
Growing Prosperity – 5 Keys to Stay Positive and Hopeful in the Midst of Financial Problems!

Growing Prosperity – 5 Keys to Stay Positive and Hopeful in the Midst of Financial Problems!

Help When Discouraged by Financial Problems

Growing Prosperity Help in the Midst of Financial ProblemsGrowing prosperity is still possible even

in the midst of financial problems and setbacks.

Are you discouraged by financial troubles?

Well an important part of turning things

back around is learning to stay positive

and hopeful.

5 Keys to Help You Stay Positive and Hopeful in the Midst of Financial Problems:


Stay positive and hopeful, knowing blessings follow those who trust in the Lord.

Many people, myself included, have discovered this “secret” during months of unemployment or other hardships. Our burdens must be put on the Lord. He is able when we are not.

“Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD.” 
— Proverbs 16:20 NIV

When we learn to trust God, we discover how few things we really need, such as new clothes, restaurant dinners, vacations and new cars. We also quickly learn to recycle and reuse, not to mention many different ways to cook rice and beans.


Stay positive and hopeful knowing blessings are promised to those who partner with God through tithing.

If we trust God, we will continue to partner with Him and tithe 10% of our income, even during the difficult times. In order to get, we must give. And we cannot out give God.

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse…and prove me now, saith the Lord, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
— Malachi 3:10

Cultivate a giving, loving, prosperous attitude and you’ll notice your circumstances begin to change for the better. If you don’t have extra money for offerings, then give of your time, your love, and the things you don’t need.

3. SAVE – Pay Yourself Second

It is definitely much easier to stay positive and hopeful knowing you have emergency savings because you’ve learned to pay yourself second. (God of course gets His tithe first.)

Successful people have learned, when managing their finances, to pay themselves second. God is first, savings second, then living on the balance. By learning to save consistently, regardless the amount, the discipline helps develop encouragement and goal setting.

Trusting God, keeping Him first, and paying yourself second will help you move to a place where your relationship with the Lord grows and your financial struggles lessen.


Stay positive and hopeful by surrounding yourself with positive people.

“As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” 
— Proverbs 27:17

Associate with positive people and read motivational and inspirational books. We’ve heard it said, “If you hang around broke people, you become broke; if you hang around successful people, you become successful.” How right that is!


Stay positive and hopeful knowing help is available to those who choose not to quit.

“Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the LORD.” 
— Psalm 31:24

When things get tough, keep yourself going by committing to do the best you can, expect God to do the best He can, and never give up!

Conclusion: Don’t lose hope. Financial problems can be overcome. Stay positive and be encouraged by others who have pulled themselves out of financial slumps. Turn to God as a partner and put His financial principles to work in your life.

May you stay positive and hopeful and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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Confess Success – God Declares You Prosperous and Successful! Do You?

Confess Success – God Declares You Prosperous and Successful! Do You?

Why Not Agree with God and Confess His Good Success on Your Life?

Prosperous success requires – 

having a mindset that strives for success.

God wants you to be successful in all that you do.

God declares you prosperous and successful…

so begin to agree with God’s Word.

Be a person of the Word; speak the Word.

Think and Imagine Success

If we want to stay in a place of growing prosperity and constant success we must diligently seek God and His presence at all times. (Ecclesiastes 8:12) The thoughts and images that we allow God’s Word to create inside of us are powerful forces that cause us to succeed in every part of life – spiritually, physically, and financially.

“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” — Joshua 1:8

Meditating and thinking on God’s positive, life-filled words have the power to change your life.

Speak Success

Having prosperous success means regularly speaking and confessing God’s Word. His word will manifest results, but we have to speak it. We can’t expect a life of growing prosperity while we constantly speak the opposite of God’s Word and confess things such as; ‘Nothing I ever do works out.’

“Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” — Job 22:28

Keep in mind: As you regularly speak God’s words of truth, your negative thoughts of doubt will gradually fade.

Confess and Declare Success

Take time daily to confess and declare over your life the same things that God declares over you. The following is a sample confession to get you started:

‘I declare the good success of God on my life. I confess that I have a spirit of faithfulness, wisdom, diligence and giving. I give bountifully and I reap bountifully. I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. God has given me power to be successful. The light and favor of God are shining on me and I am victory minded in everything I do. I am a winner, an overcomer, and I triumph and live successful to the glory of God. Everything I put my hand to prospers. Success is overtaking me in Jesus’ name.’

Believe me. Once you start to keep God first place in your life, you can expect His blessings. God declares you successful, so begin to agree with the Word of God, observe to do it and make your way prosperous.

May you declare the success of God on your life and live in growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you always –

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Christian Parenting – Stop Using Negative Verbal Attacks and Start Parenting with Words that Prosper!

Christian Parenting – Stop Using Negative Verbal Attacks and Start Parenting with Words that Prosper!

Parenting With the Power to Help Our Children Prosper

Parenting with a healthy pattern of communication is possible.

Do you want to help your children prosper?

Just as the world around us has harmful elements, so do our homes; even our Christian homes.

As unfortunate as it is, we often hurt each other, especially our children, with our words.

Did you grow up with parents who used words as verbal attacks?

If you did, I’m sure you hoped you wouldn’t do the same with your children. But the truth is, you will probably repeat the pattern unless you purpose to take action and stop it.

