spiritual blessings

Biblical Prosperity – An Abundance of Spiritual Blessings!

Biblical Prosperity – An Abundance of Spiritual Blessings!

Have You Claimed Your Rich Inheritance?

Biblical Prosperity Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly Places in ChristBiblical Prosperity is an important topic for Christians.

God desires to do good things for His children and produce good fruit in their lives.

His blessings on our lives bring glory and honor to Him.

So let’s take a look at what the Bible says about prosperity.

What is Biblical Prosperity and why is the abundant life based on spiritual prosperity?

Biblical Prosperity – Blessed with Spiritual Blessings

God has left all His children a great inheritance and we can see this by reading His will. And what God has provided, He did abundantly. There is no need for His children to divide up a little, because there is more than enough to go around.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” 
— Ephesians 1:3

See what I mean? It says ‘ALL’ spiritual blessings in heavenly places. I don’t know about you, but ‘all the spiritual blessings in heavenly places’ sounds like abundance to me!

And notice these blessings have already been provided and this is prosperity that we can walk in NOW, not later. We can tap into this spiritual prosperity by asking God to give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation into His will.

Pray that God opens the eyes of your heart and His Word comes alive in your life.

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” 
— Ephesians 1:18

As children of God we are made alive together and seated together with Christ in heavenly places. Once we see life from God’s perspective, and realize we are prosperous right now with every spiritual blessing, our life and future outlook becomes changed forever.

Spiritual Prosperity – The Foundation of an Abundant Life

The kingdom of God is a spiritual one and the foundation of our prosperity, as kingdom citizens, starts in heavenly places; an area that we can’t physically see or touch. As children of God we have been given all spiritual blessings in Christ.

Yes, if we want to transform our world and manifest financial prosperity and success we have to observe natural laws. But first we must seek to obey spiritual laws that have power to bring even greater riches in our lives. Then by combining the natural and spiritual laws we can find ourselves with growing prosperity; spirit, soul, and body.

‘The riches of the glory of the inheritance of the saints’ is the great treasure for God’s children. It is the great prosperity –the abundance of God. We are made righteous and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. We have love, joy, peace, hope, and more…

Biblical prosperity starts with spiritual prosperity first. From there God gives each of us the unique abilities to prosper in life in ways that will bring glory to Him.

Live like King Uzziah, who as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper. (2 Chronicles 26:5)

The truth is: Biblical prosperity is the abundant life. We can have all spiritual blessings when we find our place in Christ! Why not choose to live the great adventure, and the great prosperity that is available in Christ? We can have an abundant and prosperous life in Christ as we continue to pursue and chase after Him…

Are you enjoying the riches of the glory of your inheritance? If not, ask God to open the eyes of your heart and reveal how you are blessed right now with every spiritual blessing.

May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened and your life full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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How Will Meditating on God’s Word Benefit My Life?

Meditation for the Christian Believer – How Will Meditating on God’s Word Benefit My Life?

Powerful, Life-Changing Benefits from Christian Meditation!

Christian meditation can benefit our lives in more ways than we can count.

True meditation comes from the heart and with a desire to please God;

not with an attitude of what’s in it for me.

A key point to note: The Bible commands us to meditate and obedience to God’s Word always benefits our life.

Meditation on God’s Word Draws Us Closer to Him and Brings Blessings

Christian meditation is based on the Word of God. Meditating daily helps reveal God and causes us to be blessed. David discovered this too, and tells us in Psalm 1:1-2 that those who delight themselves in the law of the Lord and meditate on it day and night are blessed.

Meditation on God’s Word is time spent with God. And like all relationships, time invested helps make it stronger and more intimate.

Life and Grace Come Out of the Word of God

From the Word of God comes life. God has already given us everything that pertains to life and godliness (spiritual training). Grace and peace are multiplied through the knowledge of God and His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. (2 Peter 1: 2-3)

Meditation taps into a source of blessings that goes beyond the natural world. It allows us to tap into the very life of God.

Our Purpose, Inheritance, and the Promises of God are Revealed in His Word

We were created for a purpose.  And looking to our Creator will reveal His plan, so that we can live a fulfilling life. The Lord says He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us; plans to give us hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

“We have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things after the counsel of His own will.” – Ephesians 1:11

If we want to know God’s will for our lives, then we need to read His will. How can we claim our inheritance if we don’t know what belongs to us?

God’s Word is loaded with the next promise just waiting to be launched in our life. The Bible tells us we have been given exceeding great and precious promises so that we might be partakers of His divine nature. (2 Peter 1:4) God delights in honoring His promises that we bring to Him.

Mark my words: Meditating brings about revelation of God’s Word and causes us to act on it. This in turn results in the manifestation of God’s promises and blessings in our lives. A purposeful, victorious life comes when we are connected to the life of God. 

Is Christian meditation a part of your daily life?

God bless you,

P.S. You can find additional Christian Meditation resources at www.Meditation-Christian.com

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Abundant Prosperity – If You Want True Riches Hear What God Has to Say About Your Money!

Abundant Prosperity – If You Want True Riches Hear What God Has to Say About Your Money!

Want to Manifest True Riches?

Hear What God Has To Say About Your Money!Abundant prosperity is available in all areas of your life.

It is important that you don’t limit prosperity only to finances.

True riches equals much more than money or things: it also includes spiritual blessings like wisdom and peace.

If you want true riches in your life, you need to listen to what God has to say about the matter.

God has plenty to say about your money. He actually talks more about money in the Bible than even prayer. Yet it is a subject that most believers don’t want to talk about. Or at least they don’t want to hear what the Lord has to say about money.

Let’s look at a couple key areas you should pay attention to.


If you want to know what someone loves, look at what they spend their money on. What you invest your finances on is a reflection of what you love.

“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” 
— Luke 12:34

Where and what you spend your money on does more than reflect the condition of your heart. Your spending also decides the direction that your heart will go. This is good news. You can choose where your heart will go, by choosing what you invest your finances on.

Where do you want your heart to be?

If you want it to be with your spouse, then spend money on your spouse. If you want it to be with your house, vehicles, toys, and possessions, then spend your money on those things. Do you want your heart to be with God? Then tithe and invest your finances in the things of God. Investing in Him brings great returns.


Another key step you must learn is how to be faithful with your finances. If you are not dependable, reliable, generous, and faithful with your finances, God will not commit to you true riches.

“If you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?” 
— Luke 16:11

Money is not really true riches. True riches are revelation, wisdom, favor, and other spiritual blessings of the Lord.

Are you getting this? God is saying if you are a faithful and generous giver, then you open the door for Him to do things in your life that money can’t do.

Unfortunately, Christians often don’t want to be talked to about how they handle their money; instead only about spiritual things. Yet, God is trying to tell you that He’s not going to entrust you with spiritual things if you’re not first faithful when it comes to your finances. They go hand-in-hand and you need to prove you are able to handle the money you now have in order to be entrusted with more and also the true riches of spiritual blessings.

Do yourself a favor and begin to listen to what God has to say about how you should handle your money. Then trust and follow His directions. Believe He will take care of you financially and know that following His plan will open the door to true riches and abundant prosperity in your life.

May your faithfulness result in spiritual blessings and continued growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Feel free to share your thoughts and comments with others…

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