
Quote by President Ronald Reagan

Quote by President Ronald Reagan

Encouraging Quote by a Great American Leader: Ronald Reagan

American President Ronald ReaganI ran across the following quote yesterday by Ronald Reagan. And also the one after, which is by his daughter Patti Davis.

Seeing others live their lives with such a resolve to love God, and keep in a close committed relationship with Him, always encourages my faith walk.

It’s interesting to see how they also seem to have such a peace even through the storms of life.

No one can take away our relationship with God. Only we as individuals can decide if we will walk with Him or not, and if so, how close . . .

Enjoy & be Encouraged by these Quotes:

“I’ve always believed that we were, each of us, put here for a reason; that there is a plan, somehow a divine plan for all of us.  In an effort to embrace that plan, we are blessed with the special gift of prayer, the happiness and solace to be gained by talking to the Lord.  It is our hopes and our aspirations, our sorrows and fears, our deep remorse and renewed resolve, our thanks and joyful praise, and most especially our love, all turned toward a loving God.  Many of us have been taught to pray by people we love.  In my case, it was my mother.  I learned quite literally at her knee. My mother gave me a great deal, but nothing she gave me was more important than that.  She was my inspiration and provided me with a very real deep faith.”  —  Ronald Reagan

“My father (Ronald Reagan), told me as a child that there was a Father in Heaven, and I didn’t have to stand on my toes to touch Him.”  —  Patti Davis

Have a blessed day!

P.S. Image credit courtesy Ronald Reagan Library.

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