
Affirmation Creates Power by Orison Swett Marden – Part 2 of 3

AFFIRMATION CREATES POWER by Orison Swett Marden – Part 2 of 3


Part 2 of 3

Perpetual Positive Affirmation Creates a Life of Harmony, Achievement, and Success

Affirmation Creates PowerYou can do a difficult thing only with a

positive state of mind, never with a negative.

Plus force, not minus, does things.

The dominant qualities are all positive,

assertive, aggressive, and they require a corresponding

attitude of mind for their exercise and application.

A man who has not these dominant, qualities

can never be a leader or independent; he must be a trailer,

an imitator, until he changes his thought from negative to positive,

from doubtful to certain, from shrinking and retiring to asserting and advancing.

It is the decisive, positive soul that wins.

If you wish to amount to anything in the world, never for one moment permit the idea to come into your mind that you are unlucky, that you are less fortunate than other human beings. Deny it with all the power you can muster. Discipline yourself never to acknowledge weakness or think of mental, physical, or moral defects. Deny that you are a weakling, that you cannot do what others can do; that you are handicapped and must be satisfied to take an inferior position in the world. Strangle every doubt as you would a viper threatening your life.

Never talk, think, or write of your poverty or unfortunate condition. Cut out of your life all thought that limits, hampers, dwarfs, and darkens it. These are ghosts of fear; the Creator never made them or intended them to haunt or torment you. He made you for happiness, for joy, for conquest over your environment.

Persistently affirm that the Creator handicapped no one; that our limitations are all our own. Resolve that, come what may, you will be an optimist; that there shall be nothing pessimistic in you; believe in the final triumph of the right, the victory of all that is true and noble.

Affirm that you are one of the most fortunate beings. Congratulate yourself that you were born just in the nick of time, and in just the right place; that there is a definite work for you to do that on one else can do; and that you are one of the most lucky persons in the world to have the opportunity, the health, the education, to do the thing you are bound to accomplish.

If you are out of work and poor, just throw out of your mind every idea of penury and poverty. Hold the thought of plenty, of abundance, of all good, which the Creator has promised you. Stoutly deny that you are poor, or miserable, or unlucky; claim that you are lucky, that you are well, vigorous, and strong; that you must succeed; and you will succeed.

Always affirm that the Creator who gave you the longing to be somebody and to do something in the world, has also given you the ability and the opportunity to realize the ambition.

When you set your mind toward achievement, let everything about you indicate success. Let your manner, your dress, your bearing, your conversation, and everything you do speak achievement and success. Carry always a success atmosphere with you.

You will find a wonderful advantage in starting out every morning with the mind set toward success and achievement by permeating it with thoughts of prosperity and harmony, whether by repetition of set formulas, as some advise, or not. It will then be so much the harder for discord to get into the day’s work.

If you are inclined to doubt your ability to do any particular thing, school yourself to hold the self-trust thought firmly and persistently. It is the assumption of power, of self-trust, of confidence in yourself, in your integrity or wholeness, that cannot be shaken, that will enable you to become strong, and to do, with vigor and ease, the thing you undertake.

You will find that the perpetual holding of these ideals will change your whole outlook upon life:

  • You will approach your problems from a new standpoint, and
  • life will take on a fresh meaning.
  • This perpetual affirmation will put you in harmony with your surrounding;
  • it will make you contented and happy; and
  • it will be a powerful tonic for your health.
  • It will help you to build up individuality and personal power.
  • It will make your brain clearer, your thought more effective.

Keeping the mental machinery clean makes for vigorous thinking, decisive action.

*** end of part 2 of 3 ***


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Successful Living – Discover a Crucial Step in Getting from Problem to Solution!

Successful Living – Discover a Crucial Step in Getting from Problem to Solution!

Walk in Obedience and Live Victorious and Successful

Successful and Victorious Living!Successful living requires effort

and there is no getting around that fact.

We have to always be willing to do

our part as problems arise.

God wants us to live victorious and successful

and He has a wonderful answer to any problem

that shows up in our lives.

