abundance of the heart

How Can Christian Meditation Renew My Mind and Renew My Life?

How Can Christian Meditation Renew My Mind and Renew My Life?

Does Biblical Meditation Really Have the Power to Renew You?

Christian Meditation to Renew Your Mind and LifeChristian meditation is based on the divine,

living, and powerful Word of God.

Does it have the ability to renew

our minds and lives?


How do we know? God says so.

“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”
— Romans 12:2

Renew Your Mind With Biblical Meditation

When we meditate on the Word of God we release the thoughts of our mind and put on the mind of Christ. There is an exchange for the world’s way of thinking with a renewing of our mind with God’s way of thinking.

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”
— Philippians 2:5

More good news: As believers we have the Holy Spirit living within us as a powerful aid to meditation. Jesus told us that the Father will send the Holy Spirit in His name to teach us all things and bring to remembrance all things Jesus said. (John 14:26)

There is great power in affirming the revealed truths of God’s Word! 

“An affirmation is a statement of Truth consciously used so as to become the directing power of Life’s expression.”
Orison Swett Marden

Renew Your Life With Biblical Meditation

The answer to renewing our life is found in the Word of God; in which we meditate and renew our mind with day and night.

Through the power of the Word of God and by meditation on it, we align ourselves with God’s thoughts, God’s provision, and God’s ways. God’s will is found in His Word. There is no greater and exciting place to be than in the center of God’s will.

Matthew 12:34 declares, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”

With meditation we can challenge every thought that resists the knowledge of God by speaking the Word of God. Meditating, confessing, and acting on His ways holds life transforming power.

In Joshua 1:8 he advises: “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

I could go on and on…

The point is: As we renew our mind through meditation on the Word of God, we’ll soon find that the life transforming power of His Word renews our life!

Are you ready to let the divine, living, and powerful Word of God renew your mind and life through Christian meditation?

God bless you always,

P.S. Christian Meditation: Renew Your Mind In Him is a resource tool to help you renew your mind by meditating on biblical affirmations.

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Christian Meditation For Mind Control – Who Is In Charge Of Your Thoughts Anyway?

Christian Meditation For Mind Control – Who Is In Charge Of Your Thoughts Anyway?

Why Not Take Control of Your Thought Life?

Christian Meditation For Mind ControlMeditation for mind control is

about taking charge of our thought life.

Think about it?

Thousands of thoughts pop into

our minds daily.

Many of these thoughts are NOT our own and

come from the constant bombardment of

media ads, newspapers, the internet, other people, etcetera.

I’m sure you would agree that most of these thoughts are not healthy and desperately need managed.

The fact that our minds are constantly bombarded with unwanted garbage should be a major concern for us. Why? Because our thoughts direct our lives.

Christian Meditation for Mind Control

The Bible has much to say about the impact our minds and thoughts have on our lives. The importance of meditating on what is true, pure, and right is encouraged over and over. This is to help us stay empowered with proper mind control and right thinking. Thinking right leads to right acting.

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” 
— Proverbs 4:23

“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” 
— Matthew 12:34

“For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” 
— Proverbs 23:7

If our thoughts determine our lives, then we can change our circumstances by first changing our thoughts. How do we go about doing that? Well it does take work, but the good news is that it is quite simple.

Thought Life Check-up

The first step is to give our thought life a check-up. We need to take time to actually focus on what we are thinking.

Take note and evaluate the thoughts you have over the next few days.

  • Thoughts about yourself (abilities, appearance, health, etc.)
  • Thoughts about others (God, relationships, etc.)
  • Thoughts about work
  • Thoughts about any and all other areas of your life

As you do this check-up and evaluate your thoughts, consider which ones are healthy, positive, productive, and beneficial to your life. Ask yourself if they are going to help you move forward in a positive direction? Then decide if you will allow them to stay or give them the boot.

For example: You may have thoughts of being a financial failure and constantly failing at everything you do. Your mind may replay past events of failure and come up with many reasons why you are sure to fail in the future and always live in poverty.

What does this type of negative thinking do? It takes away all hope of being financially successful and pursuing prosperity, and on top of that it lets you think you should settle for poverty.

By acknowledging that that kind of negative thinking is only destructive, you can then choose to put a stop to it by replacing it with thoughts that will be profitable and beneficial to your life.

