
Growing Prosperity: Walk in the Abundance of God and Prosperous Health!

Growing Prosperity: Walk in the Abundance of God and Prosperous Health!

Claim the Divine Healing Power of God in Your Life

Walk in Prosperous HealthProsperous health is a wonderful thing to have.

We all know that when our health is in tip-top condition

we feel like we can conquer the world.

Yet when sickness attacks, it becomes a chore

just to make it through the day.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.”
— 3 John 2

The truth about the abundance of God is that it is full of His grace and mercy. His love goes out to everyone. He provides us with immune systems, doctors, and medicine to help us fight off sickness and disease in the physical realm.

And it gets even better for the children of God. Why? Because sickness and disease are not only fought off by the immune system, which is God’s grace in our body, but it can also be fought off in the spiritual realm! How? With God’s Word!

Prosperous Words for Prosperous Health

Your words are powerful. Speak God’s Word and you won’t go wrong. Don’t simply remind yourself of His Word. Get serious, stir yourself up, and start quoting, praying, and confessing scriptures and tell your body to line up with the Word.

Proverbs 12:18 says that “the tongue of the wise is health.” Why does it say that? Because just a few chapters later it says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” (Proverbs 18:21)

So choose to speak wisely and stop dwelling on the problem.

Speak Prosperous Health

Search the abundance of God for His healing benefits:

  • He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. (Psalm 107:20)
  • Do not forget My teaching, but keep My commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. (Proverbs 3:1-2)
  • I am the Lord that healeth thee. (Exodus 15:26)
  • Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases. (Psalm 103:2-3)

Thank God for His healing benefits and begin to use words like these as your own. And remember divine health comes from spending time with the Healer.

Prosper Physically, Spiritually, and Emotionally

Just because spiritual things are more powerful than physical things doesn’t mean you can ignore the physical body. Trying to separate spirit, soul, and body can’t be done. They all work together to make up you.

You are a spirit, who has a soul, that resides in a God created body. Ignoring one part is disastrous. It is important to strike a balance in your life so that you use what is in you physically, spiritually, and emotionally to live a complete and prosperous life.

Ignoring a part of you creates an unhealthy balance. Eating anything the flesh wants would be neglecting the body. Allowing anything into your thought life and failing to renew your mind with God’s Word would be neglecting the soul, which is the mind, will, and emotions.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Well you can have a testimony of the miraculous healing power of God. His Word covers all sickness and disease and is more credible and powerful than any family medical history.

God is omnipotent and He knows no limitations. Put His Word to work in your life.

Some food for thought: Your body will do what you tell it to do. What you put in your mind, spirit, and body all affects your body. So, if you are searching for divine prosperous health, then you need to get a balance; spirit, soul, and body.

May you walk in prosperous health from the abundance of God and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –

God bless you always,


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Abundant Living – Top 10 Reasons Why a Partnership with God is Critical!

Abundant Living – Top 10 Reasons Why a Partnership with God is Critical!

Partner with God and Discover How to Manifest the Abundant Life

Partnership with God in Abundant LoveAbundant living is possible. Is your life currently a far cry from abundance? Are you experiencing unemployment, job loss, debt, sickness, anxiety, marriage troubles, depression, and similar hardships, and ready to through in the towel?

Hear this: Do NOT quit!

Regardless of your situation, there is One who has the ability to move you from the painful pit of poverty and despair to the highest mountain top of prosperous living.

Living a full prosperous life in spirit, mind, and body requires partnership with God, the creator and source of all.  Life takes on a whole new meaning and a higher power when we live in constant realization of our at-one-ment with our Creator, our partnership with the loving, good God. 

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Partnership with God is Critical for Living the Abundant Life:

1) STRENGTH – The nearer you are to God the greater your strength. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31)

2) POWER to CREATE and INVENT – A closer relationship and consciousness with God, provides more power to create and invent because you draw upon the limitless resources of an unlimited God.  His power works through us to glorify His name. (Romans 9:17)

3) WISDOM – Your partnership, with the God of infinite wisdom, allows you to tap into His wisdom. He says if we lack wisdom to ask and He will give it to us generously. (James 1:5)

4) HOPE – Realization of your divine partnership with God will enlarge your life and multiply your effectiveness with hope in Him. It will take away feelings of hopelessness, uncertainty and inability to overcome the storms of life.  God’s plans are to give us hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

5) NO FEAR – When you take God into full, complete partnership, you will not fear. Your life’s ventures cannot end in disappointment. With God we are led into abundant pastures, beside still waters, and He says we will fear no evil. (Psalm 23)

6) MIRACLES – As God’s partner, He is able to perform miracles through us. Every great artist, writer, inventor, or healer that has done a miraculous thing, is conscious of the greater divine source of God working through them.  God can make your tongue as the pen of a skilled writer. (Psalm 45:1)

7) SUCCESS & HAPPINESS – To have real success requires taking God into partnership and lining up your purpose and ambitions with His will. When your career and life does not run counter to God’s plan, but is in tune and contributes and benefits society, your cooperation will bring true happiness and success. In Him we live and move and have our being.  (Acts 17:28)

8 ) HONESTY – Taking God into partnership means that you must not only be honest, but that you must be robustly honest. You cannot lie, cheat, steal, or take advantage of anyone. It is impossible for God to lie. (Hebrews 6:18)

9) LOVE – Partnership with God requires walking in love and loving Him. God is a god of love and what is life without love? God tells us to do all things in love and that love never fails. We are told that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. (Romans 8:28) 

10) PEACE – When you take God into partnership, and you are conscious of doing His work, you have a life of peace and security. With God’s great light in your life you can feel safe and reassured that you will not lose your way.  We are told the Lord will bless his people with peace. (Psalm 29:11)

I could go on and on. The fact is, with God as your partner you will have a new zest in life to attain the higher things that are worthwhile and of eternal value. Working in harmony with God allows you to inherit the best from the King of kings and enjoy a prosperous and abundant life.

May your partnership with God increase your growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing,

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