
Are You Tuned Into the Prosperity Channel?

Are You Tuned Into the Prosperity Channel?

How to Enjoy a Prosperous Life by Tuning Into the Right Channel!

Prosperity requires being tuned into the right thought channel. What we choose to tune into, watch, listen, and absorb, is what we can expect to see in our lives.

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

If you want to find out what the weather forecast is, you tune into the weather channel. You don’t watch the cartoon channel expecting to get the weather forecast.

Okay, so let me ask you, why do you tune into the poverty channel on a daily basis expecting prosperity? Watching the poverty channel is only going to bring you more poverty. 

Don’t you think today is a good day to quit flipping channels and make a choice to only watch the prosperity channel in your mind and heart? We know that we are what we think in our heart (Prov. 23:7). So tune your thoughts and heart into what you want to become and manifest.

To get results you must only allow your heart and mind to play success movies. Your thoughts should continually be replaying the movie of your desired life. Take the time daily to watch it in high definition with full clarity and surround sound effects. Put yourself fully in that movie until it begins to feel real.

A Sneak Preview of Your Life Ahead

The God Channel is the Success ChannelThe prosperity and abundance conscious movie must be created to order as desired. This specifically created movie that you consistently play in your mind will soon become your reality. If you don’t purpose to tune into a channel of success, then you’ll be stuck watching the default poverty channel. And poverty is attracted to the one whose mind is focused on it, just as wealth, abundance, and success is attracted to the one whose mind has deliberately prepared to attract it, by tuning into the correct channel.

Your subconscious mind works continuously while you are awake and asleep. It works on attracting the movies you’ve been watching and the channels you’ve tuned into. If you don’t want to keep manifesting a life from some bad re-runs, then TURN the CHANNEL!

The Big Picture

We know from the Word of God that our God has a good plan for us. He desires His children to prosper and that when we give, it is given back to us abundantly. So for the ultimate success in life, never turn off the God channel. Always keep God tuned in. 🙂

May you purpose to tune into the right channel in life and experience growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing,

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No Secret – Fear Will Rob You of Your Prosperity!

No Secret – Fear Will Rob You of Your Prosperity!

Get Victory Over Fear and Step Into Your God Given Ability to Attract Abundance!

Fear of failure Have Faith Not Fearis a common enemy to your prosperity. How can you even begin to prosper when fear makes you anxious, stressed, worried, depressed, and unsure of yourself?

When fear is in charge, it’s all that you can do to make it through the day, let alone even think about the first step needed to prosper.

If you struggle with fear, guess what? You are not alone.

Much is taught on fear, because it is a battle for many.

Fear Sets Failure in Motion

Fear is a negative force that attracts to you that very thing you fear.  Jesus told us over and over things like; fear not, be not afraid, don’t be anxious. He wasn’t just saying these things to hear Himself talk! He was revealing the important fact that, fear will produce what you fear.

Hopefully by now you understand that when you fear, you set in motion the formula for failure. Fear is evidence of unbelief and it will paralyze you from moving forward.

Mastery of the thoughts and the words we speak will help give us victory. And victory over fear is required if we want to prosper.

Faith Sets Prosperity in Motion

But how do you go about that?

Put a stop to the cycle of fear by standing on the Word of God and replacing fear with faith. God’s Word frees you from fear. Faith is evidence of your trust in God.

Start resisting fear and begin attracting the prosperity you desire in your life by speaking faith verses such as these:

“God has not given me the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and of a sound mind.”
– 2 Timothy 1:7

“Whoever harkens unto Me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.”
– Proverbs 1:33

No doubt about it: The timid, fearful, questioning of ‘What if I should fail?’ attitude has ruined more careers than anything else.

On the other hand, there is no limit to what you can do in holding fast to your self-confident and courageous thoughts. We fail only when we lose faith in our God given ability to abound in life. It is through faith we touch the very source of life and gain the strength to grab hold of our prosperity.

May you boldly move forward in life and continue to experience growing prosperity!

