcome.

Your goal? To start utilizing these tips today. Do not allow anxiety to paralyze your potential. Overcoming is a gradual process, but by applying these tips to your life you can speed up the process. Lift up your head to the light and BOLDLY decide to be all that GOD created you to be. Now go take steps of personal growth.

May you continue to grow in confidence and experience a life of growing prosperity!

Soar higher –


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