positive thinking

Prosperous Thoughts – 7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance!

Prosperous Thoughts – 7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance!

Change Defeating Thoughts to Prosperous Thoughts

Prosperous Thoughts to Help Manifest Abundance!Prosperous thoughts help

manifest prosperous living.

No doubt: successful individuals do not

reach their goals by filling their minds with

thoughts of failure and defeat.

Overcoming the challenges and obstacles,

on the road to abundance, requires a determination to succeed and a positive mindset.

“We demagnetize ourselves by wrong thinking and lack of faith…We see only the obstacles in our path, and forget that man, working with God, is greater than any obstacle that can oppose itself to his will.”
— Orison Swett Marden

7 Things to be Mindful of to Help Manifest Abundance:

1. Question Self-Limitations

Question why you limit yourself from reaching your potential. Are you simply afraid of what others will think if you don’t succeed at your first attempt? Do not put a limit on your potential and abilities. If you continually say “I can’t” then you won’t even try. Instead ask “How can I?”

2. Question Limitations From Others

Why accept the limitations others put on you? People enjoy telling us what we can and cannot do. Don’t fall into the trap of filling your mind with other people’s limitations.

3. Monitor Everyday Thoughts

Turn on the mental radar, because even the most well intentioned person will find negative, defeating thoughts try to sneak in under the radar. To often we begin to affirm those negative thoughts without even realizing it.

4. Reprogram Negative Attacks

A passionate dream that you desire to accomplish is hard to keep to yourself. It is normal to want to share your ambition with others, but also way too common to have others ridicule you about it. Learn to quickly reprogram the negative attacks and laugh it off when others laugh at you!

5. Visualize Your Abundance

Keep a visual image constantly in your mind of the goals you desire to manifest. Place pictures and notes up around your living and workspace that positively affirm a mental image of your desired goals.

6. Renew Your Mind Daily

Renew your thought life daily like a mental bath. Keep your thoughts positive, clean, and empowering. The most empowering way to renew your mind is with the Word of God and filling it with who He says you are and what you can do.

7. Turn Thought Habits Into Action Habits

Continue to be mindful of your thought life until positive, productive, prosperous thoughts are a habit. Once they become habit, you’ll find that positive, productive, prosperous actions follow. As these actions become a habit, you’ll automatically move toward a prosperous life.

Final thoughts: Regardless of all the negative thoughts currently filling your mind, it is possible to change those thoughts to the better and become prosperous. Begin today to start making some positive changes to your thinking and soon positive changes will manifest in your behavior and your life!

May your mind be filled with prosperous thoughts and your life be filled with growing prosperity!

Be Blessed to be a Blessing!



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Christian Meditation – Meditate to Release Bad Habits and Face a Bright Hopeful Future Fully Alive!

Christian Meditation – Meditate to Release Bad Habits and Face a Bright Hopeful Future Fully Alive!

Discover Christian Meditation to Help You…
Put Your Dependency on God and Live Fully Alive

Christian Meditation for a Hopeful Future Living Fully AliveChristian meditation can help replace those

negative memories and heavy weights of our past by

turning our faces toward a bright and hopeful future.

No matter how our wrong choices, bad habits,

or the storms of life blowing through have negatively

affected our health, employment, relationships, finances, etc.,

we can face a hopeful future and begin to build up what has been torn down.

Replace a Negative Dependence with a Higher Power

Negative, unhealthy thinking leads to a dependency on negative habits. Soon the bad effects of those negative habits weigh a person down more and more. Whether the dependency is on overeating, smoking, drinking, gambling, lying, gossiping, stealing, hating, or any other unhealthy addiction, it is time to find a new outlook on life.

Do not allow yourself to harbor disturbing thoughts that cause you to depend on bad habits. It is time to learn how to change from a low level of negative thinking to a higher level of positive thinking. It is time to break the dependency on bad habits that tear down.

Now is the time to depend on GOD instead!

Get Honest, Release the Weights, and Live Fully Alive

What an awful load people carry around with them when they live dependant on negative habits. It causes them to live only half alive due to the constant negative effects and fear of being found out.