Mind Control for Right Thinking and Right Living

The next step, after you’ve given your thought life a check-up and determined which thoughts no longer have permission to reside in your mind, is to take charge and do some mind control clean-up.

In order to remove negative, damaging, unwanted thoughts, they need to be replaced with positive, encouraging, or productive thoughts. We can’t just tell an unwanted thought to stop and go away. We have to also replace it with a favorable thought.

For example: You tell those thoughts of financial failure to stop and you take control of your mind by replacing those destructive thoughts with prosperous thoughts. This might be something such as: My God desires above all things that I prosper and be in health, even as my soul prospers. (3 John 2)

God’s Word is full of promises of success. He wants us to be blessed to be a blessing to others. We are encouraged to meditate on thoughts that will lead us into right living and success. However, God won’t just step in our minds and clean up our thinking for us. It is something we must do; with His help.

Take Charge of Your Thoughts

Keep in mind: Your thoughts are just that, they are your thoughts and they belong to you. So why not be in charge and take control of them?

Refuse to allow your mind to focus on thoughts of negative past experiences, or current difficult challenges, or any other discouraging thoughts that fill your mind with failure. Refuse to keep your life directed toward continual disappointment.

Bottom line: As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Decide which thoughts you want to keep, and then replace the destructive thoughts with positive ones that will lead you to success. Meditate on success scriptures from the Word of God and take charge of your thought life with Christian meditation for the ultimate mind control.

May you change your life one thought at a time and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

God bless you –


P.S. Christian Meditation: Renew Your Mind In Him is a resource to help you get control of your thought life.

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Meditation Results – What Are the 3 Most Effective Christian Meditation Techniques?

Meditation Results – What Are the 3 Most Effective Christian Meditation Techniques?

Christian Meditation Techniques that Get Results!

Christian meditation is vital for every believer.

Meditation can take on many forms and techniques.

This means there is no excuse not to…

meditate on God’s Word.

The following three keys will help you find the most effective Christian meditation techniques:

A Method of Meditation that Fits You

Remember there are many different ways and techniques to meditate God’s Word. Pondering, thinking deeply, affirming, contemplating, musing, and reflecting are some of the options. Speculating, memorizing, confessing, praying, reciting, singing, speaking, and focused study are also techniques that can be used to meditate on the Word of God.

Our goal?

To make our meditation time effective. In order to do that, we should start with a method that fits our personality. This will provide the best results in the short-term and long-term.

So, let’s say for example, you are someone who likes to read; then get alone and put your face in the Bible. Dig in and read, study, and take notes.

Or for example, if you are someone who learns best with audio; then listen to the Bible or scripture affirmations on CD. Or record your own.

There are so many resources and tools at our disposal today, including free and paid, that believers are truly without excuse when it comes to daily meditation. There are Christian meditation books, CDs, podcasts, etcetera.

Confess With Your Mouth

Regardless of the techniques chosen, it is EXTREMELY important to speak the Word of God out loud. We need to hear our self speaking and confessing Bible truths. This is how we get them planted into our heart and soul.

Hearing our self speak divine, scriptural truths is empowering to our spirit, mind, and body.

It also builds our faith. Faith increases when we hear others speak the Word of God, but it is even more effective when it is the confession of our own mouth.

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the Word of God.”
— Romans 10:17

The Power of Repetition

The final key point to make here about effective meditation techniques is repetition, repetition, repetition.

Look again at the above quote from Romans. Notice it does not say faith comes by hearing one time. It tells us we need to hear the Word of God over and over to build our faith.

No doubt about it: It is with daily confession and repetition that we unleash the power of the living Word of God in our lives. When the negative lies of the world are squeezed out, our lives will be transformed as we begin to speak the truths of God’s Word from the abundance of our heart!

Let me ask you this: What is stopping you from putting the power of Christian meditation to work in your life?


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How to Maximize the Ruling Force that Manifests Prosperity!

How to Maximize the Ruling Force that Manifests Prosperity!

Seize Your Abundant Rich Living Yet?

Power to ManifestAbundant rich living sounds wonderful doesn’t it?

Are you seizing what has been made available to live your dream life?

When we think of a prosperous life, the details are unique for each of us. Yet usually the basics are common across the board.

What comes to your mind when you think of the dream life you desire?

