
Meditation Results – What Are the 3 Most Effective Christian Meditation Techniques?

Meditation Results – What Are the 3 Most Effective Christian Meditation Techniques?

Christian Meditation Techniques that Get Results!

Christian meditation is vital for every believer.

Meditation can take on many forms and techniques.

This means there is no excuse not to…

meditate on God’s Word.

The following three keys will help you find the most effective Christian meditation techniques:

A Method of Meditation that Fits You

Remember there are many different ways and techniques to meditate God’s Word. Pondering, thinking deeply, affirming, contemplating, musing, and reflecting are some of the options. Speculating, memorizing, confessing, praying, reciting, singing, speaking, and focused study are also techniques that can be used to meditate on the Word of God.

Our goal?

To make our meditation time effective. In order to do that, we should start with a method that fits our personality. This will provide the best results in the short-term and long-term.

So, let’s say for example, you are someone who likes to read; then get alone and put your face in the Bible. Dig in and read, study, and take notes.

Or for example, if you are someone who learns best with audio; then listen to the Bible or scripture affirmations on CD. Or record your own.

There are so many resources and tools at our disposal today, including free and paid, that believers are truly without excuse when it comes to daily meditation. There are Christian meditation books, CDs, podcasts, etcetera.

Confess With Your Mouth

Regardless of the techniques chosen, it is EXTREMELY important to speak the Word of God out loud. We need to hear our self speaking and confessing Bible truths. This is how we get them planted into our heart and soul.

Hearing our self speak divine, scriptural truths is empowering to our spirit, mind, and body.

It also builds our faith. Faith increases when we hear others speak the Word of God, but it is even more effective when it is the confession of our own mouth.

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God.”
— Romans 10:17

The Power of Repetition

The final key point to make here about effective meditation techniques is repetition, repetition, repetition.

Look again at the above quote from Romans. Notice it does not say faith comes by hearing one time. It tells us we need to hear the Word of God over and over to build our faith.

No doubt about it: It is with daily confession and repetition that we unleash the power of the living Word of God in our lives. When the negative lies of the world are squeezed out, our lives will be transformed as we begin to speak the truths of God’s Word from the abundance of our heart!

Let me ask you this: What is stopping you from putting the power of Christian meditation to work in your life?


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The Law of Attraction – Living by Faith

The Law of Attraction – Living by Faith

Claiming Your Inheritance

The following is an excerpt from “How to Attract Prosperity” by Orison Swett Marden.

If you are a subscriber, you already received the complete chapter free.

I like to randomly read parts of this book…

and when I did today, the following stood out:

“Mental laws are clear and simple. We know that the fear thought attracts more fear, the worry thought more worry, the anxious thought more anxiety, the hatred thought more hatred, the jealous thought more jealousy, and the poverty thought more poverty. This is the law of attraction. Like every other law, it is unalterable.

The poverty disease can be cured only by its antidote——the prosperity thought. You carry within you this antidote to the poison of poverty, of lack, of pinching, dwarfing limitation. Use it, and cure yourself. The prosperity thought will kill the poverty germ.

Keep your supply pipes open between yourself and the infinite source of all supply. Don’t pinch them by doubt, don’t cut off the supply by limiting, pinching, poverty, lack thought.

Keep your supply pipes wide open by the consciousness of your oneness with God, your connection with the All Supply.

Abundance follows a law as exact as that of the law of mathematics. If we obey it we get the flow. If we pinch it, strangle it, we cut off the supply.

Suppose a youth who had decided to study medicine and become a doctor should say to himself: “I cannot picture myself as a success because I don’t know anything about what may come to me. Perhaps I haven’t the qualifications that make a successful physician. I may never become one. I may be a failure. I doubt if I am fitted for it, but I’ll try, anyway.”

Do you think such a timid, doubting, negative attitude would ever carry anyone to the success goal? Of course it wouldn’t.

The young medical student who is going to succeed is the one who pictures himself constantly as a successful physician, sees himself in a fine office, with a lucrative practice, climbing to the top of his profession. He is constantly visualizing himself as a successful physician.