Stop the Negative Communication Pattern of Parenting

Changing your parenting communication pattern from one that uses negative verbal attacks is possible. Developing healthy patterns of communication, which reflect the presence of Jesus Christ, is key!

I’m sure you would agree that the cruel, degrading, judgmental, hurtful words we use to communicate with our children must stop. It is like verbal poison that wounds and destroys our children emotionally. Our words are often negative attacks at a child’s behavior, intelligence, appearance, or value as a person.

Verbal attacks can be direct or indirect. The following statements are some common examples:

  • You’re worthless and will never amount to anything.
  • Don’t act so stupid. Can’t you do anything right?
  • You are no good. Why can’t you be like your brother?

Just because we can’t see the inner damage that verbal attacks cause in our children, does not mean a negative impact still isn’t left lingering in them.

Parenting With Words That Prosper

How do we change a negative parenting communication pattern to one that is positive and helps develop our children into prosperous individuals?

Acknowledging the need to change is the first step. The next step is identifying abusive words we use. Then we need to begin exchanging the destructive, hurtful words with constructive, guiding, nurturing, and encouraging words.

James said the tongue is full of deadly poison and out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing. (James 3:8-10) We need to lean on God’s help to keep our words, words of blessing and encouragement.

When our words are full of nurture and encouragement, our children know we are standing with them and not against them. Children need their parents to believe in their potential as they guide and discipline them.

Believe in your children. Help your children see themselves the way God sees them. Help them find their unique, gifted potential and you’ll also find they begin to respond in ways you desire. Once they discover you are standing with them, a healthier communication develops.

Yes. Our children try our patience, irritate us and sometimes humiliate us in ways we never thought possible. Problems, difficulties, disappointments, heartaches and failures are an unavoidable part of parenting. But we can choose to respond with words that heal instead of words that wound.

Bottom line: A parents words have power. We can make our children feel worthless or we can choose to learn how to parent with a healthy pattern of communication; one that helps them think as highly of themselves as God does, and helps them prosper.

May you parent your children with words of love and enjoy a family blessed with growing prosperity!

God bless you always,

P.S. Feel free to share your comments…

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Self-Esteem – 7 Ways to Live With Bold Confidence

Self-Esteem – 7 Ways to Live With Bold Confidence

Transform Yourself Into a Shining Success!

Healthy self-esteem and bold confidence,

when put to work in your life…

have transforming power to make you a shining success.

Have you been living with intimidation, self-doubt, anxiety, fear, and rejection? If so, then you know it is time to change the insecurity into security.

Do yourself a favor and take a little time to focus on some ways you can overcome those negative, unwanted traits you’ve been carrying around for way too long.

7 Ways to Help You Live With Bold Confidence:


Make a commitment to yourself today, to begin overcoming the weaknesses and inadequacies you’ve been dealing with. Even though it will take hard work and you are bound to mess up along the way, make a conscious decision to keep pressing on and rising above. You are worth it!


Be cautious who you spend time with. Your relationships are a key factor in overcoming a low self-esteem.  Choose to spend time with encouragers. Regardless of your past, you can have healthy relationships.

“He that walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” 
— Proverbs 13:20


There is a great empowerment that comes from shifting your focus off yourself and on to others. It is easy to keep our minds focused on our own problems, fears, and insecurities. But this only intensifies them. Look around at someone struggling and reach out to lend a hand. True peace comes from giving.


Keep your mind filled with positive, empowering, confidence building, and happy thoughts. Overcoming a negative, and weak self-image is going to require that you eliminate those self-defeating thoughts. Squeeze them out of your mind by replacing them with healthy, confident thoughts.

Remember, God is not the one who gave you a spirit of fear. He gave you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7)


Do not waste any more time replaying painful, embarrassing, or intimidating experiences from your past. This keeps you stuck and prevents you from walking into the future with the bold confidence needed to succeed. You do not have to let others (or past memories) cause you to lack confidence and live with insecurity.

Forgive anyone that has hurt you, and forgive yourself while you are at it. Then put the painful past behind you and face your future with strong confidence.


God has a good plan for our lives. If we spend our lives trusting in ourselves and other people, the result is disappointment after disappointment. We need to put our trust in God and let him guide us. He is the one that will give us the desires of our heart. (Psalm 37:3-6)


Just like it is vital to your self-esteem to get control of your thoughts, the same is true of your words. What are you saying about yourself? Do you make self-defeating confessions such as: ‘I am so ugly,’ ‘I am such a loser,’ ‘I am worthless,’ ‘I am stupid,’ ‘I never do anything right,’ etcetera?

The words we speak have power to affect us for the good or bad. Use this knowledge to empower yourself with confidence building confessions. It does not matter if you or others have spoken negative, curses over your life; you now have the choice to speak positive, encouraging, faith-filled words.

“In all things I am more than a conqueror through Him that loved me.” 
— Romans 8:37

Your next step? Make the decision to begin applying these seven steps to help you conquer low self-esteem, intimidation, fear, and insecurity. Encourage yourself and refuse to give up. God says you are a victor and you really can be all that God has called you to be. You can live with bold confidence and transform yourself into a shining success.

May you live empowered with bold confidence and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

Soar higher in Him –

God bless you,

P.S. Do you have any additions for this list? Feel free to share…

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