
Self-Esteem – Acknowledge Your Abilities to Boost Your Self Image!

Self-Esteem – Acknowledge Your Abilities to Boost Your Self Image

Time to Take Personal Inventory of Your Talents & Abilities and Boost Your Self-Image!

Boost Your Self Esteem and ImageSelf-esteem, regardless of how high or how low, is a powerful driving force in your life. It can hold you back and prevent you from being all that God intends you to be, or it can boldly drive you to a life of success. 

Which just goes to show; you should give great importance to building up your confidence and self-esteem.

One way to do this is to acknowledge your strengths & abilities. Take inventory of what you are good at. We’ve all been given special gifts and talents. Some are more obvious than others.

Those hidden abilities may be discovered by asking ourselves what it is we are passionate about. What is it we desire to do and explore in life? What have we always wanted to do but keep putting off? Maybe learn to play an instrument, write a book, or paint.

“Most of us die with the great secret, with the sealed message which the Creator put in our hands at birth, still unread, because we have never learned how to open or how to read it.”
– Orison Swett Marden

As you acknowledge those things you are personally good at in life, you direct your focus on your positive qualities. Most of us waste way too much time taking inventory of our inabilities. Spend some time acknowledging the gifts and talents you have to offer this world.

We can’t excel in everything, but we can excel in some things. Start cultivating those abilities and talents you are passionate about. You’ll be empowered and see your self-esteem increase as you find ways to build on your strengths.

The simple fact of the matter is; once you discover and tap into your untapped assets, you’ll be able to provide an incalculable service to humanity. You will think more highly of yourself, and you will have more respect and self-confidence in your abilities. You will believe more in yourself. You will stand higher in your own estimate in every way and boost your self-esteem.

May you cultivate your God given talents and experience a life of growing prosperity!

Soar higher,

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Self-Esteem – How Do You Celebrate Your Victories and Boost Your Confidence?

Self-Esteem – How Do You Celebrate Your Victories and Boost Your Confidence?

Celebrate the Small Daily Victories to Help Boost Your Self-Esteem!

Self-esteem and the self-image we carry of ourselves plays an important part in the success of our lives.

Do you shrink back from attempting things in life because of lack of faith in yourself.  Do you avoid doing those things that will draw attention to you? If so, how can you truly be the success you are capable of?

Learn to celebrate you and the small victories in your life.

Celebrate the Living God in Your Life!We all have the same amount of hours in a day and no one can repeat yesterday. So learn to celebrate the little victories today . . .  

Did you complete that project on time?  Did you maintain your composure when you got cut-off in traffic?  Did you make it to your appointment on time?  Did you use loving words with your spouse instead of the nasty ones that wanted to come out?  Did you speak up and contribute your opinion in the meeting?  Did you tackle that dreaded cleaning project and complete it?  Did you make a good impression in the job interview?  Did you skip that second piece of desert?

Whatever your small victories may be, they are yours and you should celebrate them!

They acknowledge that you are making progress and it helps lift your confidence. Sure, go ahead and celebrate the graduation, the marriage, the baby, the promotion, the new house, and all the other significant milestones in your life. Just remember, it is those small personal victories, that sometimes only you know, that when acknowledged will boost your self-esteem.  8)

As your confidence gets boosted with your success at the little things, you’ll be amazed at the ease with which you are able to have success with the larger things.

The truth is; you should give great importance to building up your confidence and self-esteem. A lack of confidence in yourself is a poor reflection on the Creator who pronounced everything He made as good. As a child of God you should be victory minded. Lack of faith in yourself is nothing but lack of faith in Him.

Start the ball rolling. Celebrate your small victories in life daily! Increase your confidence and encourage yourself to continue moving onto greater victories. Face life with a self-respecting, confident attitude and a hopeful outlook knowing you are a child of God. Celebrate you, your personal victories and boost your self-esteem.

May your confidence increase and your life abound with growing prosperity!

Cheers to a victorious life,

P.S. And thanks be to God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the sweet savor of His knowledge by us in every place… (2 Cor. 2:14)

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How Can Healthy Lifestyle Choices Boost Your Personal Image?

How Can Healthy Lifestyle Choices Boost Your Personal Image?

Tips on Taking Care of Your Spirit, Mind, and Body

Live Healthy Live for GodSelf-esteem plays a vital role in success. Don’t let a dwarfed self-image hold you back from being all that you are capable of.  How you see yourself has to do with the condition of your spirit, mind, and body. You are a package deal and you need to boost your self-esteem with healthy lifestyle choices daily.