But let me remind you: We have to do our part to get from our problem to that solution.

The Supernatural Quick Fix

Who doesn’t want an instant, push-button, quick fix these days? As soon as a person has a problem in today’s society, they seem to expect someone else to provide an instant solution.

They want the pastor or church leaders to personally pray over them and hope for an easy “supernatural quick fix.” They want a person or organization to bail them out of their trouble. They expect God to do a miracle, and do it now!

Of course, turning to your pastor and church leaders for prayer and expecting a miracle from God, in time of need is a good thing.

However, the issue that comes into play with this plan of action, is when there is a refusal to walk in daily, simple obedience to God’s Word, and the guidance He provides us through our pastors and church ministers.

The Crucial Step of Obedience

Life is full of challenges and problems for all of us. Big and small they come and go on a daily basis and the best way to live successful is to live by faith, in obedience to God’s Word.

God has left us a great instruction book, the Bible, to help us live in victory. God expects His children to pray and seek Him and His Word for answers on a daily basis. And we are not to only listen and hear instruction, but we are to also be obedient to take action on what we hear.

Those who hear the Word of God and are obedient to also act on what they’ve heard, are the ones who build a strong, solid foundation and the storms of life do not shake them.

“Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings, and does them…is like a man which built a house, and dug deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.” 
— Luke 6:47-48

Walk in Obedience and Walk in Blessings

Obedience to God’s Word never goes unrewarded. Walk in obedience and you’ll walk in blessings.

God gives us His Word, along with pastors and ministers who act according to His Word. They help instruct us in the Word and teach us how to apply it in our lives. Our part is to be obedient to act on the Word of the Lord by faith, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

“Why do you call Me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” 
— Luke 6:46

If we take offense at the instructions we don’t want to hear and do, if we walk away from those who try to correct us when we are off course, and if we get angry at God and His ministers, then our lives will continue unproductive and unsuccessful.

Faith in God and His Word is richly rewarded. Acting on the Word of God is a crucial step of obedience in getting from the problem we now face to God’s wonderful solution awaiting us.

Your next step? Purpose to become a person who not only hears the Word of God, but does it as well. Be a doer of the Word and build a strong, unshakeable foundation in your life. Live by faith – victorious and successful!

May you walk in faithful obedience to the Word of the Lord and live a successful life full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Spiritual Prosperity – Walking Out God’s Good Plan For Your Life!

Spiritual Prosperity – Walking Out God’s Good Plan For Your Life!

Are You Following God One Step at a Time?

Walking Out God's Plan One Step at a TimeSpiritual prosperity is the result of

walking out God’s plan for your life.

In order to do this you need to allow the Lord

to direct your path one step at a time.

If I had known many years ago

what I was going to be doing today,

I would have said, “No way, God. That is impossible.”

But keep in mind, the Lord does not show us the whole picture of our life all at once, because we would quit before we got started. Instead, God leads us one step at a time.

“In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” 
— Proverbs 3:6

Following God One Step at a Time

Have you wondered why you are not further along in the plan for your life?

Let me ask you a question: Are you following God one step at a time?

Consider how excited parents are when their children take their first steps. They start out by taking one step and falling down. The parents then pick them up and put them back on their feet; encouraging them to take another step.

Inspired by the words of encouragement, the children try again and take two or three steps this time, before falling down. The parents continue to repeatedly pick them up, encourage, and help them try again until they finally conquer the task of walking.

The fact is: An infant would never learn to walk if he did not start by taking that first step. And just as infants learn to walk by taking one step at a time, so it is with the plan of our life. God leads us one step at a time.

Maybe you have taken the first step in your plan and fallen down. You may still be lying on the ground, having decided to never take another step. However, keep in mind that just as a parent encourages their children to get up and try again, so the Heavenly Father is encouraging you to get up and take another step!

The Steps of a Good Man Are Ordered by the Lord

If you will delight in the Lord, He will order your steps; and they will be steps of success and not failure.

