February 2010

While I’m Waiting by John Waller – Fireproof Movie Music Video

While I’m Waiting by John Waller – Fireproof Movie Music Video

Wait on the Lord, even when times are painful. While you’re waiting, takes steps of obedience and continue to serve and worship the Lord.

Wait on the Lord and move ahead with boldness and confidence.

Marriage is not always easy and it takes a lot of work from both partners… And a successful marriage requires keeping God in the center of it!

God’s love has been shed abroad in my heart (Romans 5:5) therefore…

  • I endure long, and I’m patient and kind; I’m never envious nor do I boil over with jealousy. I’m not boastful or vainglorious, and I do not display myself haughtily.
  • I’m not conceited, arrogant or inflated with pride. I’m not rude or unmannerly, and I don’t act unbecomingly. I don’t insist on my own rights or my own way; I’m not self-seeking. I’m not touchy, fretful or resentful. I take no account of the evil done to me; I pay no attention to a suffered wrong.
  • I don’t rejoice at injustice or unrighteousness, but I rejoice when right and truth prevail.
  • I bear up under anything and everything that comes along. I’m ever ready to believe the best of every person. My hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and I endure everything without weakening.
  • My love never fails or fades out. My love never becomes obsolete. My love never come to an end.

— 1 Corinthians 13 4-8

May God strengthen and prosper your marriage like never before!

God bless you,

P.S. “Fireproof” Movie and “While I’m Waiting” Song  by John Waller on amazon

fireproof     whileimwaiting

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Abundance – Want a Powerful 3 Step Formula that Reveals Secret to Your Abundant Prosperity?

Abundance – Want a Powerful 3 Step Formula that Reveals Secret to Your Abundant Prosperity?

Tap Into Your Built-In Potential to Create Prosperity!

Law of Abundant ProsperityAbundant prosperity is a built in potential God has put inside each one of us.

Just because you are unable to see the potential inside yourself at any given moment does not mean it is not there.

You can’t see your emotions or your thoughts, but they are real, and they do exist.

How do you reveal that built in potential and tap into it?

This powerful formula is simple, but extremely effective, and gets results. It’s been taught and explained in many different ways over the years. Why? In an attempt to get people to live the life they were designed to live. How sad to see people go to the grave never accomplishing that thing they were created to do!

From Potential to Potential Realized


Start where you are and begin using the measure of faith God has given you. Just like there is great built in potential for a future harvest inside the smallest seed, your faith has built in potential to manifest abundance.

A seed won’t produce results if it’s not planted. By faith you must plant the seeds of change you wish to harvest in your life.

How do you do that? You set the law of faith into motion with your confessions. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.  (Proverbs 18:21)

By faith, confess (speak) your desire; your belief. Verbally state out loud to yourself what it is you believe to manifest. Faith speaks what it believes.

Understand that faith works in your heart, not in your head. Use your mind to make a plan and decide what it is you need and desire. Then by faith, speak it to get it planted in your heart where it will go to work.

Hearing yourself speak your desire is not only the secret activator of your faith, but it also increases your faith. As your faith grows, you’ll find yourself thinking and talking more often about that thing you need or desire. This positive cycle helps you become fully persuaded; which leads us to the next step.


Faith is described as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. (Hebrews 11:1)

In order to manifest your desire, you must have faith that is fully persuaded. It is important to eliminate doubt, wavering, and wishy-washy thinking. Become fully persuaded and certain of what you believe.

Have hope that positive things are coming to pass.

Visualize your desired goal in great detail and keep hopeful and focused on the prize. Have confidence that what you can now only see by faith will manifest in the natural.


It is now time to mix your faith with action. Faith without works is dead. (James 2:20)

The law of faith may be a spiritual law, but it works along with natural laws. If you believe, then you’ll take action; which is required to get results.

The farmer doesn’t plant seed unless he believes it will produce a harvest. After sowing the seed, his work is still not done. It requires more work tending to it. Even after it is fully grown it still requires massive action to reap the harvest.

Also keep in mind; everything produces after its kind and you reap what you sow. Speak only your desired result or solution, not the problem. Keep your thoughts, words, and actions lined up with your desired belief.  If you let fear or unwanted thoughts creep in, then you’ll soon have an unwanted harvest.

Now go use this formula in your life. Exercise your faith and put it to good use. For ultimate results, find out what the Word of God has to say over your situation and speak it. Tap into your potential and reveal abundant prosperity.

May your faith increase and your life be full of growing prosperity!

Be blessed to be a blessing –


P.S. Have any of these steps helped you manifest prosperity in your life?

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The Prayer of Jabez – Free Download

The Prayer of Jabez – Free Download

The Power of Prayer

Prayer of Jabez









“And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying,
Oh that you would bless me indeed,
and enlarge my coast,
and that Your hand might be with me,
and that You would keep me from evil,
that it may not grieve me!
And God granted him that which he requested.”

— 1 Chronicles 4:10

Download a free pdf copy by right clicking here and saving to your computer:
Prayer of Jabez PDF

God bless you,

P.S. I hope you enjoy this and find it a blessing. The image background credits go to artist Billy Alexander.