It’s no secret that what we see when we look in the mirror effects our self-esteem. If the body reflected is at its ideal weight, with a clear complexion, well groomed, and dressed well, it is much easier to go through the day with powerful confidence to take on the world.

Yet, when the opposite is reflected, not only does our self-esteem plunge, but there is usually the stress of carrying around physical and emotional pain from the present condition of our body.

Take care of your body and make healthy choices on a daily basis.

Eat a healthy balanced diet, exercise and eliminate the intake of harmful substances. We are surrounded with a wealth of information on how to feed and exercise our body for optimum performance. No more excuses here. Just start where you are and make baby steps daily so that it becomes a lifestyle. The reward is worth it.

Renew your mind daily.

Monitor what you watch and listen to. What you put in is what you’ll get out. If you fill it with stress, fear, and all that is failing, you’ll experience that in your life. Fill your mind with positive, uplifting, words, thoughts, and pictures to make that become your reality.

In Proverbs 23:7 it says; ‘As a man thinks in his heart, so is he’.  And this leads me to the next point, the condition of your spirit or heart.

Guard your heart.

Your dominating thoughts get planted in your heart and become your reality. This is so important! Decide how you want your life to look, be, and feel. Then play that movie of your desired life in your head daily. Choose to fill your mind with healthy thoughts and images. Don’t forget to speak them and you’ll not only help block out the negative thoughts that want to trip you up, you’ll discover your confidence begin to rise.

Case in point: Healthy lifestyle choices give us the opportunity to operate at maximum performance. Eat right, exercise, monitor what you watch, listen to, and speak. Learn to love and laugh often. Do the best with what you have and begin where you are. Soon you’ll uncover the powerful, real you inside yourself as you boost your self-esteem.

May your healthy lifestyle choices bring you a life full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed – Cheers,

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Self-Esteem – 7 Strategies Boost Your Personal Image with Amazing Results!

Self-Esteem – 7 Strategies Boost Your Personal Image with Amazing Results!

Boost Your Confidence With These Seven Strategies

Self-esteem anConfidenced the image we carry of ourselves is a powerful driving force in our lives. Do you lack self-confidence to accomplish things and move yourself ahead in life? Do you feel timid, fearful, and overwhelmingly anxious way to often?

If any of this rings true, then make a choice to start changing things.

The self-image or concept we have of ourselves and the self-respect we give ourselves should be given great attention and importance.

These seven strategies will help boost your image as you begin to discover the powerful, unlimited opportunities within you:

1) Acknowledge your Creator. Know that you are a child of God. Begin to see yourself and your life the way God sees you. You are a child of God and overcome, because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

2) Meditation and affirmations should be a daily routine. Think and speak what you want. It’s only a matter of time until what you think about and how you see yourself on the inside is what your life will look like on the outside. Example affirmation: God has given me a spirit of power and love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)

3) Healthy lifestyle choices provide maximum performance. Having great confidence requires doing the best with the body you’ve been given. Eat right, exercise, monitor what you watch and listen to. Learn to love and laugh often.

4) Acknowledge your strengths & abilities. Take inventory of what you are good at. We’ve all been given special gifts and talents. You’ll be empowered as you find ways to build on your strengths.

5) Celebrate the small victories! Learn to celebrate you and the small victories in life. This helps increase your confidence and encourage you to continue moving onto greater victories.

6) Notice and express the good in others. Acknowledging the positive qualities in others is excellent practice for learning to acknowledge your own positive qualities. And don’t forget, we reap what we sow.  As you are generous in your compliments to others, others will be generous in their compliments to you. A great self-esteem booster!

7) Nip fear in the bud daily. Fear is a great handicap that hinders growth and only allows us to see the negative side of things. Become conscious of fearful thoughts quickly. Memorize some positive affirmations to use as replacements for fearful thoughts that try to attack your mind.

The bottom line is this: Going through life with low self-esteem, feeling like an incapable, unworthy, low-life nobody will simply turn you into that. So let’s agree to put a stop to that today!

One of the greatest things you can do for yourself and others is to uncover the capable, powerful, confident person inside yourself. The real you is just waiting to be discovered. God has a purpose and a plan for your life, made just for you. Live successful and take steps daily to boost your self-esteem.

May you discover your true potential and continue to experience growing prosperity!