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delights in his way.” 
— Psalm 37:23

Keep in mind, when opportunity knocks, you must answer! And you must walk through that door with confidence, knowing you can do it with the help of the Lord.

Of course there will be various disappointments and difficult circumstances along the way. We all face them and that is to be expected. Just remember there is help and you are not facing anything alone.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” 
— Philippians 4:13

Allow this verse to help you have confidence in your ability, knowing you are not doing anything alone, but that it is Christ who strengthens you.

I think you get the point: You can make it through every circumstance of your life – regardless of what it is – if you will simply place your hand in God’s hand. He will direct your path and lead you to victory and spiritual prosperity; one step at a time.

May you walk out God’s good plan one step at a time and experience His growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Financial Prosperity – Why Not Claim Victory Over Your Finances With a Bold Faith?

Financial Prosperity – Why Not Claim Victory Over Your Finances With a Bold Faith?

Bold Faith For Financial Victory!

Financial Prosperity with a Bold FaithFinancial prosperity is a growing process

that lots of people find hard to master.

However, God has provided many

financial principles that can help anyone

claim victory over economic decline.

Learning to replace fear with bold faith in His principles will lead to victory.

Financial Difficulties Anyone?

If, perhaps you’re going through financial difficulties, like a great many folks these days, do you possess any kind of a plan of action? Or do you merely keep on moaning, as well as stressing about just how hard circumstances are, and how the government is simply not dealing with joblessness, overspending, high taxes, and on and on?

Letting Go of Financial Fear

The sooner we learn to let go of the fear, worry, and stress over the economic circumstances we simply cannot change, the better. You may legitimately have much to complain about. You may see your income declining while you work harder for less money. Or maybe your previous income source is gone and there is genuinely much to fear.

Regardless of the circumstances, keep in mind: Dwelling on the fearfulness of the situation will do no good. If we want to claim victory over our finances we must quickly replace the fear, anger, and worry with faith and hope in God’s financial principles.

We must dwell on the available abundance of God and His Word.

The Blessings of God’s Financial Principles

God’s financial principles work in combination with a bold faith in Him and His Word. If we want to have faith to grow our finances, then we must repeatedly hear God’s words of possibility, blessing, and abundance.

Words of faith are needed to drown out words of fear, doubt and discouragement.

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” 
— Romans 10:17

There has to come a point in time when we take a stand with God and look at what He can do, instead of what our government, and local leaders are doing or not doing. As surprising as it might seem, no individual ought to look to employers, clients or any source of income as their ultimate source of help.

God is our source and that is who we should look to!

Bold Faith for Financial Victory

Ideally the time to look to God is when things are going well. Whenever individuals practice faith and trust in God when everything is good, as soon as circumstances become difficult they are prepared to stand bold in faith, instead of in fear.

On the other hand for individuals who are new to faith, is it too late? Or what if you have never had a financial breakthrough, ever, and you’ve constantly struggled? Can you still claim victory over your finances?

As a believer, you must realize there is a greater One living in you that can overcome all things. The doorway of possibilities with God is wide open and ready for you to enter.

If you determine to see this time period as being an opportunity to become strong and bold in your faith, you certainly will start to see just what God can do! I myself am speaking out of personal experience, not just from practical knowledge.

No doubt: Now is the time to see and discover possibilities rather than misfortune; financial growth rather than financial disaster. This is your time to claim financial victory with God. You can allow your faith in God and His promises to empower you to have financial prosperity.

May you have a bold faith to claim financial victory and a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Higher Level Meditation – How Will Christian Meditation Change the Way I Think and Feel?

Higher Level Meditation – How Will Christian Meditation Change the Way I Think and Feel?

Discover How Christian Meditation Can Help You Achieve a Higher Level of Thinking and Living!

Higher Level MeditationChristian meditation is something

every believer can choose to practice.

Those who do choose to meditate

soon find out it changes the way

they think and feel.

Let me ask you this…

How Does the World Make You Think and Feel?

Think for a moment about the daily choices we make and how they change our thoughts and feelings. Do you watch the news? Do you watch movies? Do you listen to music? Do you read the paper? Do you browse online social media sites and forums? Do you have conversations with co-workers, family, and friends?