God bless you,

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How Fast Can You Get the Abundance You Want? A Key to God Speed the Process!

How Fast Can You Get the Abundance You Want?

Abundance – A Key to God Speed the Process!

Abundance can be manifested at a faster rate once you develop yourself. Soon you’ll be off and running.

God Speed AbundanceStart where you are. Learning to walk begins with a crawl, and learning to run begins with a jog. It is a process to develop ourselves and see improvement. And just because we fall when learning to walk, doesn’t mean we give up and crawl our whole life.

First things first, in order to manifest a desire we must clearly define and vision that desire. We must believe and have faith that we will receive it.

Once we see and hear the desire in our thoughts, then we must SPEAK it. This is the key.

Hearing Your Voice – Speaking Your Confession – is Key to Quickly Attracting Abundance!

Your abundance will manifest more quickly if you speak, quote, meditate, and confess it to yourself out loud. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Hearing it deposits it into your heart. Proverbs says, that we are what we think in our hearts (23:7).

Are you with me? If you believe and stand in faith for something, speak it to yourself daily and it will be attracted to you quicker. Your voice speaking the Word of God has a powerful force that enters into your spirit, and you receive that force.

Faith is a law and you make it work and prosper by applying confession.  Daily confession will develop your faith at a much faster rate.

To be on track, confess what God’s Word has to say about your desire and belief. Make sure they line up and then put the power of His Word to work in your life by hearing yourself speaking it daily.

Example of Sample Confessions for Financial Abundance:

God wants me to prosper. (3 John 2)
I am a generous person and I prosper. (Prov. 11:25)
I delight myself in the Lord and He gives me the desires of my heart. (Psalm 37:4)
I acknowledge God who gives me the power to get wealth. (Deut. 8:18)
I honor God with my tithe and my bank accounts are filled with plenty. (Prov. 3:9-10)

So there you have it: Speak abundance, and keep speaking abundance. Get God’s Word firmly planted in your spirit with daily affirmations and know that you know it is true in you. Once you are sure, you will move into God speed and quickly manifest your desired abundance.  

May you continue to experience growing prosperity in your life!

Be blessed to be a blessing,

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How Can You Attract Prosperity? Just as Easy as ABC!

How Can You Attract Prosperity? Just as Easy as ABC!

Easy as ABC Steps to Prosperity

a_b_c_prosperityAttracting prosperity simply requires implementing God’s spiritual laws of prosperity. They are available for everyone and you have the option to choose poverty and lack, or prosperity and abundance. If poverty and lack has been your choice, take it from me, the abundant life is a much better choice!

Get with the program. It’s just as easy as ABC.


Acknowledge God as the source. He is the one that gives us the power to get wealth. God is the divine source of all creative power. God wants us to prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper. If we acknowledge God, He will direct our paths.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7. What you think in your heart should line up with how God sees you.  Decide what you want and keep a clear vision of it focused in your mind.  You attract what you think about so stay focused on the prize. 


Begin taking action. Once you’re clear on what you specifically desire to prosper in, then it’s time to make a plan of action. As you stay focused on the prize, ideas will show up that will help you reach your goal. Take steps of action daily, even if it is only visualizing and confessing your vision.

Be generous, because Proverbs 11:25 tells us a generous giver will prosper.  We reap what we sow, so make sure you’re planting seeds that are going to bring you the harvest desired.  You have to give to receive. God multiplies seed sown.


Continue and don’t quit. Conquer discouragement by confessing and meditating your vision daily. You may feel like your banging your head on the wall at times, but remember some things take time.  Keep speaking only the positive desired result so that it continues to be attracted to you. Don’t let doubts repel it away. Have faith and run to win!

What you choose to attract is up to you. God’s got a good plan for you to prosper. So choose prosperity and be blessed to be a blessing. Live the abundant life you desire and continue growing in prosperity!

God bless you,

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Attract Prosperity – How to Make Money Cometh!

Attract Prosperity – How to Make Money Cometh!

