
Growing Prosperity – How to Reach Out and Grab Your Share of Super Abundance!

Growing Prosperity – How to Reach Out and Grab Your Share of Super Abundance!

Tap Into the Abundance Plan

Super Abundance of GodSuper abundance is just waiting for you to claim your share.

If your current situation is full of lack, that doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.

You can choose to step out of your plans that led you to lack…

and step into new found plans that lead to growing prosperity.

Choose the Abundant Life

Even if at this very moment, you are at your lowest point in life, you can choose to overcome.

The Creator of the universe created a plan for you to be a success in life. When you call out to God for help, His power is made available to help you overcome any problem that has kept you bound and it can move you to an abundant place.

“I called upon the Lord in distress: the Lord answered me, and set me in a large place.”
– Psalm 118:5

The same God that created the universe is more than able to meet all your needs.

He is able to give you the wisdom and strength to get a good job or build a successful business. He can move you from living paycheck to paycheck, with piles of debt, and into abundance.

Step out of the stress and frustration and let God pull you to a higher level.

Tap Into the Abundance Plan

Once you choose abundance and accept that it is God’s will for your life, then you need to understand His plan so that it can manifest in your life.

How do you do this? By spending time in the Word of God and in prayer; He will reveal His plans.

As your understanding increases, adjust your life and make changes as needed. Move forward in faith, not fear.

Consider God revealing His plans to Moses; plans to take the children of Israel out of bondage and into a super abundant land. When the 12 spies came back to report on the Promised Land, 10 came back with an unbelieving, bad report which caused the people to fear and believe the words of men instead of the Word of God.

Two came back with a good report; Joshua and Caleb. They understood there was serious wealth in the Promised Land that was laid up for those that God delights in. And God delights in those who live by faith. His plan is to reward them.

“He brought me forth also into a large place: He delivered me, because He delighted in me.”
– 2 Samuel 22:20

Today we face a similar challenge as we spy out the plan of blessing God has provided for us.

How long will it take before we decide to believe God’s promise of abundance? Regardless of what bad report we may hear, we must choose the plan of God.

  • God is ready to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20)
  • He provided a way for you to have wealth and riches in your house. (Psalm 112:3)
  • He did this so that you can be blessed to be a blessing and His covenant can be established on the earth. (Deuteronomy 8:18)

Go ahead; allow God to open the windows of heaven above you as you walk in His plan. Do not give up and do not let fear take you off course. Delight in his Word and grab your share of super abundance.

May your obedience to the Word of God fill your life with growing prosperity!

God bless,

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