Of course you do, and it is no secret that what we see and hear changes the way we think and feel!

The trouble with regular interactions, in our everyday routine, is that it tends to be overwhelming, stressful and discouraging. Most of the news, shows, music, movies, websites, and people we talk to bombard us with tragedies, loss, hardships, etcetera. This in turn leaves us in fear mode.

For this reason, many people find themselves searching for something to bring peace in the midst of chaos.

Christian Meditation to Change the Way You Think and Feel

God commands us to meditate day and night, because it will draw us closer to Him and benefit our lives. Just as with His other laws, He does not force us to obey. Instead we get to choose.

So, will meditation on God’s Word change the way we think and feel?

Absolutely, YES! Those who choose to meditate soon find out it changes the way they think and feel for the better!

“Blessed, happy is the person who delights in the
law of the Lord and meditates on it day and night.”

— Psalm 1:1-2

The ways of the world come to no surprise to God. And Proverbs 23:7 tells us, “Whatever a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

God instructs us to meditate on His Word so that our heart will be filled with His power. If a person, with purpose and intent, will meditate on God and His ways, they will achieve a higher level of thinking and living, including joy and peace.

“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You.”

— Isaiah 26:3

No matter what happens around us we can meditate on God’s Word to draw strength, life and victory.

Believe me: Once you start to practice Christian meditation daily, the way you think and feel about yourself, and your life will take on a brighter outlook. The life transforming power of God’s Word changes lives!

Do you, as a Christian believer, purpose to achieve a higher level of thinking and living by meditating on the Word of God daily?

God bless you always,

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Why in the World Would God Allow a Sincere Believer to Undergo Attacks of Evil?

Why in the World Would God Allow a Sincere Believer to Undergo Attacks of Evil?

Spiritual Warfare – If God is For Us, How Can He Allow Such Difficult Seasons of Trials and Attacks to Come In Our Life?

Spiritual warfare is a part of life that many people prefer to ignore and overlook.

However, on a daily basis, we experience all kinds of attacks and temptations from the unseen world; some more intense than others.

Under typical conditions, most godly people will walk steadfast throughout life. Not perfect, but in victory.

God develops strength in us through tests and trials. But why would God allow us to go through intense evil attacks? Well, since God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours, we can’t completely understand; but there are some answers available to us.

Tests and Temptations of Life

God may test us, but He never tempts us to sin. And He always provides a way of escape for us.

“There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.” 
— 1 Corinthians 10:13

We see temptation come through a couple of obvious sources. One is the devil and the other our own lusts. (1 Thessalonians 3:5, James 1:14)

The Example of Job

Before the devil can wage an all out war on a believer, he first has to get God’s permission. Look at Job, for example, and how God allowed him to be tested so harshly. Why? Because God had faith in Job. And Job, having no idea what was going on in the unseen world during his attacks, proved to be faithful to God.

Sometimes in life, the heat is turned up and it is battle on, and things can seem unbearable. But that is when we need to stand firm and trust God. Remember, God is for us and we can come through victorious just like Job!

“Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.
Put on the whole armor of God,
that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Wherefore take to you the whole armor of God,
that you may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand.”
— Ephesians 6:10-13

No matter how bad we get knocked down we need to call on the power of God and get back up!

The Example of Peter

Another example is Simon Peter. Satan wanted permission to attack Peter and attempt to cause him to lose his faith. But God had a different purpose for allowing the shaking. When Simon Peter’s self-confidence was shaken he was brought closer to a true foundation of trust in the Lord, and better equipped to strengthen his brothers.

“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.
But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail.
And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”
— Luke 22: 31-32

Jesus did not pray that Simon Peter would escape the sifting, but that his faith would not fail in the process.

Why Does God Allow the Attacks?

We see in these examples that the devil can seek permission to come at us with intense attacks. God also allows him permission sometimes. And even though it is not a happy thought, in each of these examples they were tested by God through Satan.