Now, the same rule applies to the poor man who wants to become prosperous. He must picture himself as prosperous, he must obey the law of opulence by holding the ideal of opulence in his mind, and he must saturate himself with the prosperity thought, the thought of abundance.

If you wish to cure yourself of the poverty disease you should begin by giving yourself prosperity treatments something like this:

Say to yourself:

If I am God’s child I have inherited all the good things of the universe. I am heir to all supply, to the all-good. Poverty cannot touch the reality of me any more than disease can, for the reality of me is health. Health is the everlasting fact, and disease, sickness, is merely the absence of the reality. Poverty is not my normal condition. There can be no lack, no poverty for God’s image. ‘All that my Father hath is mine.’”

Repeat daily the twenty-third psalm:

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters,” etc.

Follow this during the day with frequent assertions of your kinship with the Creator of all the universe.

Commit these lines by Ella Wheeler Wilcox to memory, and frequently say them to yourself, vigorously, and with the force of absolute conviction:

“I am success.
Though hungry, cold, ill-clad,
I wander for a while, I smile and say:
‘It is but for a time—I shall be glad
Tomorrow, for good fortune comes my way.
God is my Father, He has wealth untold;
His wealth is mine, health, happiness and gold.’”

All the good things you need are yours by inheritance. Claim them, expect them, work for them, believe they are already yours, and you will realize them in your life.

If you continually assert your kinship with God your Father, to whom all things belong, and send out the vigorous thought of abundance, a generous supply of all you need—which is your birthright—poverty cannot hold you its slave.”  — Orison Swett Marden

As Christian believers we are to live by faith, because God’s Word says so.

“The just shall live by faith.” — Romans 1:17

Living by faith means believing and obeying the Word of God. We have to think, speak, meditate, and act on God’s Word daily. There may be many books that inform, encourage, and inspire us, but there is only One Book that is full of Divine Living Power…

Have you opened your Bible yet today and let the Word of God speak to you?

May God’s Word come alive in your life this year like never before and leave a trail of growing prosperity everywhere you go!

Be blessed to be a blessing!


P.S. Feel free to share experiences of your faith attracting your needed supply…

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How to Swiftly Overcome Anxiety with 7 Successful Self-Improvement Tips

How to Swiftly Overcome Anxiety with 7 Successful Self-Improvement Tips

Personal Growth: Be the Success You Were Intended to Be!

Self Improvement JoyPersonal growth to overcome anxiety is power to change your life.

A life of panic and anxiety is no way to live.

If the symptoms of this hindering, fear driven behavior have been preventing you from being and doing all that you desire…

…then read on to discover some helpful tips.

It is possible to overcome and be in charge of your life and stop letting fear, anxiety, and stress have control. 

7 Successful Tips to Swiftly Overcome Anxiety:

1.) CALL ON GOD – This tip has been listed first because God should always be first in our lives. The moment something else takes first place, is the moment we allow disorder to spread in our lives. Pray and call on God daily!

God says He will never leave you, so you can boldly say,

“The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do.” (Hebrews 13:6)

2.) GUARD YOUR MIND & HEART – What you allow into your mind long enough is eventually going to get into your heart and show up in your life. Watch closely what you put in your mind and make sure it is positive.

Are you watching and listening to news, music, and movies with crude, fear driven, disturbing, negative, and stressful messages? Then you are allowing this garbage into your mind. Would you allow a garbage truck to unload in your house?

“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” 
— Proverbs 4:23

3.) DAILY MEDITATION & AFFIRMATIONS – This follows the second tip. After putting a stop to negative intake, that encourages fear and anxiety, we now need to replace it with positive, confidence building thoughts, images, and words.

No one can preach to you like you can preach to you. Renew your mind daily. Take time to daily meditate and affirm positive confidence building statements that will build yourself up.

Start with positive affirmations such as the following: 

  • I am Bold, Courageous, Confident, and Powerful.
  • I am Proud of Myself for the Positive Changes I am Making Daily.
  • God has Given Me a Spirit of Power, Love, and a Sound Mind.

