Personal Growth – How to Be Spiritually Mature with 9 Key Qualities!

Personal Growth – How to Be Spiritually Mature with 9 Key Qualities!

Discover 9 Key Qualities to Help Evaluate and Guide You Spiritually

Key Spiritual Qualities for GrowthPersonal growth in all areas of our being is important.

We are a spirit, with a soul (mind, will, and emotions), living in a body.  Growing in all areas is vital to living a full life.

We have check-ups with our doctor to determine the condition of our physical health, and learn how to make adjustments and improvements. We also take tests to measure our intelligence and the condition of our emotional and mental well-being.

How do we determine our spiritual condition?

These nine quality factors will help evaluate spiritual maturity level and act as a guide for future growth. They are biblically based from Galatians 5:22. As Christians we call them Fruits of the Spirit.

The level of which these qualities are visible (or not visible) in a person’s life is evidence of their inward spiritual condition. They offer a great evaluation process for everyone.

9 Key Qualities to Help Evaluate and Guide Your Spiritual Maturity:

1.) LOVE

Are the things you do in life motivated by your love for people? Love is number one here, because walking in love is required to open the door to the other qualities.

2.) JOY

Do you exhibit an unshakable joy, regardless of your changing circumstances? Joy is not based on what is happening around you, but knowing that your name is written in heaven. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength.


Are others able to take courage in your unshakable peace? When you know God, you’ll know peace and with His presence in your life you’ll have a peace that passes all understanding and is present in the midst of storms.


Do you display patience with yourself and others in the things you wish to accomplish? Patience in daily events allows for a peaceful life. If God can have such great patience with us, we should strive to have patience with others.


Are you caring and understanding with people? Kindness displays sweetness when dealing with others.


Do you want the best for others? When genuine goodness is evident in you, people will trust you and feel safe around you. Others are drawn to this Godlike state of being.


Are you a person who keeps their commitments to the end? Being loyal, steadfast, and stable in all your commitments should be a given. Without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)


Do you keep your strength under control and maintain a balance of being tough and tender? Strive to remain even-tempered and deal with people with a gentle word or deed rather than lose your temper.


Are you disciplined to make the right choices and move toward your goals? Self-control is vital since your flesh is at war against your spirit. Self-control must be operating in your life in order to have victory over negative devices.

In truth, there is no limit to what you can do with these powerful qualities at work in your life. Life is a growth process and we all have room for improvement.  Regular evaluation of these nine qualities will help guide you.

The bottom line is this: God has provided these qualities to us through His Spirit so that we can transform our lives and reflect His image. Draw on the life transforming power God has provided and let these divine qualities be evident in your life. Choose to mature spiritually as a vital part of your personal growth.

May you mature spiritually and continue to have a life of growing prosperity!

God bless you –

P.S. Which one of these is the most challenging for you and which one the easiest?

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