Vision – Why Let a Lack of it Prevent You from Living the Abundant Life of Your Dreams?

Vision – Why Let a Lack of it Prevent You from Living the Abundant Life of Your Dreams?

How to Catch the Vision and Run with it into Your Dream Life!

Vision Your Abundant Dream LifeVision looks forward into the future.

It takes vision if you want to move from…

your present standard of living to –

living your abundant dream life.

A continual focus on…

past problems and defeats,

will only result in fearful paralysis;

and that takes you nowhere.

Where’s Your Focus?

As of today, choose to stop looking at all the things that can go wrong, and instead turn your eyes toward your strengths and assets. Put your focus on what must go right to reach your goals and dreams. Wake up in the morning and go to bed at night, thinking only of ways to do the things you want to do. Do not allow yourself to waste time thinking of all the reasons why you cannot do something.

Kick-start your vision and think repeatedly of the many achievements you are going to accomplish in the future; which will be greater than anything you have ever done in the past. Once you get your focus in the right direction, you’ll find yourself forced to draw upon resources that you previously didn’t even realize you had.

Will You Take the Risk?

Clearly, change is going to involve some risk-taking on your part. But believe me, once you dare to act on your vision and reach toward your dreams, it won’t be long before you start winning in a big way.

Doing things you’ve never done before may prove to be frightening at first. Just keep in mind: Anyone who achieves anything of greatness in their life first takes some kind of risk. Others may not be able to catch the same vision that you have and you’ll find it takes a measure of risk to follow your vision through to your dreams.

Vision of a Dream Life

What is your dream? What vision or picture of a great thing or accomplishment floats to the surface of your consciousness from time to time?

Begin to make your dream a reality by writing it down with as much detail as possible. Write it in the present tense and see yourself as already living it.

“Write the vision, and make it plain, that he may run that reads it.” 
— Habakkuk 2:2

Remember, it makes no difference whether your dream is to start a new business, buy a house, get married, graduate with honors, get a new position at work, or any other goal be it big or small. Whatever it may be, you must step out and boldly go after it.

Sure, there will be times along the way that you miss the mark, but that does not make you a failure. Sometimes plans don’t work out as anticipated, but you still have the capacity to bounce back and try again.

What’s stopping you from walking out your vision into your dream life? Continually remind yourself that you have tremendous reservoirs of potential within you and with God’s help you are capable of doing anything you set your mind to do. All you have to do is decide to do it and know you can. Do not doubt whether or not you can. Simply get it settled that you can and make up your mind this very moment to run with your vision into your dream life.

May you dare to run with your vision and enjoy a life of growing prosperity!

God bless you always –

Soar higher,

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