Get honest with yourself and with other people. Release those heavy weights you have been carrying around on your shoulders and leave them in the past. Allow yourself the right to break the dependency on any bad habits.

Commit to Depend on the Almighty Power of GOD and Live Fully Alive!

“They should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after Him, and find Him, though He be not far from every one of us: For in Him we live, and move, and have our being.” 
— Acts 17:28

A Daily Christian Meditation to be a Channel for God’s Spirit:

I keep my life calm and composed. My task today is to find peace and acquire serenity. I think of constructive things until calmness comes. I seek the Lord and in Him I live, and move, and have my being. When I am calm I act as a channel for God’s Spirit. The things of the Spirit come in to take their place. God’s love and peace and calm come in and fill me up and I live fully alive.

Closing thoughts: In the spiritual world, just as in the material world, there is no empty space. No matter what fears, worries, and resentments you may have, replace them with thoughts of constructive things. Sweep your life clean, allow good to come in, build yourself up, and be constructive by practicing Christian Meditation daily.

May God’s love and peace make you fully alive and fill your life with growing prosperity!

God bless you always,

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Successful Leadership – The Power of Teamwork and 4 Keys to Creating a Winning Team!

Successful Leadership – The Power of Teamwork and 4 Keys to Creating a Winning Team!

Successfully Lead a Winning Team and Together Achieve Incredible Things

Successful Leadership and Winning TeamsSuccessful leaders have discovered

the power of teamwork.

Much can be accomplished when

working together with others.

However, it is not just a numbers game;

the key here is working together.

Getting the job done requires a winning team.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” 
— John C Maxwell

Teams come in all shapes and sizes; from married couples, or small business partnerships, to large organizations of all sorts. A team not only provides companionship but it helps accomplish goals.

Every team requires a leader, and a successful leader knows that there is power in creating a winning team. However, simply having a team of people can be useless.

On the other hand, developing a winning team multiplies a leader’s value and makes them better than they would be on their own. It enables them to do what they do best and tap into the resources that those on the team do best. Then, incredible things happen and everyone on the team wins.

“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow…And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” 
— Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

4 Keys to Creating a Winning Team:

1. Develop a Winning Attitude in Team Members

A winning attitude is a positive attitude and must be prevalent. A winning attitude is developed in team members and they believe in their leader, themselves, their teammates, and the vision to be accomplished. Negative thinking is not allowed to creep in and hinder the task at hand.

2. Teach the Value of Personal Development and Character Building

Each team member as an individual must keep improving. Why? Because the highest reward for their efforts isn’t what they get from it, but the person they become because of it. And without personal growth they become a weak individual and a weak link on the team.

3. Empower Teammates

Winners are encouragers and empower each other to be more and do more. They strive to make their teammates more successful. Empowered teammates maintain a thriving atmosphere with an expectancy to win.

4. Instill the Importance of Playing to Win

A successful team plays to win. They know the difference between playing to win and playing not to lose is often the difference between excellence and average. They don’t play to ‘give it a try’, they play to reach their goal; they play to win.

Bottom line: A successful leader understands the power of teamwork and the importance of creating a winning team. They know that by doing so, incredible things happen and everyone wins as they grow and develop individually and as a team.

May you successfully lead a winning team and together achieve much and experience an abundance of growing prosperity!

Soar higher,

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Manifesting Abundance – The Power of Changing Your Thinking to Manifest Money!

Manifesting Abundance – The Power of Changing Your Thinking to Manifest Money!

Your Thoughts and Beliefs Hold Great Power to Manifest Money!

manifest moneyManifesting financial abundance and money…

requires managing your thinking.

Make no mistake about it;

there is great power in thoughts and beliefs.

So what thoughts and beliefs do you currently hold about money?

Common Negative Thoughts About Money

  • It is not good to have a lot of money.
  • Rich people really aren’t happy.
  • Money isn’t everything and I don’t care about money.
  • Money isn’t important.

People who say these things might not care about money, but you can be sure that the landlord does, and the banker, the car dealer, the utility company, etc. A common misconception regarding money relates to its importance. Truth is, who can deny how important money is to any person living in a civilized society and using it as their currency.