4.) HEALTHY LIFESTYLE – A healthy lifestyle is critical to our total well being. We are spirit, mind, and body. It is impossible to let one area of our being go downhill and not have it affect us.

A healthy, balanced diet that reduces sugar, alcohol, and caffeine will reduce stress and anxiety levels. An exercise routine, even one of simply taking regular walks, will quickly help lift your spirits.

5.) BE AWARE OF YOUR INNER DIALOGUE – What type of conversation is going on in your head? Do you speak to yourself with kindness, respect, and love; like you would with someone you care about?

Stop rehearsing your past failures, shortcomings, and mistakes over and over. Let them go and acknowledge that you have the ability to change your present and future. Make a list of your positive qualities and abilities. Then remind yourself of them. Speak to yourself as if you were your own best friend. 

6.) TACKLE FEAR HEAD ON – We’ve all experienced the fear and panic that can overtake us with no notice. Fear is a thief and it steals our destinies and prevents our progress. It causes those who should be bold and aggressive to shrink back and be timid.

Don’t let fear control you. Face it head on and begin taking baby steps by doing things afraid. Move forward and do what you need to do even in the midst of fear. Each time you do, you crush the fearful, anxious spirit and build up the confident spirit within you.

7.) KNOWLEDGE IS POWER – Get informed and find out what you can about the symptoms and causes of panic and anxiety. Many people struggle with anxiety and many have overcome. You are not alone in your struggle and taking a step to inform yourself is a big step to victory.

Getting informed helps equip you with the power to overcome.

Your goal? To start utilizing these tips today. Do not allow anxiety to paralyze your potential. Overcoming is a gradual process, but by applying these tips to your life you can speed up the process. Lift up your head to the light and BOLDLY decide to be all that GOD created you to be. Now go take steps of personal growth.

May you continue to grow in confidence and experience a life of growing prosperity!

Soar higher –


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Positive Attitude – How Can Positive Thinking Revolutionize Your Life for Success?

Positive Attitude – How Can Positive Thinking Revolutionize Your Life for Success?

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking PowerPositive thinking has been promoted as a must have character trait for years.

Many believe in the power of positive thinking…

and many more think it is just a bunch of nonsense.

The kicker is: They are both right!

Positive thinking is related to your beliefs. So the catch is; if you believe it does not work then it won’t. And if you believe it does work, well, then it will.

However, that being said, the main reason it does not work for non-believers is because of their negative belief; they don’t even give it a try. But anyone can get positive results and will tend to become believers of positive thinking once they put it into action.

Norman Vincent Peale once said:

“If you have zest and enthusiasm you attract zest and enthusiasm. Life does give back in kind.”

Once you start to plant seeds of positive thinking, it begins a chain reaction. It encourages those around you and that in turn encourages you.

It is contagious…

When you choose to think positive, you will eventually speak and act positive.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 
— Proverbs 23:7

If you water and tend to the positive thoughts planted in your mind they begin to grow and take root in your heart.  What’s in your heart is the true reflection of who you are.

Keep in mind: There is no harm in living with a positive outlook. But there is great harm in living with a negative outlook.

Just like a joke or a smile can break the tension in a group of people, your positive thoughts have the power to break the tension and discouragement in your life and move you toward success.

Clear the negative thoughts that may be planted in your mind by daily watering the positive ones. Do this by speaking to yourself daily something similar to the following positive affirmation:

“I was intended to express joy and success. I am victory minded. God created me to win out in life. I was born to live life with peace and hope.”

If any of this rings true: Start planting positive seeds of change and watch as the positive vibes you send out result in your own harvest. The fact that you are reading this is a great indication that the seeds of change are already there. Now go start watering your positive attitude.

May your heart be abundantly positive and your life full of growing prosperity!

God bless you –


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In the Beginning was The WORD – John 1 Christian Meditation

In the Beginning was The WORD – John 1 Christian Meditation

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was With God, and the Word was God.
All things were made by Him. In Him is life, and the life is the light of men.
As many as receive Him, and believe on His name, to them gives He power to become the sons of God.
The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory,
the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

— John 1: 1, 3, 4, 12, 14

The Bible is FULL of Truth, Certainty, Fact, Reality, and the Purpose for Our Existence.  The WORD is Eternal and In Him we have Life! 

