
Growing Prosperity – 3 Insights Of What You See By Faith Is What You Get In Abundance!

Growing Prosperity – 3 Insights Of What You See By Faith Is What You Get In Abundance!

Seeing Through the Eyes of Faith

Growing prosperity needs to be in your vision before it can abound in your life.

If you have subscribed to the saying:

“I’ll believe it when I see it”…

then you are probably still waiting around for abundance to be physically manifest in your life.

The fact is: If you only believe the things that you can physically see and touch, then unfortunately you are lacking the faith needed to create a life of growing prosperity.

3 Insights of ‘What You See By Faith Is What You Get In Abundance’:

1. Real Vision to Prosper Through the Eyes of Faith

Looking back through time, we see that the prosperous individuals of real ‘vision’ subscribe to the overriding principle of “What you see by faith is what you get.”

What is the powerful difference here? These people understand that the images in their minds actually precede the images of the physically manifested objects.

Men and women of vision expect the images in their minds to come to pass in the physical world. Regardless of critics speaking contrary to their vision, they have faith in what is initially only visible in their mind’s eye.

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” 
— Hebrews 11:1

2. Prospering as Your Mind Prospers

The mind is a magnificent thing and allows us the creative power of thought. Understand that images are mental pictures made from our thoughts and we can choose to create whatever images we desire. We are the directors of our own life movie.

Our soul (mind) must embrace prosperity first. We must have the will and desire to prosper.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that you might prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” 
— 3 John 2

Remember that we are a spirit; we have a soul (mind, will, and emotions), and live in a body. Our soul is the link that connects our spirit with our physical body. Our soul is our conscious mind that guides and directs our physical actions.

A prosperous soul will produce a prosperous image inside of us. If our soul is not prospering, we will have a bad image of failure, lack, defeat, or sickness.

Become aware of the truth that everything we do is preceded by an image. First we think and form an image; then we do the work that will see the image expressed in our material world.

3. Vision That Inspires Prosperous Action

As we program our mind with positive, prosperous images, it eventually inspires us to also speak and confess these things by faith. The power of confession helps deposit the beliefs into our subconscious (heart).

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 
— Proverbs 23:7

We become the image and beliefs we allow in our heart. Our subconscious (often referred to as our heart) acts on what it has been programmed, and goes to work to make it a reality. Why not program your heart and mind with powerful, prosperous images from the Word of God and let that become a reality in your life?

Bottom line: We control our innermost thoughts, and the images we allow are what we attract. The prosperous images we see in our mind are what we will ultimately get in our life.

May you catch a vision of the abundance of God and create a life of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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