Money has a greater influence in our lives than almost any other commodity. It is one of the most talked about subjects in the Bible. Consider how a sudden loss or gain of money affects a person’s attitude to a great extent.

I think you would agree that we all should have a practical understanding of exactly what money is and the laws governing its manifestation. This one individual area of study will not only affect your own life, but the lives of those around you.

Out with the Negative and In with the Positive Money Thoughts

Thinking is the highest function we are capable of. Yet many people fool themselves into believing they are thinking, when often they are just replaying old movies in their mind. It is important to take notice of this and begin choosing your thoughts and developing a prosperity conscious mindset.

Mental awareness of prosperity always precedes manifested wealth. Thoughts will create ideas, which will help you create a plan of action to then go do those things, and put yourself in the position to manifest more money.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” — Romans 12:2

Think of children born into prosperous families; they have been conditioned from birth to be prosperity conscious and think prosperous thoughts. These children only see themselves surrounded by wealth, and they in turn play that out in their adult life with their choices of careers, like minded spouses, and lifestyles. It’s as if they feel it is their birth right and they don’t even entertain thoughts of poverty and lack. Any setbacks are only temporary because they are prosperity conscious.

Unfortunately, the majority of people have not been born into that kind of environment and raised to have a prosperity mindset. The opposite is too often the case and living in a poor environment with poor thinking and poor conversations is the norm.

Anyone can change their way of thinking. It is not always easy, and takes a desire to do so and a lot of effort. But the results from the effort will be well worth it.

Lack and limitation only exists when we give it room in our minds. Opening our minds to prosperity consciousness helps us see money as an obedient servant that we are master over, and that we can tap into unlimited earnings potential.

Remember, that we must have something mentally before we have it physically. So let’s make those private thoughts and conversations in our minds be wealth conscious, and move us to a higher potential.

You can begin to positively affirm:

  • I am prosperous and wealthy.
  • Money is good and I am blessed to be a blessing.

Just think about it. God created this world full of abundance and has given each of us talents and abilities, far surpassing what we use. With God’s help we have what it takes to be a success. With God there is no lack and He gave us the ability to think. So why not start to penetrate the world of wealth today by using the power of thought to manifest money.

May you use the power of thought to create a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you – cheers,

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Top 5 Proven Techniques for Living a Truly Happy and Joyful Life Inside and Out!

Top 5 Proven Techniques for Living a Truly Happy and Joyful Life Inside and Out!

Learn to Be Happy by Adjusting Your Thinking and Living Habits!

True happiness can be experienced by all who apply ‘happiness habits’ to their day. There are some who are simply born with a happy disposition. But the truth is; most people have to learn to be happy by thinking and living in a particular way.

Often people are happy in life when everything is going just right. Yet those who have learned how to be truly happy aren’t always the ones who ‘have it all.’ External circumstances do not control their level of happiness. They have discovered the secret of being able to experience an underlying peace and well-being; which is the essence of true happiness.

Happy people live their lives differently. And when acquiring any new skill, it pays to learn from the pro.

“We can think of happiness as a skill no different from learning to play a musical instrument…it is possible to train our minds to be happy.” – Richard Davidson, Ph.D. UW-Madison

So if you are ready to let some joy shine through you from the inside out, then take a look at these five key skills.

Top 5 Proven Techniques for True Happiness

1) Notice and Give Thanks for the Happy Things in Your Life

Learn to take note of everything good and positive in your life, regardless of how small. What are the things that you see, feel, taste, hear, or smell that bring pleasure?

Intention activates a part of the brain, the reticular activating system (RAS), which is responsible for turning on our memory and allowing it to bring anything important to our attention. When you decide to look for the positive, your RAS makes sure that is what you see.

We tend to feed the unhappy, negative side of life. Make it a game to see how many good things you notice during the day. Take a few moments to savor the positive things and make it a habit to feed your happiness.

2) Do Not Believe Everything You Think

Do not believe everything you think. Our thoughts are not always true.

For example, you may give a presentation and focus in on the one person with a frown on their face, and think you’re doing a terrible job. Yet the fact is you are really doing a great job, but you do not notice the rest of the group that is smiling and nodding.