~ Meditate on GOD’s WORD and let the Power of HIS Light Shine in Your Life! ~

This video is just a little over 1 minute – enjoy!

God bless you,

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Self-Esteem – How Can Your Connection to God Boost Your Personal Image?

Self-Esteem – How Can Your Connection to God Boost Your Personal Image?

Give Your Self-Esteem a Boost!

Boost Your Self-Esteem Self-esteem and the image we have of ourselves, good or bad, is a powerful force that directs our lives.

A low, weak, fearful self-image is obviously not going to take us far.

We should give great importance to building up our confidence and self-esteem.

How can you boost your personal image?

The first place to start is to acknowledge your Creator. Know that you are a child of God. Begin to see yourself and your life the way God sees you. You are a child of God and overcome, because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)

God did not create you for failure. You should be unsatisfied to go about all sad, scared, and pathetic looking as if you don’t have the ability to do what the Almighty Creator sent you here to do.

Boost your self-esteem into High Gear by SEEING YOURSELF AS GOD SEES YOU.

Discover what His Word says about you and meditate and speak that over your life. Hearing yourself daily affirm the Word of God over yourself will get it planted deep down into your heart. Your subconscious then goes to work attracting it to you and making it your reality.

What does the Word of God say about you?

  • You are more than a conqueror through Him that loves you. (Romans 8:37)
  • The righteous are bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1)
  • You have a spirit of power, and love, and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
  • The Lord God is your strength and personal bravery and will make you progress. (Habakkuk 3:19)
  • He which has begun a good work in you will complete it, so be confident. (Philippians 1:6)

So there you have it: Open your eyes to the self-esteem building power of your connection to God and who He says you are. You are somebody special with a purpose and plan made just for you. Begin to soar higher than you ever imagined when you boost your self-esteem.

May you build your confidence in Him and continue to experience growing prosperity!


P.S. Have you tried this and found it helpful in your life?
P.P. S. Image credit goes to: Simona Dumitru

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How To Get What You Want – Instant Download

How to Attract Prosperity – FREE Download

A Shared Treasure to Help You Prosper!

I want to give you instant access to the following treasured success resource:


You are about to be Powerfully Impacted from the Dynamic Wisdom in this FREE download, which is CHAPTER 8 from the book: “How To Get What You Want” by Orison Swett Marden.

Grab your copy by subscribing to the free Growing Prosperity Newsletter with Self-Improvement & Christian Resources to Help You Prosper; Spirit, Mind & Body! (delivered about every two weeks directly to your email)

Simply Enter your First Name and Email address in the Form at the Top of the page and click “Send Me Prosperity Resources.”

When you are ready to step into an even greater understanding of what keeps you from living the life you really want

When you are ready to experience the abundance that is just waiting for you

…then be sure to dive into the biblically based success principles Marden provides in the other chapters of his book:
“How To Get What You Want”

(Over 50% off, plus includes free bonus affirmation sheet)

I have an original copy of this book that my dad left for my siblings and I before he died. The principles are transforming me in my journey of life.

I hope it impacts your life as much as it has mine!

God bless you –


P.S. I’d love to hear your comments once you’ve had a chance to read it…

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Abound in Hope and Encourage One Another – Romans 15

Abound in Hope and Encourage One Another – Romans 15

The Power of the Holy Spirit to Abound in Hope!

“Praise the Lord and put your trust in Him …
And may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
that you may abound in hope,
through the power of the Holy Spirit.
May you be full of goodness, and filled with all knowledge,
and encourage one another…
By the grace that is given you of God.” — Romans 15:11-15

Through God’s Grace and the Power of the Holy Spirit we can Abound in Hope, Joy, Peace, Goodness, and Knowledge… and then Go Encourage One Another.

~ So Meditate on this daily – Be Encouraged – and Go Encourage Someone Else! ~

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. This video is only a little over a minute long, but hopefully a quick little boost to your day!

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