Discover How You Can Make Money Come to You With God’s Help

Prosperity and how to attract it is not a secret. It is possible to make money come your way. However, it does require getting in line with the laws of attraction.

Before We Get Started, Tell Me If Any of These Sound Familiar:

  • Nothing I ever do works out.
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • Poverty is godly.
  • Money is the root of all evil.
  • I can never get ahead. 

If any of these are in your thought life and vocabulary, I hate to break it to you, but you are chasing the money away!

You can NOT hold onto the above beliefs and at the same time attract prosperity.

Let me get right to the point. To put the law of attraction to work on your finances, you need to get your thoughts, heart, and mouth working together.

in_god_we_trustGet clear on your goal with specific amounts and time frames and then write it down. Envision yourself reaching your goal and speak it daily. As you speak it, you increase the desire on your heart which in turn keeps it in your thoughts and speech. This cycle creates a powerful attraction factor.

It is only a matter of time, if you are persistent and stay focused on the goal. The money will come your way.

Refuse to allow any previous negative beliefs or thoughts into your head. Refuse to let any negative, contrary statements come out of your mouth. Cancel them immediately when they try to sneak up on you and replace them with positive confessions of your goals.

A Few Truths About Money to Encourage You and Help Attract it Quicker:

  • Money is not the root of all evil, but the love of money is. (1 Tim. 6:10) So don’t love it!
  • God will give you much so you can give away much. (2 Cor. 9:11) Blessed to be a blessing!
  • If you give abundantly, you’ll receive abundantly. (2 Cor. 9:6) Giving is key!
  • God wishes above all things that you prosper. (3 John 2)
  • God gives you the power to get wealth. (Deut. 8:18)

So there you have it. Chose to repel it or make the money come your way. It’s up to you. What you allow your mind to think about, your heart to desire, and your mouth to speak is what you have coming. Don’t let your past thoughts close your mind and prevent you from seeing the real truth: God wants you to prosper.

May you walk in the blessings God has for you and continue to experience growing prosperity!

Soar higher,

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Would You Like 2 Easy Steps That Attract Abundant Favor To Prosper?

Would You Like 2 Easy Steps That Attract Abundant Favor To Prosper?

Apply These Two Easy Steps to Attract Prosperous Favor for a New Lease on Life!

growing_prosperityThere is no better time than now to attract some favor. Especially if you are like so many who are ready to throw in the towel or feel like their back is up against the wall. Have years of sowing negative thoughts attracted negative, sour, people and situations into your life?

It’s no wonder, because your thoughts are the beginning of your reality. Constantly thinking and speaking negative will short circuit favor from getting through to you.

But the GOOD NEWS is, there is ABUNDANT FAVOR available to you. You are made in God’s image. In you is the ability to give and receive favor. God is reaching out His hand of favor to you. You must stop thinking you are not capable or worthy of receiving and giving His favor. A strong negative spirit will hinder your ability to reach out and receive much of this favor.

Know where you stand. God is a God of love, favor, and mercy. You are an outlet for His power to flow through to bless you and others. He is constantly promoting those who learn to live in this law of favor. To be on track, you must follow His steps.

Attract Favor by Following Two Easy Steps:

#1 – First you must think, believe, and expect favor to flow from God and others to you. Get your thoughts in-line and see yourself receiving favor everywhere you go and in everything you do.

#2 – Second, you need to favor others even when they are ugly and unkind to you. Give favor to others daily.

Plain and simple, you reap what you sow. Give and the Lord will make men give unto you. Set yourself up to receive favor. Meditate and sow good thoughts of blessings to others.

We are told in 2 Corinthians 9:10 that God gives seed to the sower. As you give, God continues to fill your life with fresh favor to prosper. But just like electricity has no power until the circuit is completed, favor has no power until your circuit is completed. You must let it flow to others.

A new lease on life can be yours. Reach out beyond your present “rut” by expecting favor. Develop an attitude of being blessed to be a blessing. Watch as you leap into new levels of favor and growing prosperity in your life!

God bless you,

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