All of us will be tested so we can be refined like gold. None of us will escape some degree of it.

“When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” 
— Job 23:10

“Greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, you are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” 
— 1 Peter 1:6-7

God knows what He is doing. And what Satan intends for evil, our faithful God intends for good.

“The very God of peace sanctify you wholly;
and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body
be preserved blameless to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it.”

– 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

Make no mistake about it: God is faithful and He will do whatever it takes to sanctify us to fulfill our calling. Yes, there are things going on out there that we just don’t understand. But if the enemy has been allowed to attack, and we go through a season of severe sifting, we still have to trust God.

May you faithfully trust God in all seasons and live a life of growing prosperity!

God bless you always,

P.S. Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments, or feedback…

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Finish Strong – Inspiring Nick Vujicic Video

Finish Strong – Inspiring Nick Vujicic Video

What Matters Is How You Finish!

I’m not sure what has knocked you down in life…
What you are struggling to overcome…
Or what might be causing you to want to quit…

But what I do know – is when we look to the author and finisher of our faith we can finish strong!

“…and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
looking to JESUS the author and finisher of our faith;
who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross,
despising th shame, and is set down at the right hand
of the throne of GOD.”
— Hebrews 12: 1-2

This short video is guaranteed to inpire you to get yourself up and finish strong!

Find out more about Nick Vujicic and the awesome things he is doing with his life to make a difference in this world. Visit Nick’s website.

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments. Everytime I watch or read a story about Nick I am left feeling inspired to do more with my life and quit with my excuses and complaining…

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Abundant Living – 7 Success Tips to Guide Your Journey of Life and Journey to Heaven!

Abundant Living – 7 Success Tips to Guide Your Journey of Life and Journey to Heaven!

Soar In The High Places of God

Abundant Living Journey to HeavenAbundant living on earth is a choice we can all make.

An abundant eternal life is also a choice.

God has prepared a great plan of prosperity for us and now it is up to us to reach out and receive by faith.

As a Christian; life is not a ‘try it out and see what happens’.

It takes faith to become a Christian and faith to live the Christian journey of life.

7 Guiding Success Tips for Abundant Living:

1.)  Allow the Spirit of God to Reveal – Let the Spirit of God help you know what has been freely given to us. God reveals to us by His Spirit; the things He prepared for those who love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10, 12)

2.)  Live a Life of Excellence – Be determined to live a life of excellence and go all the way up the mountain! Don’t live a mediocre life and be content to only go half-way.

3.)  Get in The Word – It is the Word of God that gets on us and in us that creates success. Get in the Word and do what it says and your journey will become prosperous and you will have good success in life. (Joshua 1:8)

4.)  Catch the Vision – Be a person of vision and dare to do things others aren’t willing to try. Have an eye of an eagle to see a far off. Living by faith requires using our spiritual vision to see what has not yet manifested in the natural. Wait on God to get your vision. (Habakkuk 2:1-2)

5.)  Understand Your True Identity – Know who you are, the authority you have, and the promises made available to you because you are in Christ. There are over 130 “In Him” and “In Christ” verses in the Bible that help you with this. Dig them out and discover what you have been missing!

6.)  Live in Victory – Have wings to soar like an eagle above the storms that come. Overcome the accuser by the testimony of the blood of Jesus in your life. Submit yourself to God and resist the devil to make him flee from you. (Revelation 12:11, James 4:7)

7.)  Pray Always – Be a person of prayer. Build yourself up spiritually before you do anything. And in everything we do it should be by prayer. (Philippians 4:6)

Why not choose to live in the high places of God? God wants His children to have the very best.

Your journey on earth and your journey to heaven can be thrilling! Do not settle for anything less than the very best. 

And don’t be fooled; wishing and hoping does NOT result in blessings.

Bottom line: God’s dealings with people are always based on covenant. Discover what belongs to you and claim your inheritance by opening The Book, praying, and listening to God. God will let you know what to do. Just call on Him and act on His Word by faith and enjoy abundant living.

May your journey of life be filled with growing prosperity!

Soar higher,

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