Soar higher in Him,

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No Secret – Fear Will Rob You of Your Prosperity!

No Secret – Fear Will Rob You of Your Prosperity!

Get Victory Over Fear and Step Into Your God Given Ability to Attract Abundance!

Fear of failure Have Faith Not Fearis a common enemy to your prosperity. How can you even begin to prosper when fear makes you anxious, stressed, worried, depressed, and unsure of yourself?

When fear is in charge, it’s all that you can do to make it through the day, let alone even think about the first step needed to prosper.

If you struggle with fear, guess what? You are not alone.

Much is taught on fear, because it is a battle for many.

Fear Sets Failure in Motion

Fear is a negative force that attracts to you that very thing you fear.  Jesus told us over and over things like; fear not, be not afraid, don’t be anxious. He wasn’t just saying these things to hear Himself talk! He was revealing the important fact that, fear will produce what you fear.

Hopefully by now you understand that when you fear, you set in motion the formula for failure. Fear is evidence of unbelief and it will paralyze you from moving forward.

Mastery of the thoughts and the words we speak will help give us victory. And victory over fear is required if we want to prosper.

Faith Sets Prosperity in Motion

But how do you go about that?

Put a stop to the cycle of fear by standing on the Word of God and replacing fear with faith. God’s Word frees you from fear. Faith is evidence of your trust in God.

Start resisting fear and begin attracting the prosperity you desire in your life by speaking faith verses such as these:

“God has not given me the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind.”
– 2 Timothy 1:7

“Whoever harkens unto Me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.”
– Proverbs 1:33

No doubt about it: The timid, fearful, questioning of ‘What if I should fail?’ attitude has ruined more careers than anything else.

On the other hand, there is no limit to what you can do in holding fast to your self-confident and courageous thoughts. We fail only when we lose faith in our God given ability to abound in life. It is through faith we touch the very source of life and gain the strength to grab hold of our prosperity.

May you boldly move forward in life and continue to experience growing prosperity!

God bless you,

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How to Prosper by Overcoming Anxiety with Abundant Favor!

How to Prosper by Overcoming Anxiety with Abundant Favor!

God Gives an Abundance of Favor for Your Confidence to Prosper

Our minds often get conditioned to accept a low level of confidence because of past experiences we’ve had as far back as our childhood. The stresses, pressures and daily attacks on our minds can have us living in fear, anxiety and depression. However, that does not have to be the case.

God’s love and favor heals insecurities and anxieties!

Begin to realize the divine favor you have with God and man and learn how to put it to work in your life. God’s blessing of favor flowing in your life is not based on your background, talents, or anything you have learned.  Ephesians 6:24 says that grace is with all those that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Grace means favor you do not deserve.

Start the favor of God flowing in your life by daily confessing what God promises. Then you will see yourself walking in His favor in every area of your life. Speak words of favor over and over during the day until your spirit is revived.  When the truth of God’s love and favor get planted into your spirit, it will replace the insecurities and anxieties you have.

Many people confess doubt and failure over and over during their lifetime until their spirit is depressed and broken. Do not be one of those people! Within just a few days you can experience a very dramatic change with God’s abundant favor.

Get started right now with these confessions on favor and confidence:

I am blessed with God’s grace. God pours out on me a river of favor with God and with those around me.

You, Lord bless me with favor and You surround me as with a shield. (Psalm 5:12)

I have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16)

The Greater One lives in me. Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

I am being filled with God’s fullness. I am being rooted and grounded in love. God is doing exceeding and abundantly above all that I ask or think. His mighty power is taking over in me. (Eph. 3:17-20)

I grow strong in spirit, filled with wisdom, and the grace and favor of God is upon me. (Luke 2:40)

The truth of God’s Word makes me free. (John 8:32)

Thank You, Lord, that I have favor with You and man and people go out of their way to bless me and do good to me today.

Favor flows by standing on the living Word of God in faith.  Reject the negative things you have been feeding into your mind. Accept only what the Lord has told you. Repeat the above confessions until doubt disappears.

Learn to walk in God’s favor. It is for you today. Speak favor. Live favor. Be prosperous. Live life expecting something great to happen daily and it will. Remember, with God nothing is impossible. Let His truth take root in you. Favor is God’s promise to every believer from His Word. All you have to do is receive it and prosper.

Enjoy growing prosperity as the favor of God flows in your life!

God bless you,

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