It is said that we average one thought per second during our waking hours and the vast majority are habitual, negative thoughts. This whirlwind of automatic negative thoughts can stimulate parts of the brain that involve depression and anxiety.

Learn not to believe every negative thought that wants to hijack your happiness, and instead focus in on the positive compliments. It is important to break the natural tendency to register the negative thoughts, feelings, and experiences more deeply than the positive happy ones.

3) Exchange the Bad Thought for the Happy Thought

When challenged with negative, unhappy thoughts and feelings in a situation, learn to exchange them for equally true, positive, happy thoughts.

For example, have you ever faced a deadline and thought it was going to be impossible to finish on time? Why not exchange that self-defeating thought by searching your mind for an equally true positive thought such as: I regularly manage to get things done on time and I can ask for help.

Learn to be more optimistic and see the glass half full. Pay more attention to the positive part of the truth in a given situation and lean into those thoughts. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength.

4) Appreciate the People in Your Life

People with good social relationships tend to be happy. Under times of stress we need the support of friends and family. And the best way to keep relationships happy and healthy is through appreciation.

“One of the most important things a person can do to raise his or her happiness level is to acknowledge those around them.” – Judith W. Umlas (author of The Power of Acknowledgement)

By showing appreciation to others for the support they give us, we reinforce that behavior; which in turn deepens our relationship with them. Engaging and communicating with others during times of stress has a calming effect and keeps us on the road to happiness.

5) Live with a Passion and a Purpose

Bringing a sense of purpose and passion to your routine activities will boost your happiness. Think about the activities in your life that you are passionate about. What is it about those things that make you happy?

One person may feel like an underpaid janitor, but another may passionately do their job the best they can with a purpose to make the building a beautiful place for others.

Learn to incorporate purpose and passion in your daily life at work and at home. Do all things gladly from the heart as unto the Lord.

The truth is: You do not have to let life just toss you around in unhappy waters. You can choose to learn new skills, live your life differently, and raise your level of happiness. 🙂

May your happiness increase daily and your life be filled with growing prosperity!

God bless you –


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The Law of Attraction – Living by Faith

The Law of Attraction – Living by Faith

Claiming Your Inheritance

The following is an excerpt from “How to Attract Prosperity” by Orison Swett Marden.

If you are a subscriber, you already received the complete chapter free.

I like to randomly read parts of this book…

and when I did today, the following stood out:

“Mental laws are clear and simple. We know that the fear thought attracts more fear, the worry thought more worry, the anxious thought more anxiety, the hatred thought more hatred, the jealous thought more jealousy, and the poverty thought more poverty. This is the law of attraction. Like every other law, it is unalterable.

The poverty disease can be cured only by its antidote——the prosperity thought. You carry within you this antidote to the poison of poverty, of lack, of pinching, dwarfing limitation. Use it, and cure yourself. The prosperity thought will kill the poverty germ.

Keep your supply pipes open between yourself and the infinite source of all supply. Don’t pinch them by doubt, don’t cut off the supply by limiting, pinching, poverty, lack thought.

Keep your supply pipes wide open by the consciousness of your oneness with God, your connection with the All Supply.

Abundance follows a law as exact as that of the law of mathematics. If we obey it we get the flow. If we pinch it, strangle it, we cut off the supply.

Suppose a youth who had decided to study medicine and become a doctor should say to himself: “I cannot picture myself as a success because I don’t know anything about what may come to me. Perhaps I haven’t the qualifications that make a successful physician. I may never become one. I may be a failure. I doubt if I am fitted for it, but I’ll try, anyway.”

Do you think such a timid, doubting, negative attitude would ever carry anyone to the success goal? Of course it wouldn’t.

The young medical student who is going to succeed is the one who pictures himself constantly as a successful physician, sees himself in a fine office, with a lucrative practice, climbing to the top of his profession. He is constantly visualizing himself as a successful physician.

Now, the same rule applies to the poor man who wants to become prosperous. He must picture himself as prosperous, he must obey the law of opulence by holding the ideal of opulence in his mind, and he must saturate himself with the prosperity thought, the thought of abundance.