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Christian Leadership: How Can a Spirit of Excellence in Leaders Bring Growing Prosperity?

Christian Leadership: How Can a Spirit of Excellence in Leaders Bring Growing Prosperity?

Powerful Leaders Choose a Spirit of Excellence!

Leadership Spirit of ExcellenceLeaders should continually strive for a spirit of excellence, especially Christians.

As leaders, we must pursue excellence all along our journey of life and not think of it as a destination.

Maintaining a spirit of excellence creates positive results and growing prosperity.

We serve a God of excellence and we should desire to have excellence come out of us.

“O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all the earth!” 
— Psalm 8:1

A Lack of Excellence Equals a Lack of Prosperity

Not everyone has had the privilege of being raised in an environment that operated in a spirit of excellence. Too often chaos and confusion are the norm. A lack of excellence in an environment tends to create a victim’s mentality in people.

How on earth can progress be made when the conduct of a leader or group is lazy, slothful and non-committed?

Where there is no commitment to excellence, there is no promotion or growing prosperity. People may seek excellence and prosperity in life, but nothing is going to happen until the excuses and victim mentality stops.

People, whether they know it or not, are looking for excellence, and it should be required in leaders.

A Spirit of Excellence Brings Promotion

Excellence always takes us to another level and causes things to happen. If we want more, we have to be determined to shake off a slothful spirit and put on an excellent spirit; in order to bring out our full potential.

Excellence often requires doing something we have never done before. It requires us to stretch in all areas of our personal growth. This does not go unnoticed to others or God. Leaders that have a spirit of excellence will get God’s attention and allow Him to take them to another level.

We see examples of this all throughout the Bible and throughout history. Take a look at how Daniel was promoted because of an excellent spirit.

“Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.” 
— Daniel 6:3

Excellence is something leaders must continually work on and strive to improve and develop in themselves. Keep in mind; none of us are perfect and have it all together. This area of life, like all others, requires that we seek God daily for His help.

Believe me. As a leader, there might be areas in your life that other people don’t think you excel at, but once you start working and striving towards a life of excellence others will take notice. You will grow as a leader, and just like Daniel, you will find that a powerful spirit of excellence puts you in position for promotion!

May you continually pursue a spirit of excellence and experience a life of growing prosperity.

God bless you –


P.S. Has there been a time in your life you experienced a promotion because you were operating with a spirit of excellence? If so, feel free to share and encourage others…

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Innocent Blood – The Waiting Kind Music Video

Innocent Blood – The Waiting Kind – Music Video

The Waiting Kind: “Innocent Blood”

We as believers don’t like to think of the pain of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and His shed blood –

BUT, as Christians we need to be regularly reminded of the powerful saving grace of God that we have received by faith through Jesus and the price He paid for us with His life.

It is good for us to remember His love! Let us never take it for granted…

This is a beautiful song – enjoy! (I love seeing people use their God given talents for the Lord.)

God bless you,

P.S. “Innocent Blood” is on the album “In the Land of Hope” by The Waiting Kind and can be downloaded on amazon.

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Powerful Spiritual Meditation – Why Should Christians Meditate?

Powerful Spiritual Meditation – Why Should Christians Meditate?

The Powerful “Lost Art” of Christian Meditation

Powerful Spiritual MeditationChristian meditation is a choice and a positive, life transforming choice at that.

The Bible makes it clear that meditation is for His children.

However, meditation seems to be a “lost art” for most believers these days. 

Yet whether we realize it or not, as Christians today we have a deep spiritual need to meditate.

This is the reason many believers so easily get drawn into evil spiritual activity, which the Bible warns about often.

The list of reasons why Christians should meditate is practically endless. Let’s look at some of the key purposes of biblical meditation.

God Commands Us to Meditate on His Word

How about the fact that the Bible commands us to? God says to meditate on His Word day and night so we will obey it.

“…you shall meditate day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written…” 
— Joshua 1:8

How can we do and obey without first having an understanding of what is required? Meditation on the kingdom of God way of living gives us that knowledge. It also empowers us to act on it.

Meditation Helps Manifest God’s Blessings and Promises in Our Life

Manifestation of the blessings and promises of God are a result of meditating on scripture. As we meditate, our understanding of God and His ways will draw us closer to Him.

Our faith and love will increase along with the desire to please God in a greater way. Meditation, and the gathering of knowledge alone, will not manifest results. Action on this revealed knowledge is required to receive the blessings.

In the same verse quoted earlier we see that it goes on to say that blessing can be expected when we meditate and then act on God’s Word.

“…then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.” 
— Joshua 1:8

Revelation of God’s Laws Benefits Society

God’s word is packed full of eternal mysteries just waiting for the diligent, faithful believer to discover. And just as discoveries in the natural world, benefit society, so do spiritual discoveries reflected in the living Word of God.

Electricity has always been, but think about how the discovery of this law greatly impacted the world. With discovery comes progress. And the discoveries found in God’s laws have the greatest power for transformation.

Case in point: Meditation on the laws of God’s kingdom can take us out of the spiritual Stone Age and into a life where spiritual wonders and miracles await.

Are you ready to make Christian meditation a habit in your life?

God bless you,

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