Do you want loving, meaningful relationships? How about happiness, peace, and a slower, stress free pace; to be able to enjoy the everyday life? Does a closer walk with God and strong spiritual growth sound good? What about improved living conditions, a better car, and more money in the bank; the ability to give more to others. And of course we all want to be physically and mentally healthy.

What is the Ruling Force Affecting Your Life?

The spiritual law of confession: Few people realize that the spiritual law of confession rules us. I’m referring to the things we speak, talk about, say, and confess every day.

Regardless of who we are, we’ll never rise above our confessions. And here is where it gets really interesting: We all get to choose the confessions of our mouth. It is our choice.

“You are snared (trapped) with the words of your mouth.” – Proverbs 6:2

How Do You Maximize this Ruling Force and Manifest Prosperity?

Confess what you believe in your heart: The key to maximizing this force is realizing the power is in confessing what we believe in our heart, not our head.

Jesus tells us we can have anything we SAY as long as we believe in our HEART (spirit) and CONFESS it with our mouth. (Mark 11:23)

Having a head full of beliefs and knowledge is like having a bag full of seeds. They both hold a great untapped potential harvest.  However, we will not reap a harvest in life without planting the seeds.

To manifest results, the head knowledge we have must be planted in our heart and applied to our lives.

How do we get the knowledge that is in our heads planted in our hearts?

Again the answer is that we must speak it – confess it.

Speak out loud the thoughts and beliefs you wish to manifest. There is great, often overlooked power, in the spoken word.

Keep in mind: at first we may only be speaking head knowledge. We may only understand or believe something to be true in our mind. But the real power is in confessing what we want so it gets planted in our heart and we in turn believe it in our heart. 

The good news is that when we continue to confess, what we now believe in our heart (spirit), we will begin to see the manifestation of those beliefs in our life.

“Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” – Luke 6:45

A word of warning: The spiritual law of confession works for both good and bad. So only confess positive if you want to reap positive results. If you are like me, this can be a challenge at times, but one worth conquering.

There is a reason Jesus put such a great emphasis on the fact that we can have what we say, speak, and confess with our mouth and believe in our heart. The same steps we take to receive eternal salvation in Christ; believe with our heart and confess with our mouth, are the same steps we take to manifest prosperity and abundance in all areas of life.

Hopefully by now you are convinced: There are many benefits to mastering our confessions and tapping into the power of the spoken word. It plays a vital role in every area of our lives. Start today. Choose carefully the words you allow your mouth to speak. Maximize this powerful force that can manifest prosperity and begin to seize the abundant rich life.

May your confessions reflect truth from the Word of God and manifest growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Image credit thanks go to Patrick Hajzler

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Snap, Crackle, and Prosper – How to Manifest Your Bowl of Abundance!

Snap, Crackle, and Prosper – How to Manifest Your Bowl of Abundance!

Discover Some Tips to Help You Enjoy Your Own Manifested
Bowl of Abundance

Bowl of AbundanceAbundance: Have you decided it is time to make a change and pour yourself a bowl of abundance?

Well, before anything can manifest in your world on the outside –

 before you feel better, look better, or fatten up your bank account

– the image inside you must change.

Why not start today and get busy putting on a new image?


It’s only a matter of time until what you think about and how you see yourself on the inside is what your life will look like on the outside. Begin to see yourself and your life the way God sees you.

Your finances may be a mess, and your health a wreck, but you need to take on God’s image of you. He sees you prospering and in health, even as your soul prospers.


Start speaking the new vision that is on the inside of you.

One of the major keys to confession and faith is that what you hear yourself speak produces faith inside you. The confession of God’s Word is necessary to build faith to prosper in all areas.

The words you speak get into your spirit and then they come back out your mouth. Every time they go through this process, they increase in power and you get stronger and closer to manifesting your desires.

Jesus told us that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth Speaks. And if you believe what you Say, you’ll have it.  (Matt. 12:34, Mark 11:23)


Prepare yourself for abundance. Use your faith on the front end before the need arises. Confess God’s Word concerning prosperity daily and have His system in motion before a major crisis ever comes along.

Mark my words: It takes longer to work these principles if you’re already in the midst of a problem, because you have to combat negative thoughts and feelings. So speak out your confession of faith when you have no sickness or financial lack and you’ll be better prepared for when you do.

Bowl of ProsperityFeast your eyes on a prosperous life and make it a way of life to speak abundance.

May you continue growing in prosperity daily and enjoy your manifested bowl of abundance!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


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