If you wish to cure yourself of the poverty disease you should begin by giving yourself prosperity treatments something like this:

Say to yourself:

If I am God’s child I have inherited all the good things of the universe. I am heir to all supply, to the all-good. Poverty cannot touch the reality of me any more than disease can, for the reality of me is health. Health is the everlasting fact, and disease, sickness, is merely the absence of the reality. Poverty is not my normal condition. There can be no lack, no poverty for God’s image. ‘All that my Father hath is mine.’”

Repeat daily the twenty-third psalm:

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters,” etc.

Follow this during the day with frequent assertions of your kinship with the Creator of all the universe.

Commit these lines by Ella Wheeler Wilcox to memory, and frequently say them to yourself, vigorously, and with the force of absolute conviction:

“I am success.
Though hungry, cold, ill-clad,
I wander for a while, I smile and say:
‘It is but for a time—I shall be glad
Tomorrow, for good fortune comes my way.
God is my Father, He has wealth untold;
His wealth is mine, health, happiness and gold.’”

All the good things you need are yours by inheritance. Claim them, expect them, work for them, believe they are already yours, and you will realize them in your life.

If you continually assert your kinship with God your Father, to whom all things belong, and send out the vigorous thought of abundance, a generous supply of all you need—which is your birthright—poverty cannot hold you its slave.”  — Orison Swett Marden

As Christian believers we are to live by faith, because God’s Word says so.

“The just shall live by faith.” — Romans 1:17

Living by faith means believing and obeying the Word of God. We have to think, speak, meditate, and act on God’s Word daily. There may be many books that inform, encourage, and inspire us, but there is only One Book that is full of Divine Living Power…

Have you opened your Bible yet today and let the Word of God speak to you?

May God’s Word come alive in your life this year like never before and leave a trail of growing prosperity everywhere you go!

Be blessed to be a blessing!


P.S. Feel free to share experiences of your faith attracting your needed supply…

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Happiness – How to Use 3 Keys for a Thankful Heart to Unlock the Happy You?

Happiness – How to Use 3 Keys for a Thankful Heart to Unlock the Happy You?

Unlock the Door to a Happy You!

Key to Happy Thankful HeartHappiness is being satisfied and living in a state of well-being.

If you are currently an unhappy person, or a person that is unsatisfied and not in a state of well-being…

then you may just need to cultivate a thankful heart.

A key to being happy is learning to be a grateful, content, thankful person.

The good news is; happiness and thankfulness are both possible and they are both a choice. So regardless of previous negative life experiences you may have had, you can choose to change things moving forward.

These Keys for a Thankful Heart are Meant to Encourage and Get You Started:

1.) Choose to Be a Thankful Person.

If you want to be happy, then the first thing you need to do is choose to be. Once you make that choice, then comes the work. Yes, work. Like everything in life, there needs to be some action that follows our decisions.

Applying daily ‘thankfulness exercises’ to your routine, will soon make it a part of your lifestyle.

Tell yourself ‘I am a thankful person’. Start and end your day giving thanks. Always be mindful of the good in your life, including your relationships, and let that fill your thoughts.

Take inventory of all that you have to be thankful for and write it down. Writing it down will help impress it on your mind. You’ll also benefit by the law of attraction and start attracting to you what you are primarily thinking about.

2.) What is Your Perspective on Life?

You need to clearly define what happiness is to you. What makes one person happy isn’t necessarily the same for everyone. One person may be happy when they have clean water to drink and enough food to eat. Another person may be happy when they have three vehicles parked in the driveway.

Dealing with your perception will help you deal with your happiness. In order to gain a proper perspective, you need to change your thinking. As you become more grateful for all the blessings in your life, and obsess less over what you don’t have, you will begin to unlock the door to happiness.

3.) Giving Thanks is the Will of God.

A primary reason to be a thankful person is because God says so! We are told that it is the will of God that we give thanks in everything. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Note, we are NOT told to give thanks for everything, but in everything. Remain a thankful person in good times and bad times. Regardless of how trying life may be at times, you always have something to be thankful for.

I think you get the point. You can choose to be happy, and it is so much easier if you are a thankful person. Adjust your perspective. Learn to be content with where you are, and what you have now, as you move forward. God has given us so much to be thankful for. So let’s stay in His will and be a thankful people that cultivate true happiness.

May your life be full of true happiness and growing prosperity!

God bless you –


P.S. So what are you happy & thankful for today?

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How to Swiftly Overcome Anxiety with 7 Successful Self-Improvement Tips

How to Swiftly Overcome Anxiety with 7 Successful Self-Improvement Tips

Personal Growth: Be the Success You Were Intended to Be!

Self Improvement JoyPersonal growth to overcome anxiety is power to change your life.

A life of panic and anxiety is no way to live.

If the symptoms of this hindering, fear driven behavior have been preventing you from being and doing all that you desire…

…then read on to discover some helpful tips.

It is possible to overcome and be in charge of your life and stop letting fear, anxiety, and stress have control. 

7 Successful Tips to Swiftly Overcome Anxiety:

1.) CALL ON GOD – This tip has been listed first because God should always be first in our lives. The moment something else takes first place, is the moment we allow disorder to spread in our lives. Pray and call on God daily!

God says He will never leave you, so you can boldly say,

“The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do.” (Hebrews 13:6)

2.) GUARD YOUR MIND & HEART – What you allow into your mind long enough is eventually going to get into your heart and show up in your life. Watch closely what you put in your mind and make sure it is positive.

Are you watching and listening to news, music, and movies with crude, fear driven, disturbing, negative, and stressful messages? Then you are allowing this garbage into your mind. Would you allow a garbage truck to unload in your house?

“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” 
— Proverbs 4:23

3.) DAILY MEDITATION & AFFIRMATIONS – This follows the second tip. After putting a stop to negative intake, that encourages fear and anxiety, we now need to replace it with positive, confidence building thoughts, images, and words.

No one can preach to you like you can preach to you. Renew your mind daily. Take time to daily meditate and affirm positive confidence building statements that will build yourself up.

Start with positive affirmations such as the following: 

  • I am Bold, Courageous, Confident, and Powerful.
  • I am Proud of Myself for the Positive Changes I am Making Daily.
  • God has Given Me a Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind.

4.) HEALTHY LIFESTYLE – A healthy lifestyle is critical to our total well being. We are spirit, mind, and body. It is impossible to let one area of our being go downhill and not have it affect us.

A healthy, balanced diet that reduces sugar, alcohol, and caffeine will reduce stress and anxiety levels. An exercise routine, even one of simply taking regular walks, will quickly help lift your spirits.

5.) BE AWARE OF YOUR INNER DIALOGUE – What type of conversation is going on in your head? Do you speak to yourself with kindness, respect, and love; like you would with someone you care about?

Stop rehearsing your past failures, shortcomings, and mistakes over and over. Let them go and acknowledge that you have the ability to change your present and future. Make a list of your positive qualities and abilities. Then remind yourself of them. Speak to yourself as if you were your own best friend. 

6.) TACKLE FEAR HEAD ON – We’ve all experienced the fear and panic that can overtake us with no notice. Fear is a thief and it steals our destinies and prevents our progress. It causes those who should be bold and aggressive to shrink back and be timid.

Don’t let fear control you. Face it head on and begin taking baby steps by doing things afraid. Move forward and do what you need to do even in the midst of fear. Each time you do, you crush the fearful, anxious spirit and build up the confident spirit within you.

7.) KNOWLEDGE IS POWER – Get informed and find out what you can about the symptoms and causes of panic and anxiety. Many people struggle with anxiety and many have overcome. You are not alone in your struggle and taking a step to inform yourself is a big step to victory.

Getting informed helps equip you with the power to overcome.

Your goal? To start utilizing these tips today. Do not allow anxiety to paralyze your potential. Overcoming is a gradual process, but by applying these tips to your life you can speed up the process. Lift up your head to the light and BOLDLY decide to be all that GOD created you to be. Now go take steps of personal growth.

May you continue to grow in confidence and experience a life of growing prosperity!